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I think I may (I also may not, but, I just shrug) die soon as my doctor said I MIGHT have cancer..A second more careful analysis is needed, maybe it's just a sebaceous mass\postule.
Anyways IF I will be dead within 2, 3 years. Should I do a one-time femdom fetish thing? Its expensive but I can pay a femdom prostitute for it...
I dont watch porn or fap anymore, I hate cuck\sissy\gay, strapon crap. I just want a woman -preferably white asian- to beat me up; whip me, punch me, kick and slap, pull, throw etc
>also drop cool interesting, creative, bucket list items
Take a thumbprint of LSD.
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>Should I do a one-time femdom fetish thing?
Just get beaten up for free like a normal weirdo.

If I had a short time limit, like a month, I'd probably pick a few billionaires to take with me. No shortage of choices, plus it's a hell of an /abs/urdist fulfillment.
I'd start doing recreational drugs. I've stayed away from any hallucinogens because I think my brain is one of the rare ones that will take a schizo turn, and I think any real euphoria drugs, if they worked on me, would enslave me. I've been mostly medically anhedonic for a couple of years now.
Definitely shooting a gun again. Basically I'd try and do all those fun things that 'put you on a list'.
Luckily my odd growths seem benign. I hope the same to you, Pope.
Replies: >>1490
If you're going to die anyway, that's the perfect time to hunt the most dangerous game.
Replies: >>1502
Screenshot 2025-02-23 at 07.01.17.png
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Oh, I just realised the movie title "most dangerous game" isn't meaning it's a game "that is dangerous", but rather the noun -game- means the human "hunting target" as in the phrase "let's hunt big game (a bison, etc)"
Im ESL, but Im glad I figured out hehe.
Replies: >>1503
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I'm English-First-Language and I didn't know that either for many years. I was younger and a city person when I first heard of the book/film (there are a lot of references to it in other works) and I had almost never heard of game used to mean hunting targets.
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