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I think this image is funny and interesting because the riot police could be interpreted to be part of the neo-nazi rally, than being ordered to protect it.
I wanted to share this image.
Replies: >>12698
It's funny, since it is such an absurd idea that a cop would be a nazi. How ironic would it be if a protector of a state sided with people trying to bring it down to install their own regime.
Replies: >>12700
Why would they need protection? I thought those threatened by them were the ones who needed it
Because they're wimps that are almost always outnumbered by counter-protesters. They require support from the state or their ideology falls apart.
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NSN running away from the bar they tried to attack.jpg
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>I thought those threatened by them were the ones who needed it
Modern neo-nazis are nerdy teens and manbabies radicalized through online grooming, in video game chatrooms or imageboards.
If they don't have police protection, they get beaten down by locals.

>How ironic would it be if a protector of a state sided with people trying to bring it down to install their own regime.
Ironic maybe, but not rare at all.
Here are just two separate examples,
both in Germany,
both with a group of police discovered in right-wing chats,
both of those chats only being found while investigating a pedophile officer in their chatrooms.
>2021 - https://www.dw.com/en/germany-20-police-officers-investigated-over-far-right-chats/a-57832510 (20 officers)
>2023 - https://www.voiceofeurope.com/nazi-symbolism-and-child-pornography-found-in-german-police-chats/ (5 officers)
And, the first article mentions, those investigations come after another in the same region finding a further 29 officers sharing neo-nazi content.
If you look, you find plenty of them. "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses."
Replies: >>12701 >>12709
Ah, classic anarchist bullshit. Altho cops are basically always caught assisting brownshirts, assuming corruption among boys as championing a brazeny anti-police cause abandons basic analytic choices and beliefs.
Replies: >>12714
>Why would they need protection? I thought those threatened by them were the ones who needed it
Police is supposed to protect both groups and keep things peaceful and orderly.
If there is not enough police presence the people can begin rioting, as it happened in 2005 in Toledo for example.
> While the neo-Nazi group had already left the park, most of the community members and protesters were unaware of this and began rioting.
> Eleven police personnel suffered injury, and one paramedic suffered a concussion after a brick smashed through the side window of her vehicle, hitting her in the head.
> Police, media vehicles and emergency vehicles were all targeted.
> A number of stores in the community were targeted by the crowd, including a local bar, believed by many locals to be a regular hangout for police and politicians, which was broken into and set on fire. A local gas station was also looted.
Replies: >>12714
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glowies have gotten pretty lame in these times.
back then glowies run a paramilitary, mobile death squad of serial killers (Death Hand cult). now they do…this.
Replies: >>12708 >>12718
Glowies usually don't make orgs, they infiltrate orgs and gain assets.
The point being, your photos most likely have a few feds in them (be it informants, saboteurs, agent provocateurs or else), but its also filled with regular morons who think they are neo-nazis.
The feds have eased off of Gladio work, so now its just lame nerds.
Good summary.
If they want things peaceful and orderly why don't they just remove the nazis peacefully and orderlyly themselves? Seems like it would save everyone a lot of trouble.

Maybe in Germany the nazis are anti-police, here in North America they fucking love the boys in blue. I guess because cops are barely a step up from the KKK in many counties.
Replies: >>12720
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what the fuck is the dead hand cult and why according to the internet is OTO (or any quasi-supposedly satanic cokehead new ager cult) involved?
> If they want things peaceful and orderly why don't they just remove the nazis peacefully and orderlyly themselves?
Because most (if not all) nazis died long time ago?
In USA people have their first amendment rights. If someone holds legal rally, the police have no right to just remove them on a whim.
Replies: >>12721 >>12722
>Because most (if not all) nazis died long time ago?
sorry, I forgot that you had to be a card-carrying member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei on or before October 10, 1945 to be considered a "nazi".

