I'm not sure of this theory. Did the human hands just go?
There is a valid point, that scale brings commercial interest. If we suddenly had 1000 Discordians, then people selling Eris statues on Etsy or their fringe website with ads may see us as potential customers and therefore have a financial interest to post ads here and shill their products. Again, culture matters. Look at the (literal) spam on XJ9K: because of the current culture of chan imageboards, with /pol/ as a dominant entity, a lot of the spam is political, the kind many hobby boards and us will immediately recognize as out-of-place and intrusive. We even get that way about frogposters. But on other boards, a person or even a bot can do this without suspicion.
Now, I don't suspect Erischan will face issues of scale. There's little if any outward-facing presence, beyond our name being on the webring and sites like AllChans. There is extremely occasional mention of us on 4/x/ and so I assume it would be the same elsewhere. But hypothetically, it could happen, and it's usually a huge wave without warning and then if there isn't a huge quality-control purge, it ends up being drawn closer to the generic mainstream where untrained bots can blend in.
As for the million miles an hour shitposting, real-time IM platforms like Discord serve that purpose well-enough for most people I'd guess. Why should someone come back to imageboards? I like them because of the anonymity and their typically anti-corporate nature - I'm not here to make parasocial friends with name tags and I don't want ads or a chat program pretending it's my buddy pal while stalking me. But most people seem fine with that.
Unless a place builds a worthwhile community (and uphill battle) or people suddenly change their values (see Mastodon, Lemmy waves of refugees after corporate equivalents fucked people over) or some news mentions them, then I don't really sense a wave coming.