/abs/ - Absurdism

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>    "Do you see how the fish are coming to the surface and swimming around as they please? That's what fish really enjoy."

>    "You're not a fish," replied Hui Tzu, "so how can you say you know what fish really enjoy?"

>    Zhuangzi said: "You are not me, so how can you know I don't know what fish enjoy."

So philosophers have known they're (we're) full of shit for around 2000 years at least. Has the philosophy since been just a game?
I doubt people would do philosophy if they didn't find it enjoyable. Is there any historical examples of philosopher slaves, a class of people stripped from their rights and forced to think about things deeply in a fear of punishment? Philosophy is an upperclass hobby, with the main function to alleviate boredom. So, basically a game.
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