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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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can we talk about NWMs(new religious movements), CIA-cults and joke religions\discord cults which people actually take seriously?
I can think of raellians\ayy imao channelers ("star seeds"), church of the subgenius, Motherboard, etc. In my country at least there are literally thousands of scammers which make up fake shit ("horus reiki" is a big one. bio-decodification, you can become a "certified healer" with online zoom classes…huge bunch of bull). I studied\trolled the TOV a bit, and read some 333 stuff . iron gates was revolting, couldnt read it. the drill sergeant grey is an hilarious concept,tho.
>cults which people actually take seriously
are you implying that we don't take this seriously? I'm very offended. We take discordianism very seriously around here, that's why none of us take it seriously.
Replies: >>11434
I was talking of the church of the subgenius -I should have clarified- or Motherboard , the lain-based discord cult (I think youre supposed to log in your info in some AI so you get resurrected by Omega Point).
or the church of last-thurdayism , the church of euthanasia etc
Why are "New Religious Movements" not considered legitimate? Is there a minimum amount of time they have to be around before being given recognised status? If so, how long are we talking? When did Christianity stop being a "New" movement? Does a religion retroactively become legitimised after a few centuries or are early adopters always going to have been cultists?
Everybody knows its not a real religion before it has fundamentalists
aye, good point. Christianity started with less than 100 guys (there were like 70 *disciples* of Jesus besides the 12 *apostles* )something like priests vs laymen. 
However I think many nrs are unironically CIA-mkultra stuff . Falung Dafa\falung gong gets a lot of shit but pubmed has some stuff about the 5 exercises themselves being legit
Replies: >>12375
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Here's a new movement. So new that I'm the only member so far… or as far as I know because I've been too busy hunting to put this idea to a search engine. 
Predatorianism, it's a radical and somewhat heretical offshoot of veganism where you take one for the team by eating meat, but only the meat of predatory animals with the goal of eating all of them up to the point of extinction because eating meat is wrong.
Anyone is welcome to join, but best to keep this as decentralized and hush hush as possible until existing laws regarding endangered species can be modified. So far the only bylaw is a strict NO CANNIBAL policy for obvious reasons.
Replies: >>11441 >>11443
Can we do a huge cannibal feast after we're done?
Replies: >>11442 >>11443
Just deserts?
I'm not sure I can get on board with that, but that could be a good thing! Like how Cabbage was wondering about when a new movement becomes legit…
Maybe a new movement can only receive recognized status after it's first schism.
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I unironically mused with some frens some week ago that eating meat of a carnivore is -by logic- manlier than eating the meat of an herbivore. ie;eating wolf, or tiger meat vs cow meat
>the terrifying implication is that eating the meat of male human warriors is the highest treasure…but "appeal to consequences" is just a fallacy aint it?
Replies: >>11453
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Would a pagan cult which worships Heracles require medals from sports, lifting achievements, battles won as offering?
a warrior-cult based on piety and devotion- seems like a good idea? It could be a fun show of valorous men constantly one-upping each other
>Hey shoulder shrugged 500 kilos!
>hey I jump off a plane with no parachute and survived in one piece!
Replies: >>11454
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Are you telling me that somehow, through some insane space-time path, you hadn't read, heard or watched a rip-off of The Most Dangerous Game?
Only one person goes to the afterlife: the Human Champion.

>but what if someone dies before th
Replies: >>11455
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The new fashion craze trend will be wearing gorilla-fur sleeveless jackets and using a boa constrictor (the whole thing) as a belt
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May you OP, be touched by His Noodly Appendage. Ramen.
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Mormonism should be the favorite religion of weirdos and freaks (I say this terms in the "recovered word" way)
its basically a become-god scheme, alien mythology, multiverse , celestial sex (isekai-lite), unironic racism…
it's most likely a lot of those starseed channellers are hooked up to one of Apollo's children and his evil cult
There was that The Temple ov Psychik Youth - TOPY and then P-Orridge went about rebooting-rebranding as One True Topi Tribe later on.
OTTT ←— looking like chanting an "Om", as they would write
Gen asked for membership fees at some point. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯  How's that for a schism?
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the guy died but his cult is pretty good at making up stuff.
I verified -tried to- the dharma masters and theres almost no info online…but also no exposes or debunkings -so people cant be SURE its a lie, there is room for doubt-
Also he made people lift like 200+ kilos to verify they were enlightened enough
Sehfetiye cult from Turkey is THE most based cult in this world, not because of some phony "facts" and "logic" but by the sheer insatiable COCK of their sheik. 
This islamic cult is based on LIGHT, the purest form of energy who is a better light source than the Sheigh. He has thet light inside him, he produces it soo much he can give his light to his believers soo they can go to heaven as people without light can't go to heaven. He knew his game soo well he gave light anally to men and vahinally to women. He carried that HUGE, INSATIABLE, ROCK HARD and THROBBING responsibility of putting his light tap into men and women of all ages. He got his light from the former sheik of the cult and he just put more knowledge behind it, he basically perfected his strategy of giving people light.

If your leader can't light me+my wife and my dad don't act like you have a REAL leader.
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