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I haven't been feeling well lately.
I'm constantly disinterested.
For most of my life I'd considered there to be a common greater good to strive for, then, a couple years ago I had an early 20s crisis and stepped over to absurdism.
Now I believe my own ideals to be the ultimate common good in life.
But it's hard.
Feeling so empty to resort to a faux religion like discordianism has left me unsatisfied.
I found this religion when i was in my early teens and it had always fascinated me. Then I got indoctrinated by the internet and became flirty with totalitarianism. Now I don't know what to do.
I've pretty much embraced Eris as my goddess, and am trying to do whatever I can to make Discordianism somewhat relevant to mine and other's views, but interest is sparse and those who were already interested shoo me away, for they are hippies and i'm a zoomer.
I just feel disconnected and irrelevant, and am practically waiting for the world to catch fire.
What the fuck do i do when my absurdist ideal is too far gone?
Replies: >>135 >>181
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Have you tried turning it on and off again?
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I pursue happiness in myself and the happiness of others. It motivates me, it's achievable and rewarding, and makes me relevant to the lives of others (in a good way).
I don't believe in an ultimate common good, since there is no single universal value. What is success? Prolonging survival of your DNA? Enabling future opportunities for life, whatever the species? Maximizing happiness in yourself, or others? These are subjective values and I have no right to assume them for others.
Totalitarianism, left or right, is a touchy subject especially in a culture that invented the term 'grayface'! not because of just hippies and zoomers but because it directly threatens the wellbeing of those who the authority don't agree with. A homophobe destroys Turing. An antisemite destroys Einstein. An antiheretic burns every person here on a stake. I can't say for sure if any of those is or isn't for a greater good, but as a person who professionally deals with rules and imposed them on others I say with confidence that what we are instructed to see as correct is often wrong. Exceptions to rules exist everywhere.
Anyway, I've dodged your post in my rambling. If you feel irrelevant, can you try to become relevant? Do you have skills you can teach to others? (that can even be paid employment) Do you have hobbies you can pursue locally or online? I built a lot of self worth from making creative content (most of which is derivative) that other people used or enjoyed, which aligns with my own ideal of making the world a happier place.

I treat Discordianism as a community and philosophy more than an actual religion.

Please excuse my schadenfraude but I must admit the number of 8chan crossboarders who tried to mix /pol/-style authoritarianism with this direct satire of dogma amazes me. It's a perplexing dichotomy.
Replies: >>110 >>111
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That's a cool comic you posted there, Cabbage.
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I'm not very concerned about the happiness of others. I like to fool myself into the belief that there is a greater good, even if I made it up myself. I treat Discordianism like an actual religion, and value ideas over individuals.
Totalitarianism just actively reinforces a single interpretation of reality and common good. Every mass taught idea is totalitarian until it is embedded within the culture, and reinforces itself.

As for the fact that Discordianism is attractive to authoritarian channelers, you've hit it right on the nose, it's a rather strange dichotomy which I've struggled with for a long time. I came to love Discordianism from a young age and can't get rid of it. Its texts gave the feeling of a shitposting secret society, and it hit it right on the nose for me. The complete balance between two opposites is what makes it a spectacular thing for me. It's written all over the principia, and it surprises me that people assumed that anti-individualists couldn't love such an amazing concept. Chaos consists of Order, too, and it deserves to be represented.
>I'm constantly disinterested.
>I just feel disconnected and irrelevant, and am practically waiting for the world to catch fire.
Same here. I suppose that those feelings are what made some monks and other people in Asia to completely isolate themselves from society.
Really, what is the point of achieving something? To feel better? It won't last. Then, what? Eternal struggle? It only makes us feel miserable. Helping others? Helping the world as a whole? Not worth it, since you will be the one sacrificing yourself while others live a (perceived to be) "good" life leeching from your sacrifice, but never sacrificing themselves.
In the end, really, what is the point of doing anything at all if it will all crumble sooner or later by the actions of others whose you don't have any control over?
Replies: >>136
Just couple of notes. If you are person with brain chemistry, working with people around you and caring for them makes you feel permanently better 99% of time. Do people around you suck? Dunno, just find better people, jeez the world is fucking crowded, theres dozen to every taste in even smallest, remotest village around.

