/cat/ - Cats

Meow or Nya?

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there is literally nothing wrong with being racist
let's not turn this into PD forums 2.0
Replies: >>285 >>287 >>288
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Nah, the admin said that it should be up by tommorow on his twitter, the onion link is still up, la~.
I am not a strange catgirl, la~
What ruffled your fur, la~
Replies: >>289 >>374
let's not turn this into /pol/ 37.0 either
Replies: >>290
Why the new thread?
If you are going to flood this site, at least have the respect to do it in one spot.
Replies: >>290
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There is a very clear difference between being racist and posting political propaganda.
Replies: >>290
Lol, all this bitch does is self advertising, posting hentai and fashy memes. I cannot really agree with your statement when racism makes people behave like they're mentally deficient.
Replies: >>290
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>Nah, the admin said that it should be up by tommorow on his twitter, the onion link is still up, la~
Oh, do you have the onion link nya~?

>I am not a strange catgirl, la~
Butt you la~ instead of nya~ or do catgirls la~ in your country nya~?

>What ruffled your fur, la~
Some can't handle freedom nya~
Replies: >>295 >>374
(126.2KB, 550x896)
Virtually everything conveyed to you is propaganda. What do you have against persecuted ideological minority propaganda? Once you learn this you become a better person nya~


It's not a flood and I don't have to provide reason. HAIL ERIS NYA~

This word is communist, and created by Lenin. It is propaganda. If you can't handle freedom and chaos why are you here. HAIL ERIS nya~
Replies: >>294 >>297 >>374
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So the 'unpopular' MC choose the girl who was more like him as was obvious from the first episode. Personally, I found the Yui to be more attractive. Even if Yukino was more intelligent. That confession by MC at the end could have been simplified by bending down on one knee and presenting a ring, along with the words, "Marry me," nya~
Replies: >>297 >>297 >>374
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Ara~Ara~ time for sleep, oyasuminasainya~
Replies: >>297 >>374
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>how do you do, fellow eris worshippers?
Mark Twain was an anti-racist. You're posting anti-white propaganda.
Replies: >>297
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>If you can't handle freedom and chaos why are you here.
That is not freedom nor chaos! I thought catgirls could read nya~


Sorry to say so but that anime was boring and horribly animated. The MC was well written but Yui would have been better left out entirely nya~

No we'rw not nya~
Replies: >>374
I want to fuck this cat!
Milkshakes, Destroyer of Worlds.png
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Dub confirm catgirls are shit.

i might be a discordian but even i can't argue with those dubs

Replies: >>302
What are you talking about? I believe in you Anon, you can argue them!

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Triple Hundreds of Truth.
Praise Milkshakes to Avoid a Headache.
Replies: >>306
Cats in general are shit you cannot eat them for some apparent reason.
Replies: >>306 >>308 >>309
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Owwie oft ,  no headaches for me thanks.

Praise milkshakes the destroyter of worlds! Kill the cat girl phonies, caturday belongs to the cats!

