/abs/ - Absurdism

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I want to go full boddhisatva and donate organs while still alive(kidney, lung), donate my time alive(volunteering)and most of my income.
However I finally found supernatural\paranormal motivation for improving my body to its limit:When I die, I will leave behind a corpse full of medical mysteries,of keys to live to 200 years old, how to remain for 50+years with single digit body fat and NO strength loss.
I will become a superman not for the sake of my pride and vanity,but for the generations of humans to come to profit off my sweat and blood.
>Ill do charity challenges using my own grit: burpee records,charity boxing(I actually boxed for a few years), even icy water swimming,etc
>im seriously confident that my corpse will allow medicine and other sciences to advance 500 years since I die
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hey hi
UPDATE! I am looking for trials and info as a test subject volunteer in lab-medical experiments
Im also studying how to detox myself from nanobots\smart dust and microchips. vaccines, parasites and worms, etc
Replies: >>1178
do you look like that?
I have  2 books and like 5 specialized papers on Buddhist self-mummification ,Sokojushinbutsu (sokushinbutsu is the mummy itself, not the practice)
Here is what a man who ,alone in the wilderness, wishes to mummify himself, should do:
>Diet of only nuts, roots, leaves, tree bark + exercise for 1, 2 years
>Use (thanks modern tech!) purgatives, diuretics, laxatives to rid the body of all filth 
>approaching death: cut of all solid food, drink only salt and some water, put yourself in a closed room with like 200 incense sticks and candles
>death in like 2 weeks: Start drinking arsenic water and poison ivy tea, if possible fill your body with limestone my eating the stones, bury yourself in a small box full of charcoal and salt
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