/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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dragonfly vax.png
(240.3KB, 1200x1800)
Do you see the fnords? Can you see the fnords? Have you seen the fnords? 

They're actually pretty interesting. Told you about major world events decades before they happened. 

Replies: >>1346
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What is a fnord? I think I see them but they seem to have pretty convincing mustaches
Replies: >>1347 >>1353
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I think it's a typo and it's supposed to be fjord.
Replies: >>1350
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my grandad drives a fjord. it is truly a shitmobile

I knew vehicles were suspious. They are living organisms. Always plotting to break down in our time of need
Replies: >>1352
Every object you touch is alive with your life and your will.
Palazzo Braschi 1934 italy mussolini.jpg
(57.6KB, 600x444)
I don't see a fnord here
Replies: >>1354
What's ISIS got to do with everything? That last cult of hers worked for the deep state, I don't trust them.
Replies: >>1410
Fnord is neither F nor D, doodah, doodah.
Fnord is neither F nor D, oh de doodah day.
That's the thing about Gods, people just name their cults and kids after you. I don't blame Isis.
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