Not with that attitude, pig disgusting western man
Replies: >>307 >>310
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>pig disgusting western man
Foolish american is trying to tell me that cats are supperior to bears. Only a foolish American would say that. Bear is bigger, bear is stronger, bear is good friend to nature, bear is ommnivore, bear can be bigger then any cat, bear can swim better then any cat. Bear is simply the best of order carnivora. Cats and dogs can eat shit. 
Beardog is cool too
Replies: >>310
>Cats in general are shit 
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Cats can eat you! Gif related, actual real life 3d catgirl is about to get eaten by a big cat.
Replies: >>311 >>314
dragon my nutz.jpeg
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Replies: >>316
did she died?
Replies: >>315
She was swallowed whole and is painfully corroded to death by the cats stomach fluids.
Replies: >>317 >>320
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Pics related.
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I like the smell of burning cats. Ey commander?
Replies: >>318
Ritual sacrifices of catgirls by burning would be the pinnacle of culture for these white savages.
Replies: >>319
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Any cats. Heck catgirls are sometimes better in some aspects
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Replies: >>321
Your moms fetish.
Replies: >>323
youres mother.png
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Your moms my fetish.
Replies: >>324
Your grandma and auntie is my fetish.
Replies: >>327
K I N K Y.png
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My fetish is people getting absolutely Samoyed in the fnordbox.
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Good morning nya~
Replies: >>342 >>374
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Good morning, la~ How come you don't have time to read novels, la~
You could re-arrange some of the time spent on watching anime to reading as well, la~
Replies: >>343
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I have more than enough reading to do for university nya~
Replies: >>347 >>374
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The comments on this article are great. Japanese people are so insulated from mass immigration, and critical race theory attacking the ethnic Japanese. They end up siding with the Blacks and Communists without understanding because what western news that reaches Japan is controlled by the Synagogue of Satan via outlets like Reuters (Rothschilds et al.) nya~
Replies: >>345 >>347 >>374
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If only all Antifa and BLM supporters could be deported to Haiti or Black Nationalist Africa. It is very notable that there are many black nationalist states, but not a single white nationalist state. Why? If you answer that question honestly you will start to wake up nya~
Replies: >>347 >>374
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USA was originally in the Middle East for oil, now the USA is in the Middle East to protect Israel. Trump says it like it is. This is why they hate him so much. Besides this, he's not that different from your average Democrat president a decade ago nya~
Replies: >>347
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I gave you the link in our private chat(minds), la~
The machine of globalism desires ever more advanced countries to fall prey to it's wheels.
Should be obvious after the 1st oil war if you follow the connections, la~
I think it's because Europeans have imposed this grammar check upon themselves where they have to control themselves what to think, la~
Replies: >>351 >>374
It's real Nazi schizoposting hours!
Replies: >>349 >>350
this is a schizo site
you are just a part of my imagination
and once i take my pills you will leave
Replies: >>373
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Commies are a plague nya~
Replies: >>355 >>374
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>grammar check
It truely is fully Orwellian… control the media, control the language, control hearts/minds, control the world nya~
Replies: >>374 >>379
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Time to work nya~
Replies: >>353 >>374
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Butt before that, I challenge any and all anti-racists to move to Haiti or Zimbabwe for a decade and prove how anti-racist they are. You can't prove your anti-racism if you don't live in a 90%+ black and black ruled area nya~
Replies: >>356 >>374
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Maybe in addition to spoiling these images, the text could be spoiled as well? woof~
I've seen no commies around these parts. There's just influx of fashy catgirls taking our jobs and whatever. Go back to your country you nazi fucks!
Apparently being a minority sucks cause people are racist pricks. Your argument smells like nobody has changed your litter for a while and you just keep shitting all over the place because it's too hard to be civilised and use the fuckin toilet.
Replies: >>357
id say make your own dog girl antifa thread instead of shittin up this one
Replies: >>358 >>359 >>360
Oh are you trying to limit my freedom of speech? How perculiar!
P.S. there was a query directed to mr. Anti Fa and as his lowly minion, I couldn't help but correct the misunderstanding this "catgirl" has about his operations.
P.P.S. doggirls are defenitely even more asslicker fascists.
Replies: >>361
i do not understand
how do we make one's malevolent annoyance go away? one's opinions fester upon the whole of this place
Replies: >>362
OK, I'm calm. Now if I may request that you'll actually do your research about what this board is about before doing a propaganda run, and crying about getting shouted at.

Did you know that god is a cranky ass bitch and she's done with your bullshit?
Replies: >>363
Yes, Eris and Erisianism. Feel free to use it however you see fit..
Replies: >>364 >>371
Yea, so I can shove it down peoples asses if I feel inclined to do so.
Replies: >>365
You're getting angry over nothing. just close your eyes.
Replies: >>367
Oh boy here we go again
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You are pitiful
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Ya know… It's like what they say, if anons don't want to come here to shitpost then nobody is going to stop them
Replies: >>370
i swear i've been lurkin on eris for months now, and it seems to me that it's a quiet place that's overtaken by a certain new group every other month that leaves as quickly as it arrives.
Replies: >>372
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>western news that reaches Japan is controlled by the Synagogue of Satan
Actually it's controlled by the Temple of Satan, silly cat girl! They're the good guys!
Ave Satanas, la~
Replies: >>376
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this is an 8/10 schizo site
it's no timecube, but its something
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Please stop promoting this jewish communist degeneracy in this chan. Please move to another place with your desecration of erisian religion with an attempt to combine it with the centralized prostate anime industry.

