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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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Let's make a list of boomers who are likely to kick the bucket before 2030.

I'll start with this one. The so-called hyper-edgy "prince of darkness" who corrupted youth by telling them it's okay to drink yourself to near-death, do coke, eat a bat and then drink some more.

He fucked up his body and now that he's 76 and nearing death he realized it's better to be sober? Tough fucking luck, no amount of money will save you now.

Jerzy Urban who lived a life of modesty, of temperance and was 15 years older than you was making YouTube shitposts at ripe age of 83 (vid related).
God, I hope I don't get to live to 76 years old..
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Army of the End: a social model where a culture considers the most elderly to be on death's door and therefore expected to sacrifice their lives in suicidal social missions rather than shit themselves and die. These missions include the sabotage and assassination of an 'untouchable' upper class.
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