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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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i have losd the golden gup of ylilauta :DDDD
can i hab it bag??
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>Can't compete in regular (male-only) chess tournaments? Get rid of your balls and compete against women instead.

Gee, why are LGBTQY people so pathetic?
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Replies: >>14401
>>14395 (OP) 
She's playing 7-dimensional chess with society and I still get lost on the way out of my room sometimes.
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Say whatever but this shit makes me confused real hard. It's like someome shooped hairy vagina bottom onto a male model upper torso.
Replies: >>14406
It makes me real hard too, don't worry buddy
why are spammers so pathetic?
Replies: >>14410
i wish i had an answer but they really are

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Apparently this is the new normal.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
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These are seriously overrated. Ever tried eating pasta with a buttplug? Not a pleasant experience. Ever try doing any serious ass play when you can’t feel what your finger is touching? And if you really have to have such a thing, I’m sure those dildos are available with proper size condoms that mitigate the need for washing.
You should wash your sex toys, but just use soap and water ffs.
Replies: >>14361 >>14403
One day, we will have robots wash our sex toys for us.
Replies: >>14402
The dishwasher is literally a robot.
No! That ruins the seasoning!

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Bow before the hyperchad of chess
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prove it
Replies: >>14374
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Only if you buy us burger.
Replies: >>14375
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Sorry bro, only hotdogs are available here
Replies: >>14376
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That's alright. We're just glad they don't have horse meat in them any more.
Replies: >>14397
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come at me bro

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What sin lead them to be trapped within?

Is it safer inside the black iron prison>?
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>Perhaps it's a diagnostic device, or a test.
I suppose if that's the case, then the book is only good for reactions then. I'll still read it in full soon-ish

Let's see... there's: the Honest Book of Truth, The Lost Treasure of Eris, The Manuel of the Light Warrior, Holy Nonsense, Memoirs of a Daydreamer, Chao te Ching, Devia Discordia. At least, these I found to be most memorable for me, and I still have a decent pile to go through.
One which I am in the middle of is Kheirographia Discordia (it's a scan of handwriting)
This is where I found most of my Discordian Library:
Replies: >>14339 >>14380
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What of these book have the topic of magic for kids, magick for summoning (callmindphone of pinealway) with my imaginary friends and about of the philosophy and how to sleep on the correct side of the bed?
Bacause i'l have headasches of boringness and nothing work
like the way is supposed to work.
There's a way to meditate without turn insane?
I listen to yu advice sr.popiness
>Here a photo of my medical condition called Klux Kux Klemia and Balaclava Illness
Damn, i hate the French and the Chinese XoXo
>From Rojava to Taiwan kiss kiss Bye
>This is where I found most of my Discordian Library:
Good resource. We're in there!
>What sin lead them to be trapped within?
In my (our) cabal, this is the punishment for a burst pierogi at the banquet.
I suspect this poor sod must have done something similar.
If that thing can stop lightning, surely a steam roller would be no problem.

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If you find a 23 post it ITT
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Replies: >>14349 + 3 earlier
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Replies: >>14319
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>>11437 (OP) 
>Northrup filed for divorce on April 23, 1951, charging Hubbard with "extreme cruelty" causing her "great mental anguish and physical suffering". Her allegations produced more lurid headlines: not only was Hubbard accused of bigamy and kidnapping, but she had been subjected to "systematic torture, including loss of sleep, beatings, and strangulations and scientific experiments". Because of his "crazy misconduct" she was in "hourly fear of both the life of herself and of her infant daughter, who she has not seen for two months". She had consulted doctors who "concluded that said Hubbard was hopelessly insane, and, crazy, and that there was no hope for said Hubbard, or any reason for her to endure further; that competent medical advisers recommended that said Hubbard be committed to a private sanatorium for psychiatric observation and treatment of a mental ailment known as paranoid schizophrenia."
Poor girl.
Animation vs Geometry.webm
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9 + 11 = 23

They died so we don't have to.

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lel rekt
Replies: >>14388
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>>14386 (OP) 
The anti-tourist resistance has arrived. We demand more Erisians!
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MSI - IGW.ogg
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Why are comment sections typically so dumb? I want an actual explanation for this. I DEMAND IT!

YouTube comments are infamous for this. "First"posting is already arrogant nonsense, but that's not even the worst of it. You know what these idiots do? They just type out random lines from the video and click submit.
What braindead shit is that? Why would a functioning human do that? This isn't rare, so many people do this. And you know what's even dumber? Sometimes they don't even type the correct words because they misheard it. People are all hyped up about 'well what happens when computers become intelligent??/?' but I want to know is what happens when people can't pass the Turing test. Did they think the Submit button was asking them to yield all thought processes and kowtow to the Almighty Algorithm?

If you're unfortunate enough to want to know the name of a porn actor and try your luck in the comments... oh you're in for a treat. The most pathetic shit you've seen in years: automated dregs feigning intimacy in the comments of a repost of a repost of a professional, deluded enough to think the person will see it, let alone have a mere neuron of respect for this person. I have infinitely more respect for the person who takes a Twilight Sparkle plush on a date. At least they're having a fun time. At least they know it's a silly roleplaying game. They're not typing the word "Hi" and hoping someone finds that interesting a
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It's an impenetrable riddle; how can so many people be so fucking asocial. Is it:
>literal children flooding into the internet?
>state moronification conspiracy?
>low barriers of entry let the nerds be drowned in the retards?
PRAY for the dead internet, because it's smarted than half of this internet
Had a pleasant conversation at the Gault's Gulch cafe the other day. Wifi access was for shit, but you get what you pay for.
Replies: >>13937
You can get what you want for free. Just take our your schlong and threaten them with urine if they don't comply.

Using penis is not considered armed robbery so there's no risk of being detained.
Replies: >>13938
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My friend's is considered an arm :(
But do you??????

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We're having a picnic!
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>>12514 (OP) 
Entitled humans think our apartments are their parks! Horrible!
You must construct additional picnics.
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>>12514 (OP) 
Replies: >>14379
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She fetches pizza from unsuspecting picnicers. Truly man's best friend.

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Be sure to stay hydrated, Pope!
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30 inch.jpeg
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Make sure to hydrate your belongings too.
Replies: >>14197
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Do you have a pope action plan ready?
My nieghbor left town so im watering their belongings for them.
Replies: >>14371

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