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Is it ok to explain a joke?
Replies: >>956 >>1155
If it's funny.
Replies: >>288 >>1261
If you really need to explain it, it probably isn't.
Replies: >>302
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There are some who are paid handsomely to explain jokes… and so on
Replies: >>290
He explains them funny.
Replies: >>291
It's ok to explain a joke then the explanation is a joke.
What else can be done with a joke?
Replies: >>293
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>What else can be done with a joke?
You could use a joke to found a religion or you could use a joke to run for president. Maybe both? There's no telling what a good enough joke can't accomplish!
Jokes from another culture or time period may need explaining. Take Shakespeare, for example. Learning to understand the jokes is fairly critical to enjoying his work.
Replies: >>296 >>303
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Could I get paid for explaining Eddie Murphy jokes from the 1980s?
Replies: >>297
I don't think Eddie Murphy could get paid for explaining Eddie Murphy jokes from the 90's.
Thus explaining the joke clears all humour from the room so that people can stop lollygagging and get back to work.
There are some excellent jokes on Wikipedia about East Germany and the Soviet Union. They're still funny when explainee.d
Here is a Soviet era joke that is about having to explain a joke. Goes something like this…

>A judge walks out of a courtroom laughing hysterically
>Another judge in the hallway overhears him and takes notice
>He asks the laughing judge… What is so funny?
>Why, I just heard the funniest joke that I have ever heard
>OK then, let's hear it!
>I would repeat it, but I just had to sentence the man who told it to 15 years of hard labor
Replies: >>1145
What if instead of explaining the joke you just start laughing hysterically?
Replies: >>307
Wha… I don't get it. EXPLAIN YOURSELF!
Some forms of jokes seem to retain their humour when spoiled. For example, a humorous rebus will still delight the receiver even if they couldn't work out the solution and it had to be revealed to them.
Replies: >>1130
I have no idea.
Still waiting for a punchline
Replies: >>1128
Oh, there's no line for the punch, you just go up and fill your cup.
Replies: >>1129
Well if there's no line, it mustn't be very good.
But is not a rebus a merely a 🧩 rather than a 😆 ?
Then again, many jokes are really just puzzles so I think the comparison may still be insightful, one can still appreciate a riddle when explained.

Is it ok to explain a fart being funny? Like watching some shitty comedy where some fat people fart at a dinner table and explicating it for your date.
Replies: >>1132
Yes, but only if it is in the form of a serious discussion on the effects of humorous flatulence on American society
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Dmitry and his comrade in the KGB are sat in a Moscow diner one evening. Carefully glancing past his shoulder to make sure they are not overheard, Dmitry leans over and whispers to his counterpart.
"Just between you and me, comrade. What do you really think of this Soviet system?" he asks, searching for a kindred soul. The other man responds 
"Truthfully, comrade?" checking around to see they are alone before leaning in
"I think exactly the same as you." he says in an ominous tone.

Another joke from Russia goes:
Three men are sat around a table, drinking vodka and bragging about their lives. The first man grabs the bottle, takes a swig and says with pride
"My son! He is farmer! He can eat all potatoes he want!"
The second man grabs the bottle from him and gulps down even more than the first guy did. He says
"Ah, is nothing! My son, he is soldier! He can rape all peasant girls he want!"
Both men then turn to the third, offering him the bottle. Slowly, he takes it and methodically drains every last drop before slamming the empty bottle down. Taking a moment to compose himself, he says
"My son… He die in childbirth. For him, struggle is over."
The other two men agree he has them beat.
Replies: >>1146
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That second one is from latvia
Replies: >>1153
Who's Latvia?
Replies: >>1154
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You know Olive Oyl? Latvia's the person whose name sounds similar.
I believe I know the origins of comedy. It came to me in Crowely's simulation of enlightenment meditation. 
Comedy, it turns out, is the twin of tragedy. They came into human consciousness when one caveman walked up to his friend and farted in his face. One laughed and the other cried.
Replies: >>1156
The tragedy of the chicken crossing the road to get to the "other side". It never saw the car coming.
Replies: >>1157
Comedy and tragedy often come at someone's expense
Replies: >>1161
Absolutely. Shakespeare wrote a few but now millions and millions of children are forced to suffer through them at schools.
Replies: >>1162
What's worse is when teachers had to grade all those half assed papers

Now kids get computers to write for them. 
I don't blame them, I googled all my answers too. Fuck the schools, right?
Replies: >>1163
The main thing I learned at school was that I didn't like going to school. Also, that I have a crippling fetish for hot teachers.
Replies: >>1164 >>1165
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Woah, same!
Replies: >>1165
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Everyone hates the schools but they go.
Where I live everyone says they hate Walmart but they go. 
No one wants to hurt animals, so they assume plants don't feel too.
Everyone hates the laws, except those they don't. 
Everyone hates the fnords but still ignores them.

Could someone explain this joke to me?
Replies: >>1166
The joke is about subverting expectations. We are all waiting for a punchline which is never coming while the goddess is giggling on the floor almost choking on her strawberry mocktail.
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Partly what
>>287 said.
If it can produce a funny outcome either for you or for others.
Explain a good joke so thoroughly and factually that all humor is completely wiped away. Revel in those awkward and uncomfortable moments that follow. That feeling of 
"Ayup yeah… Uh you're right about that pal." That moment is just awkward and strange enough to loop back around to being funny if you are in good company.
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