Secondly the inevitable world burning down that is totally coming before the untimely death of the observer. Why just passively wait for the doom? Why not take part of it? For or against, you dont care, everybody wants healthy competition. The best thing person can do in the end times imho is to study the processes of doom and how the fire gets started. Eskatology if you will. It would be a shame if the fire ran out before its time and nobody knew how to set it again. HOW DO YOU COOK AND STAY WARM WITHOUT THE DAMN THING.
Replies: >>137 >>140
>working with people around you and caring for them makes you feel permanently better 99% of time.
this is biased and untrue. I don't feel a permanent high or satisfaction from helping others. If anything I feel it is a desperate effort.
>just find better people
what if every person tires me? I've met a lot of people. Just having to interact with one is annoying. I'd rather not.
>Why just passively wait for the doom? Why not take part of it?
Because, "I don't care." to that extent. People will destabilize countries for political goals, set things on fire and make a whole lot of noise. No side in such a struggle is worth fighting for. most all ideas have irreparable faults. It is only the meta idea of violence and destruction that interests me, but with how idiotic the ideas are it completely turns me off. There's nothing more annoying than a screaming adult.
The world is boring and everyone has too much. If a little more struggle for all were introduced, that'd be a show worth watching.
Replies: >>138 >>141
You seem sad, are you okay?

I'm pretty sure people cannot feel well without some positive connection to the people around them. My thought's don't just pop out of my brain, I need other people to distrub the equilibrium to scare the words out. If other people are boring to you, you might be boring to them as well. Humans aren't the top apes of this planet because we got big brains and processing shit. We are the deadliest extinction event because we got communication. We are eternally self contradicting hivemind, and you better get on board, because out there is fuckin cold, and fuckin cold isn't healthy for us apes. Violence is included in thd deal. Most of us just prefer to do it virtually now that the tech allows it 'cause bullets sting like hell.
Replies: >>139 >>141
>You seem sad, are you okay?
why would you think this?
>I'm pretty sure people cannot feel well without some positive connection to the people around them.
Human brains can be put together in a bazillion different ways, each allowing for a bazillion more thought-states. Does the possibility of human interaction being regarded as a negative really seem that alien to you? You must be way too social for your own good.
>If other people are boring to you, you might be boring to them as well.
what do i even say to this? isn't that just a net positive?
Replies: >>142
>makes you feel permanently better 99% of time
That is the point. It is just a feeling. Nothing important.
"Feeling better" is not enough of an excuse or motivation to do something.
>the world is fucking crowded, theres dozen to every taste in even smallest, remotest village around.
And they are all soulless drones who can't think by themselves.
>Why just passively wait for the doom?
Why put effort into anything, if it will cease to exist sooner or later?
>Why not take part of it?
For what purpose? Just "because it is there"? That is not a valid purpose.
>everybody wants healthy competition
I don't. I would rather live a quiet life without ever needing to compete against anyone, ever.
I am the kind of person that hates praise as much as I hate mockery. For me, living under the radar and living quietly is akin to paradise itself. But the whole world is composed by either mindless/soulless drones or by self-destrucitve idiots that can't stop living loudly, always chasing a challenging and always competing, which are things that I hate.
>I don't feel a permanent high or satisfaction from helping others. If anything I feel it is a desperate effort.
>what if every person tires me? I've met a lot of people. Just having to interact with one is annoying. I'd rather not.
>No side in such a struggle is worth fighting for.
>It is only the meta idea of violence and destruction that interests me
>There's nothing more annoying than a screaming adult.
The world is boring and everyone has too much.
These. Same here.

>people cannot feel well without some positive connection to the people around them.
Quite the opposite. I only feel well when people AREN'T leeching me by carving attention or praising what I do. The moment someone notices me is the moment I start to hate that person, because it will always default to said person having expectations about what I can do for him/her, while all I want is to live quietly without ever needing to do anything for others.
>you might be boring to them as well
That would be great. But no. People constantly look for someone to guide them and to help them. And that is annoying and uncalled for.
>and you better get on board
That thought alone is one that I abhor. I don't want to be a part of anything, with anyone.
Replies: >>146
>Does the possibility of human interaction being regarded as a negative really seem that alien to you? You must be way too social for your own good.
This is another thing that I agree upon. I see socializing as a mind poison. The more people depend on me, the more it weakens my mind. The more people carve my attention, the more my mind becomes poisoned. I want a healthy mind, away from the dependence of other people, and above all, away from their useless praising.
>If other people are boring to you, you might be boring to them as well.
>isn't that just a net positive?
This. The main problem is that those mindless drones won't go away even if they find me boring. They are addicted to the disease called socializing. That only reinforces my disgust for them.
Replies: >>146
You claim you don't wanna be social, and yet you take part in this discussion.

Yea, it's a cheap and stupid gotcha, but that was kinda my point. You seem to have this smarter than sheeple below-syndrome, and characterize anyone attacking that twisted worldview as some ultrasocial chad with too much happiness. I have just a handful of friends, but they're so important to me since I realize, I'm a human being, I take information in, I process it, and I NEED to spit some of it in somebodys ear, or I'll just end up as a dead end in a datachain, and my brain bursts from overload, or gets disconnected as useless. I don't mean disconnected like you do, moving to  low information flow area, where you don't have to act so smart all the time, and stuff comes in slow enough you can think it through before passing it on. I'm talking like isolation cell kinda disconnection, that is known to fuck everyone subjected to it down.