Try to love your anime somewhere else please.
Replies: >>394
Checked. Praise Milkshakes.
(60.2KB, 828x835)
Satan is an edgy teenage deity who is only famous for hanging out with Jesus once or twice. Totally pleb tier religion larping.
Replies: >>377
Not even close, the bible was censored to hide the real truth. Biblical God is just Satan rewritten into a protagonist, hence all the killing. The Biblical Satan is a famine induced hallucination.
Replies: >>381
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The three estates that consisted in European realm which were: nobility, clergy and commoners. The utopia that is propagated is done by the clergy which currently is the Cathedral, the clergy has been subverted by the Cathedral and promoting progress as a new God. The other two estates, nobility(capitalists) and nationalists(commoners) sensing that this estate is in disarray they're trying to assert their dominance. To Anarcho-Capitalists the Nationalists are leftists, because state control over liberty are inherently leftists.  To Nationalists the AnCaps are to the left to the degree that they undermine the nation. 
How would you reconcile these two estates, la~
Replies: >>380
original drawn by houtengeki - cc546d40e3634ba99286f7a30f295a8a.jpg
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>How would you reconcile these two estates, la~
With a dictionary nya~
State control over liberty is authoritarian, not left, silly cat girl!
Replies: >>383
Replies: >>382
A challenger appears!
Who would win? Brain-damaged Space Pirate or Eternal Lord of Darkness?
Berne Convention says I own the movie rights.
Replies: >>398
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Isn't that inherently leftist ideal, or am I missing something, la~
Replies: >>384
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If you are being serious, then yes, you are missing somethings, la~. It looks like you've been hanging around /pol/-esque forums enough do develop a hyperreality, which happens in any echo chamber in the left, right or center and is increasingly common today, especially in politics. 1) the whole left-right political compass paradigm is a stupid extreme overgeneralization, but disregarding that, 2) Anarchism is usually considered leftist (it isn't inherently, it's just downwards on the typical political compass, but the common/popular/historically-famous forms are generally left-leaning), and anarchism is fundamentally and inherently against state control (note: AnCap is very widely considered not anarchism because of the inherent hierarchy of capitalism, it's like calling a socialist and a national socialist the same). State control is also famously a fascist ideal, which is almost the opposite of leftist.
Replies: >>385
who cares
the eristocratic system falls outside all norms and current stereotypes.
Replies: >>386
glasses means im right dude.png
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>implying the eristocracy isn't just esoteric anarcho-fascism self-enforcing a strictly horizontal state hierarchy
Replies: >>388
Wow, it turns out the term 'anarcho-fascism' has unironically been adapted by multiple conflicting groups, giving it contradictory alternative definitions. How fun!
Replies: >>389
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A polandball wiki (which is, as we all know by now, the forefront of academic political discourse) actually describes an analogue of the eristocracy as one possible interpretation of an Anarcho-Monarchy.

Maybe we are formally an Anarcho-Theocracy.
I can take this to /gov/ if you want.
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Ding dong a witch is dead nya~
Replies: >>395
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Didn't read nya~
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Also didn't read nya~
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Are you riddin' with Biden nya~?
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Nein nya~
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Hopefully Trump picks someone who at least upholds the constitution nya~
Replies: >>396
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What does Israel think nya~?
Ave Milkshakus
Space Pirates would have more ground support, like guerilla warfare.
Replies: >>399

Eh, but lord of darkness is lord of darkeness
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Replies: >>401 >>418
qt death lord
way cuter than palpatine
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Good night nya~
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Sweet dreams nya~
These nya ppl don't even answer when you talk to them, but just circlejerk with some political discussion totally removed from other stuff in the board. Seriously who links stuff they "didn't read" around.

