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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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High School Boys Honor Retiring Teacher With Haka.webm
(3.7MB, 1920x1080, 00:35)
Bitch-ass substitute teacher came in today and tried to give my mate detention for falling asleep in class.
We've got a strong union so we all got together and 'voiced our concerns'. It's nice to know others have our backs.
AFSCME Union parody [27kDtIoL1L4].webm
(2MB, 320x240, 01:00)
The union wing of my cabal is currently extorting some wage thief rat bastard.
They laughed when we made the pineapple threat but it's fair to say... they've now stopped laughing. If you catch my drift.

Do you catch my drift?
Because I can't tell if you do.
I've never seen so many do the autistic screeching in unison.
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