Humans are selfish annoying dumb ass pricks, but that's probably because I am too and cannot understand them really.
Replies: >>146
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glad theres someone on here who shares my views lol
socializing is a weird disease.

>You claim you don't wanna be social, and yet you take part in this discussion.
you think this is a gotcha? these anonymous forums don't represent the farce that is the physical representation of an individual. these posts contain human thoughts, no more no less. in imageboard culture tripfags are looked down upon, which is why i cherish it. The ego must be abolished.
I am very interested in human thoughts, just not the human that comes with it.
>You seem to have this smarter than sheeple below-syndrome, and characterize anyone attacking that twisted worldview as some ultrasocial chad with too much happiness.
the reason the post i allege you are referring to refers to supposedly you as "too social for your own good" is not because they are seen as chads, it's because they couldn't see how socializing could be seen as a negative. which is in my opinion, shortsighted. I do see other people as inferior, because it seems to me they cannot live without socializing or showing their emotions and opinions in obnoxious ways. They're dependent on those things and get easily fooled. Humans are stupidly retarded. I cannot relate to them at all.
>I'm a human being, I take information in, I process it, and I NEED to spit some of it in somebodys ear
this is a suppressible urge, however even if you don't suppress it, you don't need friends for it. The internet has everything you need to take information and release it, and before that you could just read and write books.
>Humans are selfish annoying dumb ass pricks, but that's probably because I am too and cannot understand them really.
yes, humans suck.
Replies: >>147 >>149 >>150
>socializing is a weird disease.
It is.
You can see how empty the lives of people addicted to it are.
>I am very interested in human thoughts, just not the human that comes with it.
>I do see other people as inferior, because it seems to me they cannot live without socializing or showing their emotions and opinions in obnoxious ways.
>They're dependent on those things and get easily fooled.
>Humans are stupidly retarded.
>I cannot relate to them at all.
Said it all.
The worst thing about those addicted to socializing is how the put themselves into social circles just for the sake of being there, without any real purpose.
They hop into a circle, and expect for things to magically make them feel better about their empty lives.
You can see this in a even worse way in women. They carve attention all the time, without contributing anything to deserve that attention. and even worse, some carve socialization hoping that someone in the group would make them feel better, but as soon as some truths are spoken, they get angry at those and at the person speaking them. But they always look for another group, or come back to the same group, expecting for things to suddenly be different this time. Then, the ycle repeats, with them hearing truths that they don't like, getting angry, and going away, just to come back again or look for the same type of group elsewhere.
To me, that behavior is the definition of insanity.
Replies: >>150 >>151
Cute, you two made friends instantly :) Ain't socializing fun?
Replies: >>162
>I am very interested in human thoughts, just not the human that comes with it.
I really hear what you are trying to say. The thing is thoughts usually need context to be understood fully. If you are not doing one way communication, where the benefit of asking clarifying questions isn't there, the context is usually the person you are talking with. Same words from different people mean different things. If you just try to have the pure thoughts without the messy, often mistaken, complicated and totally unique people having them, you miss a major portion of the truth.

>The internet has everything you need to take information and release it

That is very true, and maybe with right kind of conditioning I could be satisfied with just that. Happy, never, yea the cyberspace can trick your brain to release all the right chemicals but I'd never feel safe relying on it only for my needs. I need to double check stuff through real world since there's no way of knowing if somebody's filtering my news articles. Internet shows you exactly what you seek, other people speak about stuff that interests them, and there's no other way to come across some of those perspectives.
Replies: >>154
>socializing is a weird disease.
>You can see how empty the lives of people addicted to it are.
I disagree, it's not a disease at all. If you obsess about it or prize it, it can be a harmful, self-destructive addiction but calling socialization in general a disease isn't something I agree with.
I'm introverted but can handle, tolerate and embrace human interaction. Now that there are less people I am necessarily around everyday, I neglect most friendships and enjoy anon culture.
I am not misanthropic, but I wouldn't blame people who are. Humans suck, but humans also can be great. Socialization, in moderation, has useful benefits (for example: friends are able to help you out of some trouble, can bring more relevant perspectives than anons, can recommend your services to others). It can also have downsides, I'm sure I don't have to reiterate those.
A few people I know can do it right. The make others happy, offer useful advice and have legitimate concern if they feel that you are hurt. Then there is the mass of wastes you mention who are there expecting magic, filling the void, leaching of drama and celebritism and what clothes people are wearing. The mainstream has never been good.

