Once one accepts that there is no afterlife and a person, if even it is correct to claim to have ever existed, ceases to be at the point of death, it becomes clear that sacrificing yourself for something or someone is the most basic bitch trite bullshit. Like who the fuck cares, the person who died absolutely will not because they are no longer. So why would I care? "But she gave up what was most important to her -- her own life!" will claim some sentimental imbecile. But guess what? She is no longer, she cannot miss her life. "But if she was still, she would miss it." But she is not, and potentialities are bullshit. Just because I imagine how potentially good it would feel if you sucked my dick, it won't make you suck it, will it? So why are we talking about what could have been when it is clear what just happened, some dumbass died and it cost them nothing because they are dead, yet you imbeciles still try to pretend that their death was some great sacrifice even though dying is the easiest and most inconsequential thing to do that hurts only those who do not die.