/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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FireShot Capture 408 - Misanthropy - YouTube - www.youtube.com.png
(219.8KB, 703x396)
5 is the most based Misanthropy.
All the misanthropy I've ever come across has been just projected self hatered. I keep asking them if they have a plan to get rid of humanity, and they've not even thought about it as far as me who'd like to keep humanity around for their innate entertainment value.
(22.3KB, 665x516)
I Would like to offer some insight to everyone here, but my hands are tied. You see, I gave myself a pinky promise to start a thumb war with myself, but with one hand perpetually clenched in a fist and the other constantly flipping the bird it hasn't happened yet. Go ahead and call me a procrastinator if you want, but that's just me.
Replies: >>1172
Look, I'm not a legal expert but I think a pinky promise can be broken by mutual agreement.
Are you in a position where a handshake is possible?
It is true to say that humanity is violent cruel and selfish, it is also true to say that humanity is kind compassionate and generous, it is also true to say that humanity is unemotive cynical and stupid, and it is also true to say that humanity is mysterious intriguing and impetuous.
Replies: >>1175
All these things are in some sense True, False, and Meaningless.
Replies: >>1176
in most senses meaningless and true and false cancel each other out.
Replies: >>1189
This statement is in some sense true, false, and meaningless
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