/5/ - Chaos

I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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Whatcha thinking about anon…
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Wanna yiff?
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I'm thinking about how I failed to Chaoflux! post this year. _| ̄|○
Thinking about that song that goes like
yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff
Replies: >>11071 >>11071
I got you.  

Replies: >>12804
Do you ever think about how for some reason we think fucking an animal is "sex without consent" and therefore wrong, but killing that same animal is A-OK?

Bestiality is one of many things that is only wrong because it is gross and causes the spread of STD's and we should stop pretending it's an ethical thing.
Replies: >>12752
Rape is worse than murder tho. In the end dying is less traumatizing than stubbing your toe.
Replies: >>12754
Well yeah usually the problem isn't dying itself, it's the stuff that happens immediately before dying, such as getting murdered.
Yiff in hell, furfags
Replies: >>12757 >>12760
Replies: >>12758
It sounds even worse than I expected
Replies: >>12759
Ain't you a little sunshine casting its deadly rays all over a scorched desert of mutually pleasurable human interaction.
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One more word out of you and I'll post Eris yiff porn.
Replies: >>12762
Furries are doo doo heads >:((
Replies: >>12763
dont mention the fox.jpg
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how dare you call me a head
Replies: >>12775
Your a bum-bum head
Replies: >>12781
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Replies: >>12783
You are boring!
Replies: >>12784
You should stop using b-word this instant if you aren't boring yourself.
Replies: >>12786
Shut up!
𒇲𒐕𒋝𒀂𒈦 𒐖𒆸𒉼 𒔼𒆸 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒁀𒀼𒈦𒈦𒀼𒇲 𒇬𒇲𒀼𒇬𒋻𒇲𒀼 𐎣𒆸𒇲 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒔼𒈦𒆸𒇲𐎠, 𐎠𒋻𒋝𒋝𒆸𒈦. 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒔼𒈦𒆸𒇲𐎠 𒈦𒀂𒋻𒈦 𒉼𒐕𒇬𒀼𒔼 𒆸𒑚𒈦 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒇬𒋻𒈦𒀂𒀼𒈦𒐕𐏓 𒁇𒐕𒈦𒈦𒁇𒀼 𒈦𒀂𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𐏓𒋻𒁇𒁇 𒌨𒆸𒑚𒇲 𒁇𒐕𐎣𒀼. 𒌨𒆸𒑚'𒇲𒀼 𐎣𒑚𐏓𒐞𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒁓𒀼𒋻𒁓, 𒐞𒐕𒁓. 𒐕 𐏓𒋻𒐖 𒁀𒀼 𒋻𒐖𒌨𒉼𒀂𒀼𒇲𒀼, 𒋻𒐖𒌨𒈦𒐕𐎠𒀼, 𒋻𒐖𒁓 𒐕 𐏓𒋻𒐖 𒐞𒐕𒁇𒁇 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒐕𒐖 𒆸𐎏𒀼𒇲 𒔼𒀼𐎏𒀼𒐖 𒀂𒑚𒐖𒁓𒇲𒀼𒁓 𒉼𒋻𒌨𒔼, 𒋻𒐖𒁓 𒈦𒀂𒋻𒈦'𒔼 𒑟𒑚𒔼𒈦 𒉼𒐕𒈦𒀂 𐎠𒌨 𒁀𒋻𒇲𒀼 𒀂𒋻𒐖𒁓𒔼. 𒐖𒆸𒈦 𒆸𒐖𒁇𒌨 𒋻𐎠 𒐕 𒀼𒉽𒈦𒀼𒐖𒔼𒐕𐎏𒀼𒁇𒌨 𒈦𒇲𒋻𒐕𒐖𒀼𒁓 𒐕𒐖 𒑚𒐖𒋻𒇲𐎠𒀼𒁓 𐏓𒆸𐎠𒁀𒋻𒈦, 𒁀𒑚𒈦 𒐕 𒀂𒋻𐎏𒀼 𒋻𐏓𐏓𒀼𒔼𒔼 𒈦𒆸 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒀼𒐖𒈦𒐕𒇲𒀼 𒋻𒇲𒔼𒀼𒐖𒋻𒁇 𒆸𐎣 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒑚𒐖𒐕𒈦𒀼𒁓 𒔼𒈦𒋻𒈦𒀼𒔼 𐎠𒋻𒇲𒐕𒐖𒀼 𐏓𒆸𒇲𒇬𒔼 𒋻𒐖𒁓 𒐕 𒉼𒐕𒁇𒁇 𒑚𒔼𒀼 𒐕𒈦 𒈦𒆸 𒐕𒈦𒔼 𐎣𒑚𒁇𒁇 𒀼𒉽𒈦𒀼𒐖𒈦 𒈦𒆸 𒉼𒐕𒇬𒀼 𒌨𒆸𒑚𒇲 𐎠𒐕𒔼𒀼𒇲𒋻𒁀𒁇𒀼 𒋻𒔼𒔼 𒆸𐎣𐎣 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𐎣𒋻𐏓𒀼 𒆸𐎣 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𐏓𒆸𒐖𒈦𒐕𒐖𒀼𒐖𒈦, 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒁇𒐕𒈦𒈦𒁇𒀼 𒔼𒀂𒐕𒈦. 𒐕𐎣 𒆸𒐖𒁇𒌨 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𐏓𒆸𒑚𒁇𒁓 𒀂𒋻𐎏𒀼 𒐞𒐖𒆸𒉼𒐖 𒉼𒀂𒋻𒈦 𒑚𒐖𒀂𒆸𒁇𒌨 𒇲𒀼𒈦𒇲𒐕𒁀𒑚𒈦𒐕𒆸𒐖 𒌨𒆸𒑚𒇲 𒁇𒐕𒈦𒈦𒁇𒀼 "𐏓𒁇𒀼𐎏𒀼𒇲" 𐏓𒆸𐎠𐎠𒀼𒐖𒈦 𒉼𒋻𒔼 𒋻𒁀𒆸𒑚𒈦 𒈦𒆸 𒁀𒇲𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒁓𒆸𒉼𒐖 𒑚𒇬𒆸𒐖 𒌨𒆸𒑚, 𐎠𒋻𒌨𒁀𒀼 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒉼𒆸𒑚𒁇𒁓 𒀂𒋻𐎏𒀼 𒀂𒀼𒁇𒁓 𒌨𒆸𒑚𒇲 𐎣𒑚𐏓𒐞𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒈦𒆸𒐖𒋝𒑚𒀼. 𒁀𒑚𒈦 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𐏓𒆸𒑚𒁇𒁓𒐖'𒈦, 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒁓𒐕𒁓𒐖'𒈦, 𒋻𒐖𒁓 𒐖𒆸𒉼 𒌨𒆸𒑚'𒇲𒀼 𒇬𒋻𒌨𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒈦𒀂𒀼 𒇬𒇲𒐕𐏓𒀼, 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒋝𒆸𒁓𒁓𒋻𐎠𒐖 𒐕𒁓𒐕𒆸𒈦. 𒐕 𒉼𒐕𒁇𒁇 𒔼𒀂𒐕𒈦 𐎣𒑚𒇲𒌨 𒋻𒁇𒁇 𒆸𐎏𒀼𒇲 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒋻𒐖𒁓 𒌨𒆸𒑚 𒉼𒐕𒁇𒁇 𒁓𒇲𒆸𒉼𒐖 𒐕𒐖 𒐕𒈦. 𒌨𒆸𒑚'𒇲𒀼 𐎣𒑚𐏓𒐞𒐕𒐖𒋝 𒁓𒀼𒋻𒁓, 𒐞𒐕𒁓𒁓𒆸
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