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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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nazbol espanol.jpeg
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I know anorexia is a very serious mental-health problem and can have frankly lethal consequences, but Im honestly fascinated in an "aesthetic appreciation" way by super-skinny girls. I really feel if I have an anorexic gf. and dont actively try to help her, I would be actively contributing to whatever serious damage she incurs. I would feel like a necessary accomplice of a self-harm activity.
On other side I think everyone has the right to date the type of man\woman he or she feels is more attractive and aesthetically pleasing.
What can I do? Should I Challenge my own world-view on this subject? I tried to talk about it with friends, but the women friends yucked out and I myself yucked out by the male friends exalting the virtues of voluptuous, curvy women.
Im not a pretty guy but for some reason I have luck with getting women, so even someone as hard-to-reach as these type of girl, I think I have a realistic chance of succeeding in the dating field) . I have 2 jobs ,even tho I only need one, I play many instruments and speak 4 languages.

Im 24 years old.
Anorexic girls are very easy to get because they're usually very low self esteem and base their self-worth on how much men are attracted to them.

Now, do you actually want a super skinny girl? She'll have health problems, probably depression, and you won't be able to be very rough during sex without serious risk.
Replies: >>12673
You like super skinny girls for same reason the girls want to be super skinny. You have second hand anorexia and should seek help.
Replies: >>12673
Maybe Im a retard then.I deeply associated anorexia-tier skinny girls with either\both modelling and great family wealth.
Regarding the other stuff…I can bear it ,I guess. I dont like s*x much anyways.
I DO think thinspo boys are peak beauty. However I have accepted my fate as a masculine fit lad.
Replies: >>12676
>great wealth
>gives visual signal that they cant afford food
This is what Hollywood has done to us. Mourn, human.
Replies: >>12678
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They're so wealthy that they can *choose* not to eat. Kind of like how hipsters are so wealthy they can choose not to take baths.

Anyway, /fit/ girls are the most closely associated with wealth; they the time and energy to devote to sculpting their body and they can afford the high-protein foods necessary for women to develop muscle.
Replies: >>12681
Meditate on why your preferences are based on physiological traits rather than something than actually matters. Maybe you got totally outdated model of reproduction?
Replies: >>12684
lain gallina.png
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I don't if you 2 are arguing with me (Im OP) or amongst yourselves. But I appreciate and ponder both responses.
Either Im a true retard or I got meme'd by the fashion agencies and teen culture from when I was a teen.
I should do Salvia or something to get over my high school traumas
M8 if I want to reproduce these women will have to shove a baby through their vagina and then we have to raise it. Physiology and social status matter for reproduction.
Replies: >>12685
>biological reproduction
Lol this collection of memes trapped in a meat shell thinks it's an animal.
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