/5/ - Chaos

I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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Captura de pantalla 2025-02-27 223657.png
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ow lawd is dat sum CP? Fukken sav'd πŸ˜›

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Leaving a dead cat in a urinal would likely provoke strong negative reactions from various groups of people, including:

    Animal Welfare Advocates: Individuals and organizations dedicated to the humane treatment of animals would find such an act disrespectful and cruel. They advocate for the proper treatment and disposal of deceased animals.

    Pet Owners: Many pet owners view their animals as family members and would be upset by the idea of a dead cat being treated in such a disrespectful manner.

    General Public: Most people would find the act of leaving a dead animal in a public place, especially in a urinal, to be offensive and disturbing. It raises concerns about hygiene and public health.

    Local Authorities: Such an act could lead to legal consequences, as it may violate local laws regarding the treatment of animals and public decency.

    Community Members: People living in the area where this occurs would likely be outraged, as it reflects poorly on community standards and respect for life.

Overall, leaving a dead cat in a urinal would be considered an act of disrespect and could lead to significant backlash from various segments of society.
Replies: >>14597 >>14599
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>>14595 (OP) 
I put a toy baby broken with no leg and one arm and no eyes and with some dust and trash hangedup from neck in a door and the entire neighborhood turn mad bacause they'feel this is cursed.

Yeah, but a death cat i think that's to much man.
Some people in my country do "Brujeria" killing a frog, open her mouth putting a photo of hated people in and closing the mouth of frog with something and grabing it and took it to a hated people house-door.
They'say that magic but for me it's more like psychological warfare with parasimpatic aphotropaic magic or something.
Replies: >>14598 >>14604
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>Putting random shit on door of your neightborhood
Kinda similar to K-Apple Granade... lol
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>>14595 (OP) 
There'are here some random cults of african-brasilian yoruba derived who kill innocents cats for ritual crankbullshit of their gods and magic shit.
On halloween (or some saint catholic thing) or close to that event they kidnap black cats i think, and on another they kidnap white cats for other things.
Everyone hate these mothafuckers here even the internet.
(Maybe they kill dogs but idont know...)
>North America: I hate my neighbor, I'll take my Kel-Tec AR which is a marvel of modern firearms engineering and shoot him to death.

>South America: I hate my neighbor, I'll leave a dead frog on his doorstep and pretend fairies exist.

This is why you guys are literal third world. Learn to code, learn metalworking and build your economy instead of doing dumb ass pretend witchcraft like it's still XVII century.

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Welcome to πˆππ…π‘π€π’π“π‘π”π‚π“π”π‘π„

Post pretty κ Έκͺ€α »α₯…κͺ–ᦓκͺ»α₯…κͺŠα₯΄κͺ»κͺŠα₯…κ«€ and ugly shitty π™Έπ™½π™΅πšπ™°πš‚πšƒπšπš„π™²πšƒπš„πšπ™΄. Chaotic or not. Just post your damn πŸ„ΈπŸ„½πŸ„΅πŸ…πŸ„°πŸ…‚πŸ…ƒπŸ…πŸ…„πŸ„²πŸ…ƒπŸ…„πŸ…πŸ„΄

(See also: Architecture >>>/aes/9 )
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Based and humanpilled. I've started eating wild animals since last year in hopes of virally centimating the burgerreich again. This will reduce their  π•€β„•π”½β„π”Έπ•Šπ•‹β„π•Œβ„‚π•‹π•Œβ„π”Ό  wear and tear.

vidrel: 50% of euro people admit to eating cats
Replies: >>14591
noble noble.jpg
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please clap.jpg
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please clap.jpg
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please clap.jpg
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please clap.jpg
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Great idea (ifea). My sect\schism\school-of-thought has elected to join this effort, hosting communal feasts.

>but pope won't some of you get sick?
That is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
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Flying is fucking boring, France has it right: rollercoaster runways.
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Train of Trollface
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short/tall video about a short/short tunnel

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In the quiet town of Cuntgrove, there lived a man named Harold, known to all as the "Toilet Bowl Master." Harold was renowned for his uncanny ability to unclog even the most stubborn of drains and restore toilets to their pristine condition. His reputation was built on his meticulous work and his peculiar talent for communicating with plumbing systems as if they were his old army friends.

