/cat/ - Cats

Meow or Nya?

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     Cat Years vs. Human Years
(One Year (?) Anniversary (?) Edition)

I had always heard that 1 human year was equivalent to 7 cat years, but then I remembered having read the following…

>The old “seven year” rule is simple but not quite accurate because cats age more rapidly during the first two years of life. In a feline’s very first year, he or she reaches the human age of 15. By a feline’s second year, he or she is the equivalent of age 24.

Is there any truth to this?

And assuming /cat/ was here from the start, would it be more appropriate to wish /cat/ a "Happy 1 Year Anniversary", a "Happy 7 Year Anniversary", or a "Happy 15 Year Anniversary"? 

Also, does St. Tibs Day have anything to do with this? I'm bad at math and could never fully grok the Discordian calendar. If St. Tibs Day has anything to do with this, then I give up. Hell, for all I know, there might already be some obscure meme about image board years vs. human years that could complicate matters further.

To be honest, I don't even know why I'm even obsessing over this. I'm allergic to cats and don't really have much of an interest in them. I only come here, after taking an antihistamine, to lurk for those sexy anime catgirls and occasionally shitpost about dogs.

In any event…
Happy Whatever Year Anniversary /cat/
Replies: >>220
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Darn it! Guess I fuced up an jumped the gum… Will someone with admin privwedges kindly edit the date on that post tomorrrow, like how you do to putt twypos in all tge other posts?
Replies: >>203
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hmmm? I don't know what you'we tawking about. You posted this thread on the correct day when /cat/ was made!
2817 - 4chan anon birthday cake character:Katia_Managan fear food monochrome stranger_danger text.png
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I'd fuck that cake cat
Replies: >>207
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How arrogant it is of humans to anchor their age to the cosmic event of a full orbiting of Earth around the Sun, but the age of cats is defined relative to something as meaningless as humans' developmental stages.
Replies: >>213
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Wwell that's quite fortuvenient for us both anon because I'd hug you too! But most of the time handsomtacular g…guys like you expect a bit more work from you before I buy you a drink. Except I meant the other way rround. You just have to find s… something this worthless whore is wood at! Like penises, or yoyos.
Does anyone hhere have a yoyo?
this place is gonna turn into an ERP forum really quickly
Replies: >>209 >>212
*whips out dick*
Replies: >>210 >>211
*unzips disk*
Replies: >>211
*whips dick*
*zips dick*
oooooooh, thats is why we have that strict rule 2. it all makes sense now.
Replies: >>217
I anchor my age to the number of times I run out of toilet paper.
we have rules?
Replies: >>218
rules are for fools.png
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Rule 1 of erischan: you do not talk about the rules.
Second rule of erischan: you DO NOT talk about the rules.
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>1 human year equivalent to 7 cat years
>cats age more rapidly during the first two years of life
>st. tibs day
and you also have to factor in their 9 lives using average cat lifespan. idk, cat's are complicated animals.
Replies: >>221
Do cats have to use all of their 9 lives at once or can they save one for later?
Replies: >>222
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I have heard tales of cats saving a life for later.
Replies: >>223
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Replies: >>225
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holy kit
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