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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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(171.6KB, 480x360)
Leaving a dead cat in a urinal would likely provoke strong negative reactions from various groups of people, including:

    Animal Welfare Advocates: Individuals and organizations dedicated to the humane treatment of animals would find such an act disrespectful and cruel. They advocate for the proper treatment and disposal of deceased animals.

    Pet Owners: Many pet owners view their animals as family members and would be upset by the idea of a dead cat being treated in such a disrespectful manner.

    General Public: Most people would find the act of leaving a dead animal in a public place, especially in a urinal, to be offensive and disturbing. It raises concerns about hygiene and public health.

    Local Authorities: Such an act could lead to legal consequences, as it may violate local laws regarding the treatment of animals and public decency.

    Community Members: People living in the area where this occurs would likely be outraged, as it reflects poorly on community standards and respect for life.

Overall, leaving a dead cat in a urinal would be considered an act of disrespect and could lead to significant backlash from various segments of society.
Replies: >>14597 >>14599
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>>14595 (OP) 
I put a toy baby broken with no leg and one arm and no eyes and with some dust and trash hangedup from neck in a door and the entire neighborhood turn mad bacause they'feel this is cursed.

Yeah, but a death cat i think that's to much man.
Some people in my country do "Brujeria" killing a frog, open her mouth putting a photo of hated people in and closing the mouth of frog with something and grabing it and took it to a hated people house-door.
They'say that magic but for me it's more like psychological warfare with parasimpatic aphotropaic magic or something.
Replies: >>14598 >>14604
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>Putting random shit on door of your neightborhood
Kinda similar to K-Apple Granade... lol
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>>14595 (OP) 
There'are here some random cults of african-brasilian yoruba derived who kill innocents cats for ritual crankbullshit of their gods and magic shit.
On halloween (or some saint catholic thing) or close to that event they kidnap black cats i think, and on another they kidnap white cats for other things.
Everyone hate these mothafuckers here even the internet.
(Maybe they kill dogs but idont know...)
>North America: I hate my neighbor, I'll take my Kel-Tec AR which is a marvel of modern firearms engineering and shoot him to death.

>South America: I hate my neighbor, I'll leave a dead frog on his doorstep and pretend fairies exist.

This is why you guys are literal third world. Learn to code, learn metalworking and build your economy instead of doing dumb ass pretend witchcraft like it's still XVII century.
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