All I'm saying is that if they treated Nazis in 2023 like they did the black panther party in 1970 these aneristic dipshits would be way less common
Replies: >>12724
whats your.mp4
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>nitpicking between nazi and neo-nazi
I like to use the same logic every time I'm called communist. Never ever I have been part of any communist party.
Replies: >>12726
red star.jpg
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People who call other people communist almost never know what communism is.
Meanwhile, neo-Nazis worship the hyperreal liberal propaganda caricature of Hitler - they're almost perfectly in line with (and informed by) what mainstream culture thinks Nazism is, and with a similar lack of depth or theory. The distinction being, most neo-Nazis themselves don't know what [historical] Nazism was. They're not really a political ideology, they're an edgy sub-culture like punk or emo.
So in an academic context, one could claim Nazism is effectively dead, neo-Nazism has taken its place. However, outside of that context, neo-Nazi and Nazi are synonymous because no-one except an studied person, not even members themselves, can tell nor care about the difference.
Replies: >>12727 >>12733
I hear you, but it's sorta double standards if "nazi" can be defined as what is commonly meant by it, but communists get to self-define the term rather than being locked into some white working-class family-hating hating strawman. I think there's huge variety of people who self-id as nazis, who disagree about most things. Their whole ideology is based on misinterpration of reality, so how likely it would be that two of them got similar delusions.
Replies: >>12729 >>12733
Not a fan.png
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>but it's sorta double standards
but that's sorta false equivalency
One important difference is, unlike classical fascism, anarchism and socialism, the German Nazi Party was almost completely devoid of theoretical underpinning. They mostly just made shit up as they went, under all the rhetoric, propaganda and symbolism it's little more than an artistic iteration of conservative nationalism. Even the party name, by Hitler's own admission, is a farce chosen to start conversations and leech of the popular support for socialism at the time. Name one book during or prior to . The only way to try and draw any substantial theory out of their collapse is historical forensics, looking at the corpse and imagining what it was trying to do before it died.
As a result, most (you have a point that it's not all, but we're talking 90%+) of neo-Nazis are, by their own volition, worshipping a Western interpretation of Hitler's actions. The book of choice for indoctrination, if not the poorly-written ranting autobiography Mein Kampf, is Siege (a collection of tiny essays from a magazine in the 80s which, by taking inspiration from Charles Manson, Hitler, the revolutionary anarchist Bakunin, a few anti-capitalist revolutionaries, and a schizophrenic hodgepodge other sources) also merely states that groups (le jews, cops, people who think and plan instead of just doing) and policies are hurting the white man (whoever you decide that is), and to just do shit. That's basically the conclusion chapter in a nutshell, 'just do it™'. These books are either rants or short-sighted tactical guides, and most other theory recommended by them is random stuff about le soul of the white man, not any kind of social or economic engineering but just more rationale of superiority.

Replies: >>12733
There isn't really any other way to cohesively define a modern Nazi beyond 'trying to make White nationalism and persecuting non-Whites into an ideology', because that's really the only reason a modern person will be drawn into the ideology. There is no foundation beyond the Hitler's rantography and Nazi Party's propaganda and their actions, so the ideology is a shallow resurrection of what people in enemy countries of Germany saw of the Nazis through the lens of Western mass culture (anti-Nazi propaganda). Which was basically 'genocide the commie Jews, expand the land, have discipline, Whites are the master race'.

Now, contrast this with classical fascism, a descendant of the national syndicalism movement. They had economic plans to form collaboration between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, creating a collectivist corpus for national unity! They wrote serious works defining what fascism was! There are serious works to study, a modern day person can look at fascist theory and analyse it as a cohesive socio-economic ideology rather than a loose collection of radical themes. A classical fascist can point you to Gentile, Mussolini and dozens of other fascist intellectuals. Hell, even the few neo-Nazis who try to pretend they had theoretic underpinning recommend Italian fascist authors like Evola and pretend they're compatible! Again, an artifact of the Western pop filter that falsely conflates Nazism as fascism.
Of course, class collaborationism didn't work out in a syndicalist matter, but at least they had half a plan.

