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I will put my very life,my health,my sanity, everything on the line for  an anabolic experiment; how anabolic,Testosterone-maxxed can a human man get without inyecting steroids?
I will challenge the medical stablishment,the fitenss Industry themselves.
here is my all-natty stack of nutrition+non-roid supplements:
>GOMAD+ 1 full pot of Protein a Day
>troughout the day,consume 20-35 raw eggs
>ketogenic ,mainly raw, carnivore diet as the only diet . breakfast? well,a raw steak. 4 o'clock tea meal?a couple of german blood-sausages
>melatoninmaxxing so I get recovery sleep
Of course I will also extremely heavy.dangerously heavy;and with high-reps on top of that. I will do my ORM. and then do reps with THAT.
you may say…you will say;"you'll poop all the food out" ,"your muscles will become liquid", "youll just get fat"
HA!we'll see…we'll see!
So from studying endocrinology you came to a conclusion that it is a game where you need to just max the levels of one specific hormone?
Replies: >>1104
I also need to reduce estrogens,and there's androstenol, aromatization,etc.
but yes; Eating thousands of calories ,80% protein and 20% fat+massive cholesterol will make me Peak strong. As I said i'll also be lifting so heavy my bones make cracking noises,but I do semen retention so it will be ok.
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