/5/ - Chaos

I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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(554.3KB, 1920x1080)
COPY_1_COPY_1_MURDER DRONES - Episode 3: The Promening [djsJqNAGMuY]_FROM_00-04-51-532_TO_00-04-56-666_FROM_00-00-00-106_TO_00-00-05-638.webm
(1.9MB, 2560x1440)
COPY_1_MURDER DRONES - Episode 2: Heartbeat [7z8DO1KhPFo]_FROM_00-02-08-932_TO_00-02-09-699.webm
(1.7MB, 2560x1440)
You guys are FUCKED, i will have the bestests webm's of all time all the time, i will have the greatest reaction webm's and gif's. Everyone are mere plebs compared to me.
Replies: >>11174
(112.1KB, 1280x720)
Cool they've automated advertising again.
Replies: >>11173
I did a full cleanup and only had Murderdrones on my system, I will post more as i see good scenes from various media.
Replies: >>11178
You could give your files cool names too.
Replies: >>11176
(1.9MB, 1920x1080)
I will name This one "web of the bloody fullmoon, is this cool enough?
Replies: >>11177
I was talking about your wetware. Cartoons are products and you are voluntarily trying to saturate culture with their images for street cred??
Replies: >>11180
I am doing none of that for sure. If i wanted street cred i would post fukken HELLSING U L T I M A T E OVA, not murderdrones. Animation is good even thought it is a indie studio but writing is cringe af, not good for street cred, especially in eris where he realest niggas hang out
Replies: >>11181
Just make your own animations to consume like everyone else.
How do you do it? I usually use ffmpeg and it can be painful.
Replies: >>11188 >>11191
Flip thru a powerpoint really fast and do some voice acting
install this, press c at the start and end of the part you want cut and it is done, the cut video will be created in the same directory of the video.
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