Leaving a dead cat in a urinal would likely provoke strong negative reactions from various groups of people, including:
Animal Welfare Advocates: Individuals and organizations dedicated to the humane treatment of animals would find such an act disrespectful and cruel. They advocate for the proper treatment and disposal of deceased animals.
Pet Owners: Many pet owners view their animals as family members and would be upset by the idea of a dead cat being treated in such a disrespectful manner.
General Public: Most people would find the act of leaving a dead animal in a public place, especially in a urinal, to be offensive and disturbing. It raises concerns about hygiene and public health.
Local Authorities: Such an act could lead to legal consequences, as it may violate local laws regarding the treatment of animals and public decency.
Community Members: People living in the area where this occurs would likely be outraged, as it reflects poorly on community standards and respect for life.
Overall, leaving a dead cat in a urinal would be considered an act of disrespect and could lead to significant backlash from various segments of society.