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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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i was wandering on YT watching videos about mysterious paranormal in videogames and i came across the story of Harry Horse and his somewhat strange videogames
recommend you to read about his strange death 
back to the topic the video is about Drowned God
a pretty old adventure game which has many of Harry Horses ideas
Yes and I don't want to bore you with the Wiki but here you can watch the video
The name of the video is called Drowned God - Conspiracy of the Ages by Arealhuman
the funny thing is when I ended up finding an unexpected mention about discordianism, I leave the screenshots of the comment here
Do you think the OM will have something to do with it?
the channel of the user of the comment has a short about the subgeni and a couple of rave-psychedelic things
I hope eris doesn't say I'm shill
Replies: >>13000
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i wanted to post this in /eris/ but eris told me i am shill
so i shortened the comment a bit, removed the wikipedia links and the youtube links and posted it here.
I also removed my great and very long name and just left the common pope.
sorry if this is not the place for the topic you can move it to another place otherwise.
why does eris always say i'm shill here? im sad 
Replies: >>13010 >>13016
I once found mention of Eris in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (s3e32). The name used in the episode is Dischordia, as she is rather musically gifted. She is a respected guest of the villains, gets Lord Zed miring hard, she comes the closest to defeating the Power Rangers (as she manages to nab one of the Power Coins), and finally her defeat comes at the hand of a 1v3 against the struggling Mega-zords. 
I would like to think either the Japanese sided Rangers or someone at Saben was one of us.
I just wanted to shill that.

I have no clue who Harry Horse is, but I think I heard his name in a dirty joke once.
Replies: >>13015
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>Eris in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
>(s3e32) - Ep Sound of Discordia
>The name used in the episode is Dischordia
>she comes the closest to defeating the Power Rangers
>or someone at Saben was one of us
damn that sounds great
A pope comes and posts all these hyperlinks and gets surprised Eris calls them a shill! Alas!
All you really need to do is show her you've read all the rules and formatting guide. Then she'll trust you enough to stab your back instead of your breast.
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