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masculine crossdressing.jpg
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Can any of you philosophers confirm this? I can't find any flaw in the logic.
Replies: >>1045 >>1272
Masculinity is completely arbitary concept so it shouldn't be approached with logic. If you feel that correct, then it's true for you in a subjective sense.

It should be added that cultural concept of masculinity is a collection of various propaganda sigils trying to shape up boys into men aligned with whatever goals superhuman entities forming the Culture have at the moment. I'd guess the entity promoting crossdressing as hypermasculine could be categorized more symbiotic than parasitic towards humans since it at least isn't sending them to die for it's own survival like some other sad examples we have around. Forwarding the goals of symbiotic entities is generally beneficial since then they become invested in keeping you alive and happy.
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>is something only men can do
J <><
Replies: >>1040 >>1043
I say no, due to the false implication of a binary. Intersex people can also partake in the masculine act of transgressing social norms at personal risk.
In fact, we can validate this perspective when intersex athletes are considered too masculine to dress alongside feminine groups, yet when they dress among men, their masculinity goes unnoticed, submissively.

She was indeed crossdressing, as a girl. Whosoever decided suits to be masculine was a silly person.
She's cross-dressing as a boy.
Replies: >>1044
That too, there's only a semantic difference between the two.
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I will need to conduct further experiments to prove this, however my results so far have shown that cross dressing is only making me more feminine towards others.
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>only men can crossdress
>most manly thing one can do
The concepts of manliness and feminity are already social constructs (unlike gender and sex which in my not so humble opinion are hardline facts).
So if we even are going to go with the normal stereotype of something being manly… assigning completely arbitrary qualifications to something being manly is a hard thing to do and starts to border on the line of lingustics and metaphysics, which is a whole nother can of worms.
Is something being manly measured by if only a man can do it like your image suggests?… perhaps if it requires the most testosterone to do successfully, or perhaps something manly is simply what we all agree on being manly/associated with men.
I think talking about a social label such as "manly" or "womanly" (girly?) It is almost impossible to assign definitive meaning.
If I had to choose I would say that something heing manly is a combination of many different arguable factors:
Men being able to do it, the inherent aesthetic appeal to standard manliness, the levels of testosterone, how much physical effort it takes to do something. The commonness that standard men adhere to it.

I love partial crossdressing. Tight fitting clothing, do my eyelashes up, occasionally put on a crop top or jean shorts. Love me some flowery cologne/perfume,and just generally put a lot of effort into my looks despite being a 5-6/10 on a good day. Hell I would even wear heels and stocking if I was around people who were cool with it, Girls sometimes ask me if I'm gay but I'm as straight as an arrow.
Fuck gender stereotypes, but also fuck transvestites. 
Honestly feel bad for people who go down that slope.
Acting/dressing feminine doesn't make you any less of a man
Acting/dressing masculine doesn't make you any less of a woman.
You are perfect as you are, and already as mentally fucked up as everyone else, no need to go and make it worse by letting gender be a part of your identity.
Replies: >>1266 >>1267 >>1271
It should be shrimple. Male and female are just physical descriptors like tall/short, green eyed/blue eyed, white skinned dark skinned, it's not a part of your identity but you should still love and appreciate yourself for it. Or don't I'm not ur momma.

This anons has better brevity than me and puts it way better.>>1045
Replies: >>1267
lol fag
Replies: >>1268
The most faggish thing you can do is worship your own masculinity like a sacred cow.
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>necrobumping just to post this dinner pot of half-denial
you're a crossdresser with an arbitrary dislike of crossdressers who similarly dress the way they want to, and insist gender is not a social construct despite it manifesting differently in different societies while claiming the condition of someone being a gender is a social construct.
look, Anonymous, this is just laughable superposition of the mind.
Nothing is true and everything is permitted. So I've read, so I've believe. Yet how and why is it that a woman cannot crossdress as equally convincingly as vice versa?
I do agree, only a man can crossdress as a woman, in as far as only a woman can crossdress as a man. In such case, therefore,crossdressing as a man is the most feminine feat a woman could perform. 
And how far must on go to be a crossdresser? Freddie Mercury was able to wear women's pants better than any woman, yet remains himself and in masculinity. Constant are the times I see tomboys who look like teenage boys. Are these crossdressers? 
Is it the direct act of shedding away the looks of nature's own endowments to look like our contraries which is crossdressing?

I must say, as someone who never took an interest in such things, this is a confusing subject.
i would argue that girls are faggots, and therefore so is trying to be one
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