Replies: >>12738
Again contrast with communist ideologies. Take the widespread Leninist strains, for example, like Marxism-Leninism.
Lenin, and other socialist theorists of the Bolsheviks, primarily founded their ideology on the studies of the economist Marx (and others), who analysed the historical development and operating mechanisms of capitalism, political economy, alienation of the worker, contemporary alternatives and why they failed to change things, cyclic crises of capitalism, falling rate of profit, etc. etc. etc.. Marxist analysis of capitalism and theory of non-utopian socialism was already 70 years into development before the Bolshevik faction took power in 1917. The core concepts and terms of socialism and communism, even if changing, were defined and explored in excruciating depth before they were propagandized in public consciousness by red scares, so socialists aren't pushed to learn from the popular understanding of the concept, there is an actual academic foundation of socialist economics reaching back nearly two centuries. Just like Italian fascism, it's not founded on worshiping historical actions or people or trying to resurrect the past. It's about social and economic transformation, based on analysis revealing relationships between social and economic classes.

But ultimately, the schools of socialism and communism are so broad and varied, you actually can't define either term outside of context. 'That's not true socialism' isn't just a meme, there is no common definition, at best a kernel of the ideologies which most academic socialists can agree on.

>Their whole ideology is based on misinterpration of reality, so how likely it would be that two of them got similar delusions.
Name one person, apart from the late Emperor Norton, who had a correct interpretation of reality.
Replies: >>12732
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>Name one person, apart from the late Emperor Norton, who had a correct interpretation of reality.
>Albert Einstein
But he was somewhat wrong and somewhat right in the limits of his interpretation of his own reality.
My ass itches
Replies: >>12734
>So in an academic context, one could claim Nazism is effectively dead, neo-Nazism has taken its place.
Where do you get this idea that national socialism is a dead ideology? Sure, a lot of them don't call themselves national socialists due to the stigma around that name, but there are many active national socialist movements.
"Neo-nazi" are just a braindead sect of nazis that like to wave the flag of the third Reich, making them an easy target.

It seems that nazis focus on saying they aren't nazis, while communists focus on saying other people aren't communists.

>One important difference is, unlike classical fascism, anarchism and socialism, the German Nazi Party was almost completely devoid of theoretical underpinning.

Unlike most ideologies, "nazism" as an ideology is basically a lot of pageantry and conspiretardation put on top of another ideology (primarily fascism). One could say it is more of a technique than a political ideology.
>My ass itches
Prove it.
Replies: >>12742
Fascism is a variant of socialism. State above citizen. A time bomb. Defending your borders and your identity, restore the economy, those were great achievements of fascists but especially nazis, OTOH in Italy nationalism succesfully attacked local culture, being the prelude to globalism. All in all it looks to me like a course correction by the same hidden hand that gave us commies. Uncles Adolf and Benito sent the armies to Russia like Napoleon did, and if you watch the details of the campaign it looks like a planned massacre. Germans with the wrong boots, Italians by foot and sent by generals from the to open land where a fire would be seen 20 miles away.
Replies: >>12740 >>12741
typo, read: from the shelters on the Don to open land
But of course. How else could you explain a disastrous military defeat? If you really think about it the only thing that can possibly explain it is that NWO ZOG HomoGlobo Jews are to blame. The pieces all fit together like a puzzle
Replies: >>12744
>socialism means state above citizen
I can agree on this definition if you admit that liberalism stands for "corporation above citizen"
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i can't dude i'm not ass conscious i'm eris conscious.
i don't remember the last time i saw my ass
although this morning i saw eris in a pool.
i don't need proof for that because i have pope infallibility and my eyes are never wrong.
did i mention the last time i saw my ass? because i'm sure it doesn't exist.
Look! some pictures of Eris the aquatic skyrrel!
Replies: >>12744
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How did I not notice it before…

>no argument
i accept your admission of the feet. i am best debate

ooo sqjrrle
Halla-aho on fasisti.jpg
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My boobs hurt
Replies: >>12774
My pussy hurt
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