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I don't know man, I didn't do it.

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Eris Discordia is the Lady of The Web, the Infernal Atlantean Spider-Queen, Sepheranz
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I have always been interested in the elusive spider goddess (should one ever had existed). I know some native tribes of the americas have forms of spider spirits and deities within their traditions. But I have never seen an Atlantean source of anything. (maybe one day someone will dig out the eye in the sahara and find something). I would try to find an indoeuropean source/roots if you want the academics to take it seriously.

Ultimately, I wish to support this modern mythopoeia. Kek seems to have self-actualized via the internet, albeit he seems a lazy deity. Surely Sepheranz could do the same, if not better. Lady of the Web, after all.
Replies: >>14646 >>14656
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Spiders, with few exceptions, are wonderful to us. Little maids who catch and dissolve pesky pests like mosquitoes and flies.

One can become a spider's goddess, even if not the spider-goddess. Down with the fools who think that pettery is way to raise a spider, sitting it in a cage, handing it treats until it bloats. A seneless waste of everyone involved! Ah! But my house must be 🗿neat🗿! The spider's precise pattern is not enough, whines the cursèd fellow. Bah.

And let us not forget the false trap - "but are those flying beasts not also chaos?". A good observation, a sign of life at least, but misled, for the fly and the mosquito are nearly the only ones to remain when one uproots the trees and the dandelions and the brush and the fruits. They are the plague of order, manifest! Without ErisDis's blessing of spiders, Her divine chance for us to redeem ourselves, the Lawned Elites (LE) would extinguish the bugs and beetles forever for their ordered green patches. Give them strife! Give them strife! Let the spiders eat their plague until their house is haunted with the glorious spirit of Sepheranz.
Everyone forgets about Anansi yet still he remains with us
Replies: >>14657
Like most guises of our lady of perpetual chaos, worship was mostly private, secretive, and ignored until the 60s, when people started writing stuff down for some reason. Plus that one guy got famous for knowing a certain presidential assassin. If not for that, Discordianism might never have entered the historical record at all. And who knows which cabals still worship her in spider form? Clearly, at least one.
Replies: >>14647 >>14648
>the historical record
skips everytime you try & play it
got a needle's gauge like a spider's tooth
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He controls the cats.

Replies: >>14655
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spiders are good because they eat mosquitoes that bite fingers
Replies: >>14652
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Replies: >>14653
self projection much? perhaps you should go to a therapist.
Not even the blessèd spider can match the cat's hunting skills. It's tragic.
nyaw~w it has lil shoes
Replies: >>14681
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The last day of Chaos is hereby declared the a Day of Remembrance in honour of whats-his-name.
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