It's probably fair to assume in-person socialization is not right for you. That's respectable, and I disagree with other anon for seemingly being unable to empathize with that view, but it isn't inherently a disease. It's an investment, I'd suggest.
I have the advantage of living in a very heavily-populated area where I can pick and choose who I talk to and find the few worth being around. If I were in a small community like a remote town, I'd probably turn out asocial.
Replies: >>151 >>152 >>155
You speak about socializing as an addiction in a way I've heard some anorectics speak about food addiction. Yea socialization is fucked, there's many very shitty norms around it, people who are bit weird get easily cast out and all the other stuff. I get your concern I really do. I was gonna continue being argumentative and shit but then >>150 was posted, and yea that's a way better take so maybe I just shut up for now.
Replies: >>152 >>157
>The make others happy
Which in itself, is stupid. Your life is your own, as is mine. It is not someone else's, nor FOR someone else.
It is for me only.
Living for others is peak retardness. and it is the main cause of depression, as those who can't grasp the basic idea of living only for themselves always end up being the soulless empty lives that I cited above.
Someone who is genuinely good for advice is someone who lives by himself, and thus, is someone who doesn't need advice, since he can figure out everything by himself at some point.
People like me live a fulfilling life, but we never carve other people, even those who are like us. Those carving other people are exactly the mainstream masses with no mind of their own.
>It's an investment, I'd suggest
I disagree with that, when the most "return" that one can get is emotionally dependent mindless people that will surely become parasites sooner or later in one's life.
Hence, my classification of socializing as a disease. It always drags down one's life.
>I have the advantage of living in a very heavily-populated area where I can pick and choose who I talk to and find the few worth being around. If I were in a small community like a remote town, I'd probably turn out asocial.
For me, it made no difference. I lived in remote towns (which I always prefer, since I have less contact with people), and also lived in big cities. In all of them, the socialization disease was the same. People gathering for their defective emotional needs, and not for some useful or meaningful purpose.

>Yea socialization is fucked, there's many very shitty norms around it, people who are bit weird get easily cast out and all the other stuff.
Add to that: socialization offers no true benefits and no real purpose for a person's life. That is why it gets addictive for those with empty lives.
Replies: >>153 >>156
>socialization offers no true benefits and no real purpose for a person's life.
Whoa there buddy, are your saying that my fake benefits, and false purpose I get from socialization are somehow less valid than your One True Path? Having extra pair of eyes on your back to call you out when you go a bit overboard, or someone to water your plants when you are outta town is at least useful if not beneficial. It's also true that I haven't found my purpose in life, but neither have they so I might be ok. Purposes are boring anyway.
Replies: >>155 >>162
>Same words from different people mean different things.
I really don't think context is that much of an issue unless you're talking to an alien species. I don't see why you're assuming some sort of system with one way communication, is it because i mentioned books?
if they can't grasp the context of a full sentence with lots of info in it, they're not worth talking to.
>the pure thoughts without the messy, often mistaken, complicated and totally unique people having them, you miss a major portion of the truth.
just because experiences form thoughts does not mean thoughts contain experiences, is that what you're trying to say? Sure. But I don't see how it's relevant. If the experience isn't just a selfish interpretation it can be described in words. You don't need the propaganda tool of emotions to steer you into a certain thought pattern for that. I don't see it as truth.
>with right kind of conditioning I could be satisfied with just [the internet]. Happy, never
happiness is overrated and hard to find, just being content is good enough.
> I need to double check stuff through real world since there's no way of knowing if somebody's filtering my news articles.
that's just paranoia.
>Internet shows you exactly what you seek, other people speak about stuff that interests them, and there's no other way to come across some of those perspectives.
Yes, the internet only shows me what i want to be shown. That's the beauty of it. Why would i want to have to deal with stuff i have no interests in on top of having to deal with a human being?
Replies: >>158 >>163
>humans also can be great. Socialization, in moderation, has useful benefits
costs too much annoyance from the pretense to care. Those costs outweigh the barely existent benefits.
> friends are able to help you out of some trouble, can bring more relevant perspectives than anons, can recommend your services to others
I'm never in trouble, their perspectives are worthless. I don't need nor want any individual to care for my ideas. People are annoying to deal with. Why shove something in someone's face that they have no idea of or interest in? I wouldn't want that to happen to me either.
>it isn't inherently a disease. It's an investment, I'd suggest.
You are right, but most of all it's a coping mechanism for those who rely on others' opinions to stabilize their mental status.
As an investment I wouldn't buy in on most people, perhaps only schizoid engineers.
>I have the advantage of living in a very heavily-populated area where I can pick and choose who I talk to and find the few worth being around. If I were in a small community like a remote town, I'd probably turn out asocial.
Having lived in both rural and urban environments i can say i prefer rural, the only downside is that it's expensive to live there. I'm fine with urban as long as i don't have to deal with drunks, the most annoying of people.
>Having extra pair of eyes on your back to call you out when you go a bit overboard, or someone to water your plants when you are outta town is at least useful if not beneficial.
Are those supposed to be benefits? The downsides and upkeep are too great. I don't have it in me to care.
>I haven't found my purpose in life, but neither have they so I might be ok
this board isn't called absurdism for nothing. You can just make some shit up.
>Purposes are boring anyway.
I disagree. they're the only thing keeping me alive.
Replies: >>164
>Which in itself, is stupid. Your life is your own, as is mine. It is not someone else's, nor FOR someone else.
It is for me only.
My life is my own and I inherently derive pleasure from knowing I've brought good feelings to others at little/no cost of my own. Therefore selflessness is selfishly rewarding. My life is my own and it's different to yours.

