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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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that's a ׂwaifu material
Replies: >>13890
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>>13889 (OP) 
I'm not going to marry a fucking rose.
Do people do that?

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Well, would you?
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it has willfully not exploded or imploded
Replies: >>13621
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Ask not what the Earth has done for you, but what you can do for the Earth.
Replies: >>13621
So have the Sun or the Universe at least not yet but they don't ask me to do something for me
What exactly does Earth want?
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I'm doing my best over here.
Replies: >>13888
The first rule of chickenball is you do not talk about the chickenball.

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This man made BBC popular with men across the world.
David Attenborough.jpg
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These men have singlehandedly made 'BBC videos' one of the most popular search terms online this past decade. Their effect on men worldwide cannot be overstated.
What can we do about this?

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finger his ♂️ASS♂️ and bow before your DEEP♂️DARK overlord
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BDSM Barbie is not to be underestimated.
Replies: >>13884
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Down with false gods
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It sounds stupid but hey, if it seals cumshot wound then it's better than bleeding out on the battlefield. Another thing I learned during my voluntary basic military training (DZSW) is that tampons are pretty useful to start a fire, especially if it's damp and leaf litter won't easily catch on fire. So it's not that absurd to find a soldier in the field carrying a pack of Tampax.
Replies: >>13878 >>13879
gunshot wound*
I'd forgotten they make for good kindle, thanks.
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if you could make any kinda game what kinda game would you make
Replies: >>13863
Tibia 7.4 with some features and areas backported from 7.5 and 7.6
indonesian failart schizo.png
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A game where you play as a Indonesian schizo spamming every board asking anons every thing about how to make something worth 6K
>>13860 (OP) 
some schizo killing everyone in the city
Replies: >>13868
been done before, loser.
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Two words.

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Be sure to stay hydrated, Pope!
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I see your a man of culture as well
I heard Marco Polo will be in the next Winter Olympic Games.
Replies: >>13846
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Will Disco Polo join him as well?
Replies: >>13848
In glorious dance!

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People in Europe use sink to wash their hands after taking a dump. Americans wash their hands while flushing the toilet.
Replies: >>13866
>>13865 (OP) 
>t. never been to poland

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Why do people even sell those fucking things? Like seriously. Fuck. I know people are kinky but this is fucking obscene.
Thomas the Tank was a product selling franchise like pogymon. What people don't know is it was made by the bucket industry to sell sex toys to adults.
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>the bucket industry to sell sex toys to...
the usual suspects
harry potter and those vibrating mopsticks
there's no pleading ignorance at this point
Replies: >>13864
Baby fuck, it's awwwright!

exclamation bubble.webp
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I was walking "home" from a great speakeasy, a speakeasy hidden behind smelly dumpsters and an unassuming back door, marked on the map only by a helpful local cyclist. A great time was had by all. I helped my newfound friends back to their home safely and began the extremely short, chilly, extended-by-alcohol retreat through the city street. "Home."
Then afar I saw some teen-likes, maybe 6. Two were smart enough to sit for  a break. The other three were pushing a trolley around containing the sixth in an ecstatic thrilling rush of wheels. This girl was screaming in light-hearted excitement.
Those fools must have assumed inebriated old me was respectable, or something, just because I was some years older, since one  of them pushing around the trolley said "Sorry!" as I walked by.
I simply said "Don't worry, it's fun". [I'm sure you Discordians understand that this is a profound statement despite the poetic compression of language.]
>"Have a good night."
<"You toos." [sic]
The moral of the story is: if you can drink have a Trinidad Sour, do.
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