(19.2KB, 1200x720) The ignorance and laziness of future generations has irreparably made our entire planet and its atmosphere toxic. There's no cleaning all this up. How the fuck are you going to get even half the nanoplastics out of the wind? How will we get them out of our muscle tissue?
I think the answer is that we don't.
Recall the final scene of Dr. Strangelove. The doomsday nuclear fallout vision is just a faster-acting poison than the environment Earth was already in. That final scene, where they have accepted the doomed future and explore options for preserving humanity, feels more familiar than I ever knew it would. The only difference is, at least they're still uncontaminated.
But consider their solution - bunkering. We can create a sterile environment, ideally on land but perhaps it must be under the surface or even in space. If done properly, maybe we could even decontaminate our species and others within a generation or two. But in our arrogance, if we were to be isolated in deep Earth or space, we would probably only preserve the species we've decided we like or need, which we decide are valuable, and leave the rest to fend for themselves. The chaos of evolution will be left for dead. How long will it take life it rebuild a character after that?
The best decontamination I could hope for is for our sterile zone to slowly reclaim territory from the outside world, incorporating it carefully over centuries, like the Great Green Walls on steroids.
Of course, I understand, the true reality is that we will all just ignore the situation until we start recognizing imminent health impacts. Then I suppose the rich will finally bunker down, the poor will try their best, and any society that didn't pull together will collapse.