/abs/ - Absurdism

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This board is dedicated to philosophy and the meaning of being, specifically absurdism, though any kind of philosophical discussion is allowed.

as if you were old enough to have any.jpg
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What is your philosophy of life?
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Im a unicellular supremicist. 
Unicellular life takes natural priority over more complex life. 
They are the first to adapt and evolve to the changing environment. 
Replies: >>1438
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Multicellular organisms are bigger and smarter and better ARRGH
I will buy a vaccine and get rid of you once and for all.
you cannot escape us we are all around you. 
even now the bacteria from your gut is sending messages to your brain.
Replies: >>1443
Bastardos! I shall hunger strike!

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this is just the plastics.webp
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The ignorance and laziness of future generations has irreparably made our entire planet and its atmosphere toxic. There's no cleaning all this up. How the fuck are you going to get even half the nanoplastics out of the wind? How will we get them out of our muscle tissue?
I think the answer is that we don't.

Recall the final scene of Dr. Strangelove. The doomsday nuclear fallout vision is just a faster-acting poison than the environment Earth was already in. That final scene, where they have accepted the doomed future and explore options for preserving humanity, feels more familiar than I ever knew it would. The only difference is, at least they're still uncontaminated.

But consider their solution - bunkering. We can create a sterile environment, ideally on land but perhaps it must be under the surface or even in space. If done properly, maybe we could even decontaminate our species and others within a generation or two. But in our arrogance, if we were to be isolated in deep Earth or space, we would probably only preserve the species we've decided we like or need, which we decide are valuable, and leave the rest to fend for themselves. The chaos of evolution will be left for dead. How long will it take life it rebuild a character after that?

The best decontamination I could hope for is for 
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I do not have faith in humanity ever getting their shit together and solving the problem. This is why I refuse to have children, because I don't want my children and grandchildren to suffer in a future where this problem only gets worse due to the ignorance of other people they will never meet.
Replies: >>1434
Generations of people refusing to reproduce because they think everyone is stupid is how everyone gets stupider.

In the future, everyone will die at age 30 from microplastics, and none of them will care.
Please reference myco-remediation. 
There are scientists working to find viable solutions. The most viable are using fungus or bacteria to digest the plastics. 
I believe that a big major downside is that the digestion process of micro plastics produces toxic byproducts. 
I assume in two or three generations that people will come down with bacterial and fungal infections that could be deadly because the bacteria and fungus are digesting the micro plastics in your muscle tissue leaving a buildup of toxins.
They would sure like to have to select a bunch of their buddies and a whole lot of fertile women to repopulate the human race with. No more constituents or nations to deal with, just your little underground fiefdom and your harem. What a horrible burden for them.

not possible. Those few humans that are still fertile with microplastics in their reproductive organs will inherit the future. The demographic cliff might even be advantagenous, since it's easier to feed a smaller population. Dumbasses will fight, losers will lose, Discordians will laugh and some of us will survive, probably.
Saving the Planet, Plastic, The Big Electron.mp4
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Im a man and I've been having recurrent ,intense sexual fantasies ( I wank a bit, then stop in disgust. I do nofap, but its hard, I never c00m) about "femdom" but not bdsm in the consensual, cultural, arranged sense; I investigate cases of women serial killers\ gang leaders\ cult leaders etc, and fantasize about them torturing me without me having to 🗿pay money🗿 for it.
I think the dominatrix cultural meme, outfits, bdsm rules and culture etc, is disgusting, and I want to be a normal person in a healthy society. but, I also want to be the victim of a brutal TRUE dominant woman. icepicks, mazes ,hammer, wooden clubs, box-cutters..such items she would use to make me squirm.
>I NEED help, don't I??
Replies: >>1431 >>1441
>>1429 (OP) 
>should I get a shrink
No. Paraphilias (even as extreme as yours) are not something a shrink can "fix".
>>1429 (OP) 
>I NEED help, don't I??
Yeah, it seems you need a bit of help with that. I'd hurt you plenty

le professeur de Sisyphe.mp4
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le professeur de sisyphe.
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Tomboy is the smartest women in the group, as always.
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She was so real for this.
the vicious cycle [HrBJDvPZf2g].webm
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Replies: >>1426
We are all Pissyphus, truly.

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vastly defined the most discordian23  asburd game ever done in this prison planet
DEMO ...
to really interested ppl I can send the physical support.
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You like Greek Mythology? Bacause I love Greek Mythology.
Check this Temple.
Thoughts aside (10/10) site. New source for classics sources. 

I have been wracking my brain over this site and it makes me confused. I have spun. I have meditated. Still I am confused. Hail Eris?

I cannot bring myself to see the difference Hesiod as so eloquently put. I feel like he perhaps did suffer from indigestion. To me, the goddess Eris is a bitchy mix of both those deities he has described. 

Further more, the internet consensus seems to be right: that the Roman's had right all along; as they lacked to make a distinct difference between Discordia and Discordia. 

I wonder, then, if there is a distinct difference between Aneris and Harmonia/Concordia

Philosophical Cutting Ed-ge.jpg
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Let's answer the tough questions.
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We must find sailor moon!
It's four years later and the chatbots still struggle with basic precepts. Chatbot companies say the future® will arrive any day now, as they have for years at this point.
Even here, Jenny Wakeman haunts me
Replies: >>1420
im just a normal girl, travis.webp
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Oh Pope, Jenny Wakeman can haunt you anywhere.
Replies: >>1421
I wish she would take her hand out of my screen and bring me to her world

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Replies: >>1414
>>1413 (OP) 
hey that's my favourite letter.
Replies: >>1416
A shape can't be a letter, letters are made of paper.
Replies: >>1417
If it's not a letter then how can I read it? Everyone knows people can read letters.
Replies: >>1418
You can read lots of things: the room, tea leaves, a person, etc.

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I have water with eucalyptus oil in it on my desk.
Eucalyptus is great stuff, smells nice and tastes good but in this amount it's straight up poison. You can use the vapors to clear your nose. But you need to heat the oil to dissolve it and get the vapors and so I've just got this mug of it on my desk. Twice I've absent-mindedly grabbed the mug and almost drank from it before realizing it's literal poison.
So my life purpose right now is to not poison myself with this mug and im doing well.

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