/abs/ - Absurdism

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This board is dedicated to philosophy and the meaning of being, specifically absurdism, though any kind of philosophical discussion is allowed.

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You like Greek Mythology? Bacause I love Greek Mythology.
Check this Temple.

Philosophical Cutting Ed-ge.jpg
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Let's answer the tough questions.
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We must find sailor moon!
It's four years later and the chatbots still struggle with basic precepts. Chatbot companies say the future® will arrive any day now, as they have for years at this point.
Even here, Jenny Wakeman haunts me
Replies: >>1420
im just a normal girl, travis.webp
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Oh Pope, Jenny Wakeman can haunt you anywhere.
Replies: >>1421
I wish she would take her hand out of my screen and bring me to her world

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Replies: >>1414
>>1413 (OP) 
hey that's my favourite letter.
Replies: >>1416
A shape can't be a letter, letters are made of paper.
Replies: >>1417
If it's not a letter then how can I read it? Everyone knows people can read letters.
Replies: >>1418
You can read lots of things: the room, tea leaves, a person, etc.

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I have water with eucalyptus oil in it on my desk.
Eucalyptus is great stuff, smells nice and tastes good but in this amount it's straight up poison. You can use the vapors to clear your nose. But you need to heat the oil to dissolve it and get the vapors and so I've just got this mug of it on my desk. Twice I've absent-mindedly grabbed the mug and almost drank from it before realizing it's literal poison.
So my life purpose right now is to not poison myself with this mug and im doing well.

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Do you see the fnords? Can you see the fnords? Have you seen the fnords? 

They're actually pretty interesting. Told you about major world events decades before they happened. 

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Every object you touch is alive with your life and your will.
Palazzo Braschi 1934 italy mussolini.jpg
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I don't see a fnord here
Replies: >>1354
What's ISIS got to do with everything? That last cult of hers worked for the deep state, I don't trust them.
Replies: >>1410
Fnord is neither F nor D, doodah, doodah.
Fnord is neither F nor D, oh de doodah day.
That's the thing about Gods, people just name their cults and kids after you. I don't blame Isis.

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What philosophy is ssyphus then? Seems like meta religio nonsense
Don't come back unless you've read Principia Discordia

as if you were old enough to have any.jpg
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What is your philosophy of life?
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Replies: >>1404 >>1405 + 4 earlier
get away.webp
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Ceci n'est pas une bifteck
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>you're dumped
Ah yes, classic breakup line.
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>>462 (OP) 
Panta rhei. Our choices creates our destiny.
>>462 (OP)  462462 462462
my friend of 20 hours walked up to me nd say
"you're dumped"

my whiskey was sad for a minute

Albert Camus by Albert Camus.jpg
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The Stranger By Caymus.mp4
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Was Pvt. Swafford a pope?
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>They didn't. Robert Anton Wilson literally plays himself in that movie.
Robert Anton Wilson as Robert Anton Wilson
lol sounds hilarious to me
I am curious
does anyone have a screenshot of him in the movie? i searched on google-sama but i can't find anything.
Replies: >>1357
RAW like Batman.jpg
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I searched again but with the german name and found two pictures
Peter Scully
Replies: >>1401
They should use him to test how hot rocket fuel burns.

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Did any of you practice that magic stuff? You know, Theurgy,Thaumaturgy,Golden dawn, Thelema, Crowley, post modern magick, Wicca,Chaoism etc
Or Tantric Buddhist Stuff
Tao,chinese things, jung maybe? Surrealist artist ways eh...
All sound like pure system to mindfuck yo brain.

I'm too much of a rationalist for these things but I've seen science research that really mindfuck you
>What did you see pope?
The brain and human mind is amazing
>People who don't feel pain or tolerate it more by light altered states of consciusness(autosuggest?) and body tolerance training(micro bones fractures and calcium resistance... maybe skin toughness training)
>invocations and personifications or possessions(or self-identification) of deities or spirits,etc (schizo acting?)
>Tulpas or imaginary friends(internal monologue and walk-ins ignoring deity yoga from buddhism)
>generating fever level body heat by visualizations and breath(yes, ki-chi think visualizations with ritual or something)
>breath control and slow heart beat a little, same with awareness or arousal(or cause a fucked up hyperarousal that cause fear and more bad things bacause of meditation, long to explain...)
>lucid dreams(dream yoga,lucid dream etc)
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Well, the new thought movement used auto-suggestion techniques, faith, visualizations and mental tricks.
It is basically what was left over from Christian mysticism post quasi-Buddhist theosophy yogi fan culture(now im remebering krishnnamurti withdraw from theosophy)
I wouldn't say it goes the route of theurgy or magic so much as mind-fucking.
Maybe dream routines or something.
Although I'm sure some authors explain yogic or meditation techniques like that breathing thing you say.
I admit that I do not hold the new thought in high esteem, especially when they use ideas of psychoanalysis of the unconscious that are no longer used or dream theories already discarded or they want to shoehorn in Jesus and apologism or "energies".
Generally my brain goes on alert when I start to identify the techno-babble attempted by pseudoscience. Something similar happened to me when I read dion fortune yoga of the west(I didn't know much at that time about the ceremonial background-lore but reading three, kaballah, yoga, occident, made me laugh in a hippie new age sense bacause no f sense)
and when they start bringing in the quantum mysticism stuff that just gives me a migraine.
I don't know why it's so hard to separate quantum psi from scam quantum mysticism.
They even get it right with chemistry and alchemy... ignoring those new age and Chinese inner alchemists.
Maybe reading RAW quantum psychology can (migraine) mindfuck me. But still the wikipedia summary gives me bad techno babble vibes.
It is curious but Hubbard, after creating scientology, went into his own mind-washing religion group with pop psychology and philosophy of thelema and sci-fi.
I guess I'm still more of a rational psychonautic with brain stuff but there is something about the rituals that is cool, probably schizoid control.
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Me jacking off nonstop 2 times on a Sunday morning at 7 is Magic & stamina
Replies: >>1398
No. 1382
Fucking Goddamn Wikipedia-Nigger,
I wipe my Ass with PieceOfShit-Pedia & I wipe my Ass with your dead mothers corpse,
Fucking Cubscout/Altar Boy Retard
Replies: >>1397
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haha stay mad you dying old nerd
>nonstop 2 times
how did you do it two times if you never stopped?
are you one of those two-vagina women I've been hearing about?

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