Did any of you practice that magic stuff? You know, Theurgy,Thaumaturgy,Golden dawn, Thelema, Crowley, post modern magick, Wicca,Chaoism etc
Or Tantric Buddhist Stuff
Tao,chinese things, jung maybe? Surrealist artist ways eh...
All sound like pure system to mindfuck yo brain.
I'm too much of a rationalist for these things but I've seen science research that really mindfuck you
>What did you see pope?
The brain and human mind is amazing
>People who don't feel pain or tolerate it more by light altered states of consciusness(autosuggest?) and body tolerance training(micro bones fractures and calcium resistance... maybe skin toughness training)
>invocations and personifications or possessions(or self-identification) of deities or spirits,etc (schizo acting?)
>Tulpas or imaginary friends(internal monologue and walk-ins ignoring deity yoga from buddhism)
>generating fever level body heat by visualizations and breath(yes, ki-chi think visualizations with ritual or something)
>breath control and slow heart beat a little, same with awareness or arousal(or cause a fucked up hyperarousal that cause fear and more bad things bacause of meditation, long to explain...)
>lucid dreams(dream yoga,lucid dream etc)
>hardcore visualizations
>Psychonauts dreams and drugs, machine elves, valkyrs,angels,animals,fractals(dafuq bro)
>Placebos and confirmation bias and forer etc
So pope
I read in an absurd way all these topics as I read about martial arts that I will never practice. I mean I like them but what is your opinion?
RAW's approach to tunnels perspective is nice. I like that way, is very wholesome and universal.
Yes, I also read in excess this to identify charlatans and sects. A guys from post-theosophy one called ascended masters and family constellation therapy tried to talk to me back in time in a propaganda project intent.
Those people scam innocent people like you fella scientology guy who trolled jack parsons.
So I hid those ads to prevent anyone from getting hurt by money-wouo scam bad guys.