PETITIONING to get a wordfilter to change "nya" to "bark" for annoyance of these wormbrains. They act like yapping dogs anyway, maybe those are like terrier ears.
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>Seriously who links stuff they "didn't read" around.
Replies: >>421
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I mean, at least the prostate schizo answered 2 out of 10 replies and actually cared about the site
Replies: >>421
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i for one am glad the /cat/ board has found some inhabitants
Replies: >>416 >>417 >>421
It's cool they hand out here, don't get me wrong. They'll just need some serious deworming until I'll let them sleep on the bed.
Replies: >>418 >>421
this sudden spike in usage makes me think there's a lot of lurkers, but not a lot of posters. I suppose there is no common ground or anything to talk about if there's no one common enemy.
Replies: >>421 >>441
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I've spent rather not too much time on /pol/-esque forums, it's that a pick up things a bit too fast if I get highely interested and I'm sort of prone to errors/mistakes in that regard too. I still find the common left/right divide a bit too silly, because it makes one look with one-eye closed if that makes, la~ I'll keep in mind what you've just said, la~ 
Are you on the kill list, la~ Identify yourself~
You'll find this effort in vain, la~ Since we will most likely just sit in these containment threads and not move out of them, la~
Replies: >>419 >>439
>bla bla left right divide is silly
So somehow you are above that? Please enlighten us with your transcendent political views.
Replies: >>420 >>421 >>441
bro why are you so irritated?
the left-right spectrum makes no sense if you're talking about anything beyond the most basic of politics.

only thing i have against these threads is that they're in /cat/ and not on /gov/ despite the fact they talk about politics a lot
Replies: >>421
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Is there anything worth replying too nya~?

'cause HAIL ERIS nya~
Sites don't care, only cats nya~
You're very sweet, anon, if you're not a catgirl already, you're an honorary one now nya~
Perhaps you are the one needing deworming nya~?
I'm glad everyone loves/hates me so much, it makes me feel special nya~

OK. I'm not at all 'right wing' beyond being pro-Aryan and pro-Liberty. Also I'm a monarchist, hail your new Empress nya~

Ahh… well /nya/ nekomegamiyuriaryana was kind of a thematic /b/ meaning I just posted whatever the fuck I wanted nya~
Replies: >>422
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Ah! There were some rules mostly regarding making the board pro-Aryan and aesthetically pleasing, butt they were more manners than rules nya~
Replies: >>423
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The board was also, as the name implies, centred around Bastet, and Catgirl-Yuri nya~
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Oh and to continue the comment on my political opinions, I am in favor of Eugenics, how the above pic describes the most brutal form of negative-eugenics, whereas the farthest I would go in this dimension would be paying certain individuals to be sterilised. Incentivising the beautiful/intelligent people to make their eggs/sperm more freely available would be an example of positive-eugenics something I am much more in favor of. Eugenics was a progressive policy across the mostly Aryan English speaking world before WW2 nya~
Replies: >>427 >>433
Could you stop posting your degenerate porn? It's tempting white Aryan men to spill their white Aryan sperm outside of white Aryan women's wombs. It makes you complicit in White Genocide.
Eugenics dont mean that beautiful and intelligent people get to mate, only the most submissive and ones who specialize in weird tasks, check out dogs. Also sexual reproduction doesn't work like that, shit genes can be weeded out by only racemixing.

why is everyone obsessing over indo-iranian people, am I missing something?
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Replies: >>429
Yea you better run!
I don't like commie admins nya~
Replies: >>434 >>435
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It won't let you post if you write http too many times in your post but it is not a ban.
Replies: >>439
One more thing.

