(81.8KB, 760x557) 19 days ago as of writing this, or last Zaraday, was Erischan's 5th birthday. Not something to not be celebrated considering the significance of the number 5 (Horkos's Number).
Yet, the birthday and the holyday itself were forgotten. Why is this?
I myself as an admin have been relatively inactive since our new host and root administrator has taken over site hosting. I don't feel as invested as I used to, perhaps because the load has been taken off my shoulders. I don't intend to quit. I just didn't feel the need to make monthly posts if their absence isn't noticed.
If anything I regret that my minimal efforts haven't helped to liven up or instill new devotion to this little religion, although I am grateful to the few devoted users we have (definitely including the one person that's been posting touhou catgirls in /cat/ for the last 5 years).
I apologize for our shared neglect, and hope for more lively days ahead.
Happy belated birthday, erischan! Happy Zaraday.
Last edited by admindude