/abs/ - Absurdism

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This board is dedicated to philosophy and the meaning of being, specifically absurdism, though any kind of philosophical discussion is allowed.

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Once one accepts that there is no afterlife and a person, if even it is correct to claim to have ever existed, ceases to be at the point of death, it becomes clear that sacrificing yourself for something or someone is the most basic bitch trite bullshit. Like who the fuck cares, the person who died absolutely will not because they are no longer. So why would I care? "But she gave up what was most important to her -- her own life!" will claim some sentimental imbecile. But guess what? She is no longer, she cannot miss her life. "But if she was still, she would miss it." But she is not, and potentialities are bullshit. Just because I imagine how potentially good it would feel if you sucked my dick, it won't make you suck it, will it? So why are we talking about what could have been when it is clear what just happened, some dumbass died and it cost them nothing because they are dead, yet you imbeciles still try to pretend that their death was some great sacrifice even though dying is the easiest and most inconsequential thing to do that hurts only those who do not die.
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I know that people are afraid of death. But they have no reason to be, and if they bothered to think it through instead of wallowing in their self-imposed misery, they would get over it pretty quickly.

The point is not that you have not experienced it yet, but that you can not experience it. It is impossible. One's own death cannot be negative or positive, it escapes all judgement.
Replies: >>1501
That guy looks like Stalin.
>But they have no reason to be
The reason is very obvious: they don't want to die, more than they want anything else, but they will have to anyway.

>but that you can not experience it.
For reasons stated before, knowledge of the fact that you will not actually experience something does not necessarily make it less scary. Even if you are fully aware that the people in the mirror are just reflections and won't blink at you, the idea that they will is still unnerving. For death in particular, the fact that your conscious experience will end is precisely what is scary.

Philosophizing away the terror of death doesn't make it go away, any more than believing you're going to go to heaven and bang hookers for eternity.
What is with this grayfacery?
An affront to goddess!
Choose your false idols carefully...
That's all I'm sayin'
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death is a fnord

look at the reactions it makes in us

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I think I may (I also may not, but, I just shrug) die soon as my doctor said I MIGHT have cancer..A second more careful analysis is needed, maybe it's just a sebaceous mass\postule.
Anyways IF I will be dead within 2, 3 years. Should I do a one-time femdom fetish thing? Its expensive but I can pay a femdom prostitute for it...
I dont watch porn or fap anymore, I hate cuck\sissy\gay, strapon crap. I just want a woman -preferably white asian- to beat me up; whip me, punch me, kick and slap, pull, throw etc
>also drop cool interesting, creative, bucket list items
Take a thumbprint of LSD.
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>Should I do a one-time femdom fetish thing?
Just get beaten up for free like a normal weirdo.

If I had a short time limit, like a month, I'd probably pick a few billionaires to take with me. No shortage of choices, plus it's a hell of an /abs/urdist fulfillment.
I'd start doing recreational drugs. I've stayed away from any hallucinogens because I think my brain is one of the rare ones that will take a schizo turn, and I think any real euphoria drugs, if they worked on me, would enslave me. I've been mostly medically anhedonic for a couple of years now.
Definitely shooting a gun again. Basically I'd try and do all those fun things that 'put you on a list'.
Luckily my odd growths seem benign. I hope the same to you, Pope.
Replies: >>1490
If you're going to die anyway, that's the perfect time to hunt the most dangerous game.
Replies: >>1502
Screenshot 2025-02-23 at 07.01.17.png
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Oh, I just realised the movie title "most dangerous game" isn't meaning it's a game "that is dangerous", but rather the noun -game- means the human "hunting target" as in the phrase "let's hunt big game (a bison, etc)"
Im ESL, but Im glad I figured out hehe.
Replies: >>1503
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I'm English-First-Language and I didn't know that either for many years. I was younger and a city person when I first heard of the book/film (there are a lot of references to it in other works) and I had almost never heard of game used to mean hunting targets.

as if you were old enough to have any.jpg
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What is your philosophy of life?
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Replies: >>1483 + 7 earlier
Relax, this world is on the verge of rebooting.
W is 23, 666, 13-13, 32 and so on.
At the beginning of next week, the centaur, the archer will release an arrow in Capricorn, the lunar twins will open the western gates 404, the lunar autumn will end and spring will begin.
In the ass this world, I go home to Avalon.
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Although nonsensical to most I'll say it anyway: I find my life's purpose to be something that's been divinely bestowed on me. It was something of a revelation that I am not a human, but rather more similar to an object. However, because of this I have the ability to see what the true definition of humanity is, which is something that lies within the boundaries of conviction. The opposite of humanity is both the nature of the beast and the world; that being the natural flow. My outlook is simple: humanity is a good thing and the way of the beast/natural flow is a bad thing, so I will fight to create a world that orientates itself around true conviction, sacrifice and intent. These principles will become the seed for the setting populated near exclusively by true humans rather than psuedo-humans. Attempting and achieving this is the only way I can atone for the sin of being born with the trappings of a human shape with the innards of only an object. Though if all goes well God will not forgive me no matter what I do, for I am forever underserving.
1. There are two certain things:
1.1. Something exists.
1.2. Something experiences something.
2. I assume that I have free will. 
The reasoning for this is as follows:
If I don't have free will - I have no control over anything, including assumptions that I make.
If I have free will I would be wrong to assume otherwise.
3. I care enough about epistemology to make sure I understand reality as much as I can.
4. I do what I want.
Replies: >>1481
Agreed, except for the free will. I pretend we have free will, but I know we don't.
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>>462 (OP) 
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!