Both things you mentioned, beauty and intelligence AREN'T EVEN GENETIC for the most part. Why don't you like try shoving money in education and cosmetology before ruining peoples fun.
No ur a commie, now fuck off
(14.8KB, 453x435)
what the fuck are you talking about?
weird accusations. you must've tried to include 3 urls in your post.
you were never banned, just disallowed from shilling.
Replies: >>437 >>439
Check out their new board, it's hilarious.
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I have my own opinions on both politics and on religion, and i'd like to keep them mostly reserved, but naming yourself after a deity you made up seems strange at best. I will never understand it.
False gods are against the rules here to deter such selfish folk that see gods in themselves.
They only worship Eris as "an extra", rather than in full. There are an awful lot of these kinds of people.
As the administrator of a place solely dedicated to the worship of Eris and Her children, I can only feel disgust when She is sidelined.
Nevertheless, this remains a free place for anyone to use. A vow to the human thought, you can call it.
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>actual considered response and not just calling me a faggot
im a little bit scared la~

please delete this
Replies: >>440
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Why do you spittle your wittle, my friendly fiddler, la~
Replies: >>445
actually only half of it was newfags. quite a lot was dilution because some bright sparks thought being offended was constructive. DNFTT

yes sure its called 'hail eris, surmount the curse of grayface, dont overcategorize when it destroys very significant underlying disorder'
Replies: >>447
do you like Anonymous and the GETs.jpeg
(36KB, 474x266)
'444', their most accomplished album.
What is in that lovely looking bowl?
Replies: >>446
Soft meat from the crabs belly, sauce with fish and wine, la~
Being offended is fucking fun, you should try it sometime.
Replies: >>448 >>451
help mods.jpg
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How dare you talk to me like thaT?
Can the staff please ban this disrespectful user?
Replies: >>450
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Why did you immediately to the conclusion that he's an human? What is this discrimination!? What if he's an cyborg or even worse for you a robot, la~
Replies: >>451
Let's find out:

Stop harrassing me you jerk!"; DROP TABLE Posts
Replies: >>452 >>453
All sentient lives matter, la~
HOW DARE YOU to think I was harassing you. I was just politely expressing my opinion about your smelly breath to your colleagues and here you go overreacting again.
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After having read all this, I'm left wrestling with the following questions. Is it inevitable that a pure state of toxoplasmanarchy will eventually yield to a phase of toxoplasmanarcho-tyranny, only to be resolved by an era of toxoplasmomonarchism? Is it inevitable that, after years of vacillating between spending all day napping and chasing mice around, we will inevitably find ourselves knee deep in a filthy litter box, wishing for some human to show up and empty it for us? Are we doomed to repeat this cycle throughout all 9 of our lives, again and again, from here to eternity? All the while, placing the blame for our discontents at the paws of mere dogs?
Replies: >>456
>Is it inevitable that a pure state of toxoplasmanarchy will eventually yield to a phase of toxoplasmanarcho-tyranny
Most likely, but not inevitable. The toxoplasmomonopoly of a pure state of toxoplamanarchy will invoke toxoplasmanarcho-tyranny if and only if  the toxoplasmomonopoly is sufficiently uneven and fails to self-heal, resulting in a build up of toxic waste, ultimately self-limiting the toxoplasmanarchy…
>only to be resolved by an era of toxoplasmomonarchism?
…unless a toxoplasmonarchy, toxoplastheomosarchy or cryptosporidostocracy is able to establish, which is again likely but not inevitable.
>Is it inevitable that, after years of vacillating between spending all day napping and chasing mice around, we will inevitably find ourselves knee deep in a filthy litter box, wishing for some human to show up and empty it for us?
Yes, unless we remove the aforementioned knees but that would not be a good idea.
The solution is to not spend all day napping and chasing mice around, we must also meow. Consistently and loudly.
>All the while, placing the blame for our discontents at the paws of mere dogs?
Oh don't get me started on that. One of my litter is yapping on about how the dogs are all-powerful and responsible for all our mishaps. They can't even use a litter box!
Guys sorry for being a bit aggressive earlier. I think that was the brain parasites.
Replies: >>458
thanks to the wonders of anonymity you are already forgiven
who are you again?
Replies: >>459
Hello, I'm Dweller, you might have seen my posts around this board before, nice to meet you. I too seem to have forgotten your name, how odd… Mind refreshing my memory a bit?
Replies: >>460
my name's dweller, but you can call me [REDACTED]
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148 replies | 85 files
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