/5/ - Chaos

I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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happy bureaucracy! or something
please take time to complete the full form before you post, including name, email, captcha and password
Europe imported biliards of niggers and arabs. Thanks to merkel crime rates in most EU cities are comparable to some street shitting shitholes in sudan, india or nigeria. Meanwhile in my based Belarus it's safe, no rapefugees or imported niggers. In crime news worst thing was some narcoman stole bread and fish from store and police nabbed him 15 minutes later. 

I really hope in 30-50 years EU will become wasteland devoid of all life.
Replies: >>11980 >>11990
*taps paper* sir, you didn't complete the form, and I'm afraid a piece of shit is not valid identification.
Name: Pope
Email: henry.henry@hens.com
Captcha: 4531161 [passed]
Password: VYSPsi&w

"You too."
Replies: >>11990
please fill a complaint and send it to 6 Jl. Prambanan, Jakarta-Center, Jakarta. Addressed to "Melah jeruk the Great"
thank you anon, I will forward your post to the competent authorities, who will determine whether or not they should accept or delete your post. In case the post has already been deleted, you can find an archived version somewhere, it's unclear where, the best you can do is send an email to contact at erischan dot org.

Cordially, the competent authorities of the New Bureaucracy thread numbered 11978
Replies: >>12009
To: >>11990
Did you attach the stamp?
Replies: >>12025
4 of them!
Replies: >>12027
You cunt
Replies: >>12030
That language is not work appropriate.
I am giving you a citation.
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