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How do I become a philosopher and do philosophing activities?
I find it more interesting to think about how to become a philosopher ''without'" doing any philosophing activities.
Replies: >>1065
What do you mean
Replies: >>1067
>How do I become a philosopher and do philosophing activities?
Philosophy means love of wisdom. To be a philosopher you just need to love wisdom :) If one is not at that point yet, one needs to cultivate that love. As a start I would advise to think about what is wisdom? What is wise? If you really want to be a philosopher, you will find your way from there.
Replies: >>1070
I'm a lazy fuck.
Philosophers are just guys who think about stuff.
Replies: >>1069 >>1071
not thinking.jpg
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that's lame
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I thought it was friend of wisdom, like it's all platonic… Anyways, that's exactly my issue, any time I try to think about a word, I have to realize that I have no idea what it means, or that it doesn't really mean anything concrete, and start to worry that it is because I just don't want to understand how others use it and am just constructing a strawman. It's easier if there's a text that actually describes things, but when thinking about concepts in general, I'm completely lost. For example wisdom, what the hell is wisdom supposed to be? I know that it is not knowledge, at least not "scientific" knowledge. Maybe it is related to some other form of knowledge, like aesthetic pleasure? Wise men in stories always seem to know what to say. Maybe this is what makes them wise, their ability to choose the right thing to say in times of great peril. Maybe wisdom is nothing more but having good taste in pseudo-profound bullshit.
Well, I think many of them just pretend.
I tend to think philosophy more as the way in which one lives and acts in life, rather than silly mind puzzles like dialectics. 
Everyone thinks they know the secret of the universe or it's meaning. If it does exist as either, I bet money that it is oddly small for a universe our size.
Replies: >>1073 >>1076
How does a philosopher live her life?
Replies: >>1074
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With 5 tons of rice
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I mean, if the universe told you to jump off a cliff, would you?
Replies: >>1077
Don't believe anything the universe tells you, that bitch stole my tea set by pretending to be a renegade vacuum cleaner salesman. I still can't get my dog to come back from under the sofa.
Replies: >>1078
You think that's bad? I invented tea and the universe co-opted the idea.
Replies: >>1079
damn universe
Replies: >>1080
I think we should gather a gang an go break the kneecaps of the universe.
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Let's practice philosophising together. What should our topic of inquiry be?
Replies: >>1082
What a great question! Choice of questions is something people tend to do instinctively albeit it being the single most influental factor in regards to the answers they get. What kind of question are we looking for?
Replies: >>1083
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Something that I can shine at, I want to feel good about myself while typing my post.
Replies: >>1084
Idk really what makes you tick, but philosophy is full of depressing topics. There should really be philosophy of joy and laughter.
Replies: >>1085
I have decades of experience in being depressed.

Isn't Epicureanism like that?
Replies: >>1086
I think Epicureanism is bit too concerned about what people should do, I'd rather have a metaphysical theory about what happiness is and let people explore it freely.  Epicureanism, Stoicsm, Hedonism all got different approaches to the subject. I'd say we need to build a philosophy accelerator and smash them together to figure out what all of them are made of. Like how can there even be conflictibg theories about being happy, I'd think people could figure out pretty fast which one is correct, right?
Replies: >>1088
Are those metaphysical theories rare? My impression was that investigating desire was a fashionable topic and it seems to me to be closely connected to happiness.

To be honest, I'm not really sure what metaphysical is supposed to mean.
Replies: >>1089
Hmm yea, all of the greek theories are fundamentally about what to do with desire (deny, moderate, indugle), but somehow people get results with all approaches. That reminds me of a fact about brain being self balancing system. Maybe if isn't really about the choice of a system but just having one so your metabolism has enough stability to find a base level?
Replies: >>1093
Which one is supposed to be which?
Plotinus has a weird concept of true Happiness which he expounds in his dense ass book the Enneads. The book is pretty much pagan/Plato metaphysics.

I haven't gotten far myself, but he does seem to tackle the idea of discontention in the human nd how happiness is not quite a feeling, but a metaphysical thing.

For a christian-turned-pagan born in the HRE, he does make Platoism digestible. At least for me
Replies: >>1099
Happiness has some instrumental value but raising it to be goal in itself tends to rarely work. I wonder why.
Replies: >>1099
>born in the HRE
Where? Somehow I doubt that you were born in the Holy Roman Empire

>Happiness has some instrumental value but raising it to be goal in itself tends to rarely work.
What do you mean by it working?
Replies: >>1100
>What do you mean by it working?
In reaching the goal of achieving happiness.
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every thought in your brain is alive. be careful with the little guys
Replies: >>1133
The fuckers keep breeding like mad.
You need to love wisdom. Consult your pineal gland. Oh, and start with the Greeks (Plato + Aristotle).
Replies: >>1135
Starting with the greeks is lame, and more about loving convention than actual wisdom. Also you picked up 2 of the most assbrained greeks there was, you really don't do philosophy do you?
Replies: >>1136 >>1142
you're right
he shoulda gone with heraclitus and diogenes
in that one painting they sit on stairs
and blocking stairs is pretty based
>Starting with the greeks is lame,
t. a Roman.
Replies: >>1143
Romans were the first Grecophiles. They were absolutely gaga over the Greeks. All the high-class Romans were taught by Greek rhetors.

And I mean, Rome was probably at one point a Greek colony, although they intermixed so fully with the local Etruscans that they weren't really "Greek" by the time they were "Roman"
Replies: >>1144
did you know lenin had an irish accent.jpg
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Grecophiles are fine, I just can't even talk to Soviophiles. A civilization that young… the thought sickens me.

Creeds and ideologies are traps in my opinion. We ought to be pragmatic in our approach to philosophy, I think.

It is time we dig up the dead and use the bad ones as fuel, while the dead ones come with us to the stars
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Philosophy requires thought and reflexion, sometimes a love of truth, love of thinking, and a craving of understanding things better or at the very least have a more constructed perspective that categorizes them the way you want to, be it the world, life itself, society, humanity, or else. You just need to think. If however you are refering to becoming a philosopher in the professional sense, making money and being read by other people, I would say this is practically impossible in 2023. The only person that ultimately will care about your opinions are yourself and yourself only, as the centuries of philosophy and famous intellectuals and writers already passed, there is a philosophy for nearly every way of looking at life, except if you get outside of the scope of labels (possible), by trying to truly think for yourself instead of regurgitating what an author of its time subject to irrationality, societal norms, subjectivity and fallacy like every human do (you'd be surprised how many people view Nietzsche as a genius simply because he is mainstream and approved by today's standards, not even questioning his beliefs beforehand, they just go from the principle that he seems to know what he's talking about therefore what he says is true).

And besides, not much people care about philosophy today statistically, same for intellectuals; even less willing to buy a book to hear some nameless' Joe of today ramblings, very few even read to challenge their own way of thinking (I say this, because the more unique a philosophy is, the less people are going to agree with it, and in the hypothesis that your philosophy isn't unique then again many examples exist) most do it to confirm their biases and can do it for free using the Internet, as a result will not even bother searching for recent intellectual works of other contemporary people. It is a solitary activity, for better or worse. Anyhow, good luck on your intellectual path anon, it is a noble, yet lonely path.
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