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jack-hold bite.jpg
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I need a list of the "1000 most evil /powerful and evil" people alive today. papal bloodlines,serial killers in death row or at large, tempel ov blood CIA monkeys,etc.
I will pray a 15-decade rosary for each of them. I have free time,and im a catholic who needs to make amends for shit stuff I did in my teens.
>el chapo? The vatican bishops? banksters?
Im Sure you guys know a lot about satanic cults,serial killers,and occult bloddlines
Replies: >>1260
>occult bloodlines
Don't tell me you actually believe in that bullshit. Blood doesn't work like some self doubting european nobles wished to believe to feel themselves important.
Replies: >>1030
all USA presidents have been proven to be from the same human-genealogy tree,as well as being related to the br-tish monarchy(and the recently ded queen was related to the founder of a certain moon-god religion )
Replies: >>1032
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Sure we know all about other cults. Why should we tell you though? You're clearly just gonna take the information seriously.

Just as a little teaser, I'm authorized to tell you that Tupac is in fact not dead, because he was never alive.
wew, rich ppl shoving money into a family tree shop to proof they are distantly related to whomever the 1st.
Replies: >>1091
no,its real. research it a bit. a schoolgirl literally investigated all the family trees and so on and discovered it
>itt: idiot who doesn't understand that going far enough up the tree leads to all blood lines converging
Replies: >>1208
yo bloodline converged with everyone's because yo momma swings around in tree branches like a monkey

I know how to measure power using the tiering system. How do you want us to measure evil?
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