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prostate football.jpg
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I want to see this thesis elaborated upon. We've slowed light down to a crawl on earth before. How to extend this effect? Quick, call your local physicists for a consult.
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>be ejected from the solar system.
Harsh but understandable.

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Try saying shit that's absolutely correct and undisputed but in the most schizo manner, baiting people into disagreeing you. Escalate until it cracks. Enjoy the confusion
inb4 /pol/troons post the boring complete bullshit they believe in
inb4 you reply to them

In almost every country on earth there are government-authorized groups pumping waves of radiation through YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW. This has been going on since you are born every second of every day.

They don't even try and hide it it's a fully-integrated system of companies and organizations who are registered to the communications authority. They are licensed to transmit messages in all directions. Even satellites are transmitting these messages through your skull. You can prove it yourself that these messages of people talking are being PUT IN YOUR SKULL WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.

Thats not even the most devious shit they're doing look up clips of shortwave transmission stations (they have a high frequency and can take advantage of skywave skip propagation to prevent efforts of stopping them from sending their propaganda waves INTERNATIONALLY INTO YOUR HEAD) sending ENCODED SEQUENCES

If you want to try and stop these messages look into faraday technology or triangulate and destroy their transmission towers. but they can still reach you from far away even if the signal of the waves are weaker
toilet paper is jew fraud 

"the unwiped life is worth living"
  - Diogenes… probably IDK
Replies: >>1191
Replies: >>1453
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You've heard of Chinese Water Torture, but only the ELF have experience with Japanese Bidet Interrogation.

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this is just the plastics.webp
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The ignorance and laziness of future generations has irreparably made our entire planet and its atmosphere toxic. There's no cleaning all this up. How the fuck are you going to get even half the nanoplastics out of the wind? How will we get them out of our muscle tissue?
I think the answer is that we don't.

Recall the final scene of Dr. Strangelove. The doomsday nuclear fallout vision is just a faster-acting poison than the environment Earth was already in. That final scene, where they have accepted the doomed future and explore options for preserving humanity, feels more familiar than I ever knew it would. The only difference is, at least they're still uncontaminated.

But consider their solution - bunkering. We can create a sterile environment, ideally on land but perhaps it must be under the surface or even in space. If done properly, maybe we could even decontaminate our species and others within a generation or two. But in our arrogance, if we were to be isolated in deep Earth or space, we would probably only preserve the species we've decided we like or need, which we decide are valuable, and leave the rest to fend for themselves. The chaos of evolution will be left for dead. How long will it take life it rebuild a character after that?

The best decontamination I could hope for is for 
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I do not have faith in humanity ever getting their shit together and solving the problem. This is why I refuse to have children, because I don't want my children and grandchildren to suffer in a future where this problem only gets worse due to the ignorance of other people they will never meet.
Replies: >>1434
Generations of people refusing to reproduce because they think everyone is stupid is how everyone gets stupider.

In the future, everyone will die at age 30 from microplastics, and none of them will care.
Please reference myco-remediation. 
There are scientists working to find viable solutions. The most viable are using fungus or bacteria to digest the plastics. 
I believe that a big major downside is that the digestion process of micro plastics produces toxic byproducts. 
I assume in two or three generations that people will come down with bacterial and fungal infections that could be deadly because the bacteria and fungus are digesting the micro plastics in your muscle tissue leaving a buildup of toxins.
They would sure like to have to select a bunch of their buddies and a whole lot of fertile women to repopulate the human race with. No more constituents or nations to deal with, just your little underground fiefdom and your harem. What a horrible burden for them.

not possible. Those few humans that are still fertile with microplastics in their reproductive organs will inherit the future. The demographic cliff might even be advantagenous, since it's easier to feed a smaller population. Dumbasses will fight, losers will lose, Discordians will laugh and some of us will survive, probably.
Saving the Planet, Plastic, The Big Electron.mp4
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Im a man and I've been having recurrent ,intense sexual fantasies ( I wank a bit, then stop in disgust. I do nofap, but its hard, I never c00m) about "femdom" but not bdsm in the consensual, cultural, arranged sense; I investigate cases of women serial killers\ gang leaders\ cult leaders etc, and fantasize about them torturing me without me having to 🗿pay money🗿 for it.
I think the dominatrix cultural meme, outfits, bdsm rules and culture etc, is disgusting, and I want to be a normal person in a healthy society. but, I also want to be the victim of a brutal TRUE dominant woman. icepicks, mazes ,hammer, wooden clubs, box-cutters..such items she would use to make me squirm.
>I NEED help, don't I??
Replies: >>1431 >>1441
>>1429 (OP) 
>should I get a shrink
No. Paraphilias (even as extreme as yours) are not something a shrink can "fix".
>>1429 (OP) 
>I NEED help, don't I??
Yeah, it seems you need a bit of help with that. I'd hurt you plenty

le professeur de Sisyphe.mp4
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le professeur de sisyphe.
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Tomboy is the smartest women in the group, as always.
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She was so real for this.
the vicious cycle [HrBJDvPZf2g].webm
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Replies: >>1426
We are all Pissyphus, truly.

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vastly defined the most discordian23  asburd game ever done in this prison planet
DEMO ...
to really interested ppl I can send the physical support.
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