The fact that you think something is stupid because you think it's stupid suggests you are stupid.
Replies: >>164
anon views the world (Kazerad - Faceless Together).png
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Oh, thanks for that.
>Why would i want to have to deal with stuff i have no interests in on top of having to deal with a human being?

You cannot notice that somebody drew shit on your face while you were passed out without a mirror.
Replies: >>159
nobody will draw shit on my face if i lock the door at night.
Replies: >>160
Well they still can use the window, use the master key, demolish a wall and quickly build it back up after leaving, dropping tiny drones armed with markers through the chimney, or blast subliminal hypnotic messages through your phone to make you mess up your face all by yourself. Anyway, I'm just realized if you're not gonna leave the house you probably don't give a shit about it. Problem is, you're not in your house, you are here. Cool face tattoos pal.
Replies: >>161 >>164
get your brain tested
Not even close to what is happening. We are just agreeing on topics in this conversation.
If either me or the other guy dies tomorrow, it will make no difference in the other person's life. The other will go on with his life without bothering with what happened to the one who died, since none of us is a mentally ill social addict.

>Whoa there buddy, are your saying that my fake benefits, and false purpose I get from socialization are somehow less valid than your One True Path?
>Having extra pair of eyes on your back to call you out when you go a bit overboard, or someone to water your plants when you are outta town is at least useful if not beneficial.
That just shows that you are incompetent in managing your life by yourself.
>It's also true that I haven't found my purpose in life, but neither have they so I might be ok.
And that is why you live a life of dependency.
>Purposes are boring anyway.
They are the only thing worthy in all life. What you are saying is the same thing as if a drug addict said that being healthy is boring, since he can't leave his addiction.
Replies: >>180
Regarding the topic on books, notice how the majority of great writers in all of human existence were (correctly) anti-social. Those with a clear purpose always realize how futile and unhealthy the act of socializing is.
>happiness is overrated and hard to find, just being content is good enough.
I would add that those who lose themselves in the search for this abstract concept called happiness always end up depressed, sooner or later, in their lives. You can see many who practically scream to the world that "I am happy" becoming more and more self-hating as time goes on, because deep down, they realize (most, in a subcouncious level)that this so called "happiness" doesn't really exist, and that they fooled themselves into believing in it's existence, wasting their limited time in this world pursuing a non-existent goal instead of giving a purpose to their lives.
>I need to double check stuff through real world since there's no way of knowing if somebody's filtering my news articles.
>that's just paranoia.
>Yes, the internet only shows me what i want to be shown. That's the beauty of it. Why would i want to have to deal with stuff i have no interests in on top of having to deal with a human being?
Again, said it all. Nothing to add here.
>costs too much annoyance from the pretense to care.
>Those costs outweigh the barely existent benefits.
I would argue that there are no benefits whatsoever.
>I'm never in trouble, their perspectives are worthless. I don't need nor want any individual to care for my ideas. People are annoying to deal with. Why shove something in someone's face that they have no idea of or interest in? I wouldn't want that to happen to me either.
True. There is nothing worse than living for other people's perspective or acceptance. That is literally hell.
>most of all it's a coping mechanism for those who rely on others' opinions to stabilize their mental status.
Couldn't say better myself. The whole need for socialization is nothing more than soulless drones trying to justify their empty lives by gathering around each other and hearing constant acceptance from others, as if that mattered.

>My life is my own and I inherently derive pleasure from knowing I've brought good feelings to others at little/no cost of my own. Therefore selflessness is selfishly rewarding. My life is my own and it's different to yours.
Which only shows that your life is not your own, and that you are dependent on other people's opinions/perception of what you do to them in order to feel alive. Again, nothing more than a coping mechanism.
>The fact that you think something is stupid because you think it's stupid suggests you are stupid.
Mental gymnastics? Reality and life are objective. And socializing is objectively stupid.

