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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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(8.7KB, 240x240)
Egirls, neets, social outcasts, mental illness
We don't really recruit. Eris will reveal herself to them if she wants, otherwise they can go become a SubGenius for $5
>Discord (non-Erisian one)
>Egirls, neets, social outcasts, mental illness
I can guess how that will be
Replies: >>12539
(175.2KB, 220x220)
So this is like a chatroom for depressed 20-something gen Z boys to orbit BPD 20-something gen Z girls?
Replies: >>12547
>I can guess how that will be
I really doubt that. You give off a vibe that you guess a lot but verify very little.
Replies: >>12543
I like egirls
but I refuse to use proprietary software
(202.2KB, 854x480)
>imblyign there are girls on the internet anymore
Replies: >>12542
>implying thefe arw boys in the internet anymore
Sis, boys are out playing football while we browse tumblr.
Someone sounds defensive!
Replies: >>12544
Wrong again the tone was highly offensive. I dont give a crap about that shitty discord, I'm here to bully idiots.
this is basically every discord server
Replies: >>12558 >>12560
Assumed as much. Seems like the only people who ever ask me about Discord when I play vidya are in their 20s. The application itself seems like TeamSpeak with a lot of bloat and bells and whistles.
Replies: >>12561
it's Teamspeak with image suppoort and owned by the CIA
Replies: >>12563
Replies: >>12564
Nope, CIA. CPC have no use for it, silly billy.
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