>What the fuck is america?
It's an oversized shopping mall, a super mall as they liked to call it, and it's fallen on hard times. Most of the original anchor stores have folded and the few that remain, well, let's just say they aint what they used to be
>a luxury toiletry brand or something?
They do still sell luxury toiletries there, but most of them are cheap Chinese knock offs at this point. Buyer beware.
I used to visit there every once in a while. Mainly for the people watching. It was fun in small doses and despite what you might hear, the food court really was a great deal at one point, but now that they've raised the prices... I'm just not sure it's worth the bother anymore. Finding a parking spot was always a pain in the ass anyway.
>is Trump their CEO
No one is sure who's really in charge. Not that it matters. CEOs are just glorified agents of the board of directors after all. There is a rumor going around that management has brought in some outside hatchet man to try and course correct, but it might be beyond saving at this point.