/abs/ - Absurdism

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Im going either full schizo or full buddhaboy..I want to share my insights I gained trough meditation:
>the world is ruled by: 5 elements, 5 senses, 2 dualities (alive/death and sentient/non-sentient), 2 states(awake/asleep). The real and ultimate goal is to overcome all this
>everything humans created lacks onthological existence and is unreliable,however empirical knowledge is true and the true goal is to back to REAL tradition(real past) ie;the anaerobic era of the Earth
>i dont claim any of my own insights is valid for anyone else, since I have no way to prove any of this,and my convcition of how reality works may,itself,be a ruse caused by Lain-knows-what
>its historically dumb to obsess with hindu religion,or buddhism or western occultism while ignoring primate religion, pre-human hominid religious practices or isolated hunter-gatherer animism .It's literally picking one very specific set of people's beliefs, ignoring 99% of history both recorded and unrecorded
>artificial vs natural is a fake dichotomy because matter never fades away,is only tranformed. A true "artifical" item would be one create out of thin air,otherwise its made from natural items
>emergent properties are a ruse
>Im going either full schizo
oh don't worry, we've noticed.
didnt read
Absolutely based.
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