Is this a bot, or are you that mentally damaged from socialization?
Replies: >>166 >>180
Everyone who does stuff differently than I do is a sheep.
Replies: >>166 >>167
but but but but i am the robot!.jpg
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>Which only shows that your life is not your own, and that you are dependent on other people's opinions/perception of what you do to them in order to feel alive.
No, I'm not dependent on other people's opinions and perceptions. You've made yet another blanket assumption. I don't need that to feel happy, but it is nonetheless one method of bringing happiness to me. It's more interesting and challenging than most other ways and provides benefits in return, so I continue pursuing it. I would have no emotional struggle if I were the last human on Earth.
>Again, nothing more than a coping mechanism.
Are you one of the posters that said purposes are worthy/keeping you alive? Hypocrite that you are! Purposes are the biggest coping mechanisms of all in an absurd existence.
>Reality and life are objective. And socializing is objectively stupid.
Reality is relative, a subjective illusion of the objective physical world.
As a side note, what exactly do you mean by the word 'socializing'? Does us having a prolonged, civil conversation qualify as us socializing? Do you mean a sociological definition, where us embracing anon culture and certain imageboard social norms qualifies as socializing ourselves, for example? Or something more specific like conforming to mainstream social norms or building friendships? For any of those, they have objective benefits, even if none are applicable to you, and is therefore not objectively stupid.
Are you cognitively able to realize that other people can gain benefit from something, even if you can't?

>Is this a bot, or are you that mentally damaged from socialization?
This is an r9k thread, anon. We're all robots.

This, but I'm the sheep and no-one else in the world is.
Replies: >>167
Everyone who behaves like cattle, with the idiotic emotional need for socializing, is.

>I don't need that to feel happy
And yet, you affirmed that it was what was better for a person's life. You are simply addicted to having others be dependent on you, or to depend on others, and emotionally attached to this addiction.
>urposes are the biggest coping mechanisms of all in an absurd existence.
It literally isn't. Purpose is the only important thing in a human's life. No purpose = no life. Hence, soulless drones who carve attention and socialization, since they are empty.
As for reality, it is, always was, and always will be objective. Your whole sperging about reality and subjectivity makes you look like one of those leftard lunatics that still "think" that reality could be subjective. no wonder they are all going insane all around the world. And no wonder you sound so desperate to validate your addiction, bordering on the above mentioned mental illness. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
Are you cognitively able to realize that no one can ever benefit from the abstract and from subjectivity? That anyone who tries to do so end up in a mental downward spiral leading directly to depression and self-hate once they realize the futility of pursuing the non-existent instead of setting a purpose for their lives?
Replies: >>168 >>169 >>180
You cannot see the objective reality, as you are trapped your subjective POV like everyone else on this goddamn planet. You cannot understand people without subjectivity, tho I bet you don't even want to since you are content with thinking that everyone except you is just a stupid zombie. What are the chances, you gotta be the luckiest person alive.
Replies: >>172
>It literally isn't. Purpose is the only important thing in a human's life.
No purpose = no life.
You didn't rebut the argument. In fact, it looks like you are agreeing that purpose is a coping mechanism we develop to handle the objective meaningless of life, outside of self-replication (which is optimally accomplished through socializing) and protection of our DNA.
Any other life purpose is a coping mechanism to stop you being disinterested. This is not necessarily a bad thing, since we now know self-replication is ultimately meaningless in the long term.
>No purpose = no life.
And you think I'm a desperate addict.
You should stop projecting so much. A person can objectively live without a purpose. They might not accomplish much, but they will have as much objective worth as any of our lives in the extreme long run, 0. All worth is based on subjective values, and when all intelligent life is extinct, the objective reality is undeniably worthless.

>As for reality, it is, always was, and always will be objective. Your whole sperging about reality and subjectivity makes you look like one of those leftard lunatics that still "think" that reality could be subjective.
Like Greg Hill or Kerry Wendell Thornley? Oh no, I'm insulted!
I did confuse the term reality with interpretation of reality, so I agree reality itself is, by definition, objective, but your dismissal of subjectivity is still stupid. Reality is absurd and empty and the search for objective meaning is a dead end. Your purpose in life is inherently abstract and subjective, unless it is something like 'survive and reproduce'.

