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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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its always funny in sillydelphia.jpg
(17.9KB, 474x192)
What the FUCK is the deal with broken tail lights?

>Assata Shakur (first woman on the FBI Ten Most Wanted, Tupac's godmother): stopped for broken tail light, starting New Jersey Turnpike shootout
>Edmund Kemper (notorious serial killer): stopped for broken tail light while returning with two corpses
>Billy Ray Waldon (FBI Ten Most Wanted): stopped for broken tail light, leading to apprehension
>Donald Turpin (one of the two last people legally executed in Canada, simultaneously hanged): stopped for broken tail light when fleeing robbery, leading to shootout
>Stewart Weldon (serial rapist-murderer-kidnapper): stopped for broken tail light while victim tied in the backseat

These are just some of the highest profile instances.
Replies: >>10938
Have you ever had a broken tail light? How did it make you feel?
It's not the tail light. They could have been stopped for any other reason and would have been caught anyway. The lesson here is that people who drive cars are evil.
Replies: >>10915
There you go victim-blaming again. Let's not forget the common element here: the cars themselves. Clearly cars are evil and use their tail-lights to provoke humans into fits of rage.
So, what you're saying is, if you're going to do something awful, fix your tail lights first.
Replies: >>10944 >>10946
No you smoothbrain, go everywhere in reverse!
Replies: >>10961
The rule is, One Crime At A Time.
Replies: >>10953 >>10960
But multithreading is so much more efficient. Idk who has time to sit around and wait for their previous crime to complete before beginning a new one.
Replies: >>10960
Exactly. >>10946 needs to learn some respect for efficiency.
I tried that. They still dinged me for the tail light… 

and the bodies.
Replies: >>11021
Try distracting them by smoking weed
Replies: >>12361
Even better: salvia
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