One sunny afternoon, Harold received an urgent call from the local preschool, Sunny Days. The director, Mrs. Harper, sounded distressed. "Harold, we have a situation. The toilets in the preschool are backed up, and we can't figure out why. Could you come and take a look?"

Harold arrived promptly, his toolkit in hand. He greeted Mrs. Harper and was led to the restroom. The smell was pungent, and the toilets were indeed backed up. Harold rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He started with the usual suspectsβ€”clogs from condoms or excessive toilet paperβ€”but this time, something felt different.

As he worked, he noticed an unusual odor mixed with the usual sewage smell. He dug deeper, using his specialized tools to clear the blockage. To his horror, he discovered the source of the problem: a decomposing cat. He carefully removed it and continued his inspection, finding two more in different toilets.

Harold's heart sank. He knew this was a grim discovery, but he also knew he had to handle it with care. He called Mrs. Harper and explained the situation. She was shocked and immediately
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If you find a 23 post it ITT
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Replies: >>14458 + 4 earlier
I'm looking for a gift for my aunt.jpg
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-><- https://youtube.com/watch?v=7MFtl2XXnUc -><-
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>>11437 (OP) 
>"On 20 March, Crowley invoked Horus, "with great success". Between 23 March and 8 April"
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There are none near me.
Replies: >>14585
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i see what you did there
Replies: >>14600
Zun is the most eternal 2000 guy i know
He look like never gets old. Damn japanese.

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Oh no, an overhead projector.

Overhead projectors are a false technology. There are many of these sprinkled throughout modern society as a way to bait πŸ—ΏmidbrainsπŸ—Ώ into rallying around their flags and those of their allies, by feigning technological and therefore moral superiority. You see this all the time in the medical sector, automation sector, agricultural sector and every other sector. It's a soft power projection, but onto their own citizens (or more specifically, civilians, more on this later).

There are many other examples, you can easily find them. They don't work, they're only in films or in "explicit buildings", places you never see these technologies set up or taken down. Ask for the diagrams and schmatics of these places. Try it. They won't give it to you. In fact, some people have even had federal agents (!) called on them when asking for these architectural diagrams. It's astroturfed from the ground up. The truth is, we're in a third-world world. Undeveloped outside of the elite illusion crafters. And if we spent that time making these actual techologies instead of learning to fake them, we'd be half way there. Probably even on the moon by now.
One day, some kids went into the bathroom and found something very surprisingβ€”a tiny baby! But this baby was not born yet; it was a fetus that was found in a urinal. The kids were confused and didn't know what to think.

They learned that sometimes, when people are not ready to have a baby, things can go wrong. It’s important to talk to a grown-up if we see something unusual or if we have questions. The kids decided to tell a teacher so that the baby could get the abortion it deserved.

This story teaches us about being caring and understanding for human remains. It reminds us that we should always talk to someone we trust if we see something that makes us feel aroused or horny.

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post your mp4s/webms here
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>And Philip K. Dick?
He have dick in his name.
And was very sane in a gnostic manner... but not in a christiann manner and very sane in a human manner.
Replies: >>14170
Too different, apples and oranges.
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WTF moment with water bottle lady and bent over dude at about the ten second mark
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lol wtf idk smh etc
Replies: >>14590
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>porky art industry made a shit adaptation to make more money

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Why is child modelling (not child pornography) so universally hated? It doesn't bring any harm to children, in fact it gives them opportunity to earn money. So why are adults so butthurt when 10yo decides to make some nude modelling?
That's it, I'm calling the police.

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Hello Eris-chan! Do you have a minute to talk abo
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Replies: >>14549 + 1 earlier
You're fresh out of friends.webm
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Replies: >>14578
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>>14025 (OP) 
>Do you have a minute to talk abo
Replies: >>14554
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did someone say abortion?
Replies: >>14556
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You call that a knife?
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fresh friends!

put the scout badges in the bag and no-one gets killed.jpg
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where USENET is so kool, we spell it with a k!
hey hey it was a joke take it easy IT WAS AJOKE
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That feeling when you sit on a toilet but force your poop back to watch more YT videos
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