Replies: >>173
>And no wonder you sound so desperate to validate your addiction, bordering on the above mentioned mental illness. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.
Your entire prolonged argument is an attempt at validating your inability to socialize constructively, something you just can't understand yet, by generating egocentric grandiose delusions and projecting your own subjective world view as being the only real one.
You consistently and confidently invent false details and interpretations of our lives to denounce them and validate your own as superior.
You want to talk about mental illness? Read DSM-IV-TR 297.1 Specify type 2.
>You cannot see the objective reality
Yes, I can. As anyone with a purpose can.
>as you are trapped your subjective POV like everyone else on this goddamn planet
Literally not.
>since you are content with thinking that everyone except you is just a stupid zombie
Again trying to subvert my words.
Most people are zombies, yes. But not all. Those with purpose are the people with real lives. Anyone without a purpose is a living carcass. Empty life, empty mind.
Replies: >>175
>Like Greg Hill or Kerry Wendell Thornley?
>You didn't rebut the argument.
Yes, I did.
No purpose = no life.
Reality is objective.
By not knowing that, you have no argument at all.
>A person can objectively live without a purpose
Completely false. An existence like a living carcass, without purpose, with an empty mind, is not a life. That is why those very same zombies carve to the disease of socializing. They want to fill their emptiness. And the won't ever be able to, since it comes from their very defective nature.
>They might not accomplish much
Which makes their existence useless.
>but they will have as much objective worth
Literally not. Worthiness comes only for a few, with purpose in their lives. Those without purpose have no worth. And are the first ones to, as mentioned before, fall into depression as soon as they realize, sooner or later, their lack of any worth.
>Reality is absurd
It isn't. Everything is objective, and anyone without a purpose is incapable of acting objectively, thus, deteriorating their minds to the point of turning into empty shells.
>Your entire prolonged argument is an attempt at validating your inability to socialize constructively
Subversion again.
Socializing is not necessary for a person. Even then, it can be done. And it is very easy to do. But it offers no benefits. Hence why it is useless to engage in it.
Ego is the very core of our existence. My ego is more important than any person's life, yes. Nothing wrong with that.
Those with purpose are grand, yes.
No. Objective reality as it is.
>denounce them
For their empty lives and useless existence, yes.
>and validate your own
Not validation, since the seek for validation is exactly one of the traits of the soulless drones, addicted to socialization.
>as superior
That is the objective reality. You just can't handle the fact that people are not equal, and that some are superior to others.
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>>Reality is absurd
>It isn't.
>I can see the objective reality.
You fail to understand what is ment by objective reality. What you see photons hitting your retinas and being heavily processed into "meaningful" data. The photons you see are just the tiniest fraction of all photons going around, and the information processing in your brain is so heavily biased it sees faces in trees. What you are talking of as objective reality, is socially transmitted subjective reality, as you need to trust some people to tell the truth about the world.

>Those with purpose are the people with real lives. Anyone without a purpose is a living carcass.
What do you mean by purpose? Do you need to think you have a purpose to qualify? Even if you were mistaken?
Replies: >>176 >>178
no bro ur literally dead rn
Replies: >>177
Being dead to you doesn't really bother me. In my subjective reality I'm very much alive and doing fine.
>"meaningful" data
The very fact that you consider meaningful as something subjective says it all about yourcoping mechanism.
You live to try to convince yourself of being worthy, instead of actually being worthy. In the end, just another soulless drone.
>What do you mean by purpose?
You don't even know what s purpose is. That explains a lot.
Replies: >>179 >>180
I know exactly what purpose is, I just don't know what you think purpose is, so I asked clarification. Our views seem to differ since I don't have to repeatedly call everyone mindless drones to feel smart and important. How's that for a coping mechanism?
Replies: >>182
>benefiting from additional assistance -> incompetence in managing your life yourself
>having no purpose -> being dependent
>being able do derive pleasure from reciprocation -> dependence and inability to feel alive without external validation
>not needing external validation -> addiction to having people depend on you
>[these actions are] not validation, since the seek for validation is exactly one of the traits of the soulless drones
>realizing different people can interpret the same physical object differently -> you're trying to convince yourself of being worthy and are soulless
These are all fallacious assertions and non-indicative of objective reality. 
Like we said, you are inventing a false story of our lives and are arguing against that narrative instead of objective reality.
Replies: >>182
Sounds like you - and I mean this without a gram of irony - need Christ.
Replies: >>182
>Our views seem to differ
Purpose is not something subjective for it to allow "different views".
>repeatedly call everyone mindless drones
Not everyone. Just those who are mindless drones. It just happens to be the majority of people.

>These are all fallacious assertions
Says the drone desperate to validate his lack of individual thought.

Being anti-social is the natural state of the mind.
Replies: >>184
vintage meme.jpg
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>Says the drone desperate to validate his lack of individual thought.
Not an argument. Try again.

Define your purpose. You mention it repeatedly.
Replies: >>185
Yes it is and argument. And the moist valid one: a drone without individual thoughts can only spew fallacies, and nothing else.
>Define your purpose.
Purpose is not subjective, for it to be "mine", separated from someone else's.
If you have purpose in life, you are a person.
If you don't, you are a mindless living carcass.
Replies: >>186 >>190
>Purpose is not subjective, for it to be "mine", separated from someone else's.
Just admit it, your purpose is that you pass butter.
Replies: >>187 >>191
wew not even him but i gotta berate you, your taste is horrible.
Replies: >>188
I'd rather watch Moral Orel or Robot Chicken over that show any day of the week.
Replies: >>189
>drone without individual thoughts can only spew fallacies, and nothing else.

