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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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the time to #boycottcalifornia is now
Replies: >>12241
This is why I hate americans. They need to bring up their trivial culture bitching in every conversation even if it's totally unrelated to the topic. Go back to your own burger eating/fat ass thread; >>12013
>do not yield to Californians in traffic
Californians already do that!
Replies: >>12156
California girls are unforgettable.
Replies: >>12154 >>12190
>>12153 (me)
In fact, they're a leading field of research in dementia patients.
Ah, Californians, our trusty frontline soldiers keeping us safe from the Californian menace
Frankly, I wish they could all be california girls.
Replies: >>12201
Not all of them, those with female penis can be somewhat of a turn off (but anal is still fun with them, you just need to be kinky!)
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California has no pretty girls. There is no girl from California who may, can, nor should be described as "pretty".
California in fact imports pretty girls from out of state.

Do you believe that?
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