If you wear a tie, and all people wearing ties are morons, you are a moron.
Replies: >>191
>Being this butthurt for not knowing a person's purpose and personal information
Just admit it that you are a drone. No purpose = no life.

>Literally admits that if everyone does something, he will do too.
If everyone wears a tie, and I don't want to, I won't wear it.
Individuality (that is, a functional mind) might be an alien concept for such a cattle like you, with no purpose and no mind of your own, but I will still explain in short terms: an individual does not get his mind rotten by socialization nor from validation or approval from others.
I live my life on my own terms, regardless of the mindless zombies needs (their social addiction/mental illness) and away from their poisoned and weak minds that carve attention and care, as the lowlife cattle that they are.
Replies: >>192 >>193 >>194
not him but i'd disagree.
individualism is a common unconscious ideology of those who follow the herd. they want to fit in and be as successful as an individual can be. They buy and remember brands, they catch up on social trends, they do all this dumb shit because think other's opinions about them are important.
individuals are the addicts of validation. You are much better off being a nobody.

Also, about purpose. I subscribe to absurdism. The world has no purpose, but humans do. It's what keeps us going. In that clash between our search for meaning and the vocal emptiness life offers us, the absurd is created.
I don't think meanings and purposes are forfeit on death however.
For individualists it's just the case that their unconscious drive for validation is their purpose. It makes them rather sad creatures.
>you're all cattle
>i live my life away from cattle
>If everyone wears a tie, and I don't want to, I won't wear it.
You must be new here! Maybe you are unaware of which website you are posting on.

>No purpose = no life.
We've asked you repeatedly any you haven't demonstrated that you have any purpose. You think your brain is not rotten, but you mindlessly repeat the same argument and the same words and cannot comprehend your own objective insignificance.
You are no better than the cattle you mock here so desperately to validate yourself.
You've spent your last ten posts failing to refute counterpoints to your opinions, just repeating yourself and inventing negative fantasies about us. You escaped being a mindless drone, only to remain mindless. Anyone who continues arguing with you at this point is an idiot complicit in shitting up this site myself included.
Replies: >>206
>your opinions
Facts are not opinions.
Reality is not subjective.
There is no arguing with objective facts. Just repetition stating those facts.
>only to remain mindless
You are projecting again, with the failed and old "you too" fallacy.
Social addicts are drones who can't think by themselves and can't live by themselves, being mentally ill addics to social validation, which in itself is a behavior that deteriorates one's mind over the time.
No wonder you can't formulate anything more than "no, you are",  "you too" and "you are an idiot" over and over again, since your brain deteriorated by over exposure to socialization.
Replies: >>207
>Juvenile rats were allowed short daily periods of social contact to see if this would reduce the known effects of isolation rearing upon habituation of locomotor activity and object contact in the open field. Animals totally deprived of social experience (ISOL) were slower to habituate than animals living in small social groups (SOC). Rats allowed 1 hr of social contact (partial isolates, PI), but living otherwise in isolation, were intermediate between ISOL and SOC animals. In further experiments the quality of social interactions in the daily period was altered by drugging one of the partners, either with amphetamine or with chlorpormazine. In later tests in the open field, the rats that had interacted with amphetamine‐injected or chlorpromazine‐injected partners differed from PI animals in the direction of resembling complete isolates (ISOL); this was particularly true of those paired with amphetamine animals. Observation revealed that injection of 1 of the partners considerably altered social interactions in the pair. A further test showed that 1 hr of contact a day considerably alleviated the deleterious effects of isolation rearing upon response reversal. We conclude that normal development in the rat may depend upon the flexibility of behavior encouraged by the early social situation.
Replies: >>208
so basically isolated rats do worse than social rats?
that sucks
we oughta do some advanced gene altering to change that
cuz socializing is stupid.
Replies: >>209
Now you're thinking. If you are losing the debate, better alter the reality to fit your arguments. Welcome to the Discordian Science Department!
Replies: >>210
i'm really feeling it mr lysenko!!
Replies: >>211 >>212
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https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170717100548.htm Check this out
Replies: >>214
lysenko climbed up society
so that he could be an antisocialist
by killing all the dumb smarties who share different facts
inject the rats with lysenkoloid
so that they can be social and then they can destroy society

progrom solved
Replies: >>217
I inherited jeans from my cousins.
Is this bad?
Replies: >>215
ur bread
Russian girls love me
based lysenkoist
the need to socialize is a weakness
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