/abs/ - Absurdism

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1933 The sleepers (The fallen).jpg
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see a lot of posts on imageboards claiming to be lonely or craving a gf or friends or whatever.
i'm not saying i don't want to have sex, but I don't feel lonely. How else could I spend years of my life behind a pc casually browsing forums if i didn't despise people?
i'm mostly just concerned that so little is happening. I don't think humans have ever needed to do less to stay alive than now, and the extra time is just killing me.
Once you learn the social patterns to a conversation, people become puzzles. You know what they want to hear and you know what you want to hear, it's no different from typing commands into a computer. Depending on how you want to feel, you say certain things, and others will say things back. It doesn't matter if you don't know the person, as long as you have the illusion that it is a real other person that coexists in your vision of this world, it's fine.
It's like, "what now?". You decide not to do the same things as everyone else because you know the results of their actions. You know what to say to get a girl's skirt off. There's no reason to work on yourself because you know how to make yourself feel better, and a hand feels better than a pussy.
It's my birthday today, and I don't know a lot of people i'd like to talk to again.
It's really not that we've failed as humans, it's just that the world is really really boring. If there's one purpose here in life, it's to make it a little more entertaining for others, in the hopes they'll make it more entertaining for you.
I don't aspire to be happy or to be sad, to be alive or dead, because i'm content.
I'm thinking of raping a girl and getting her pregnant, just so the genes that feed these thoughts stay in the world a while longer, just as a way to make an impression on it.
Replies: >>308
My boredom leads me to set challenges and those challenges incidentally create a legacy of me. And it's as much about the journey as the destination. We're starting to reach a world more and more like a sandbox, where having no goal is just… boring. But there is so much for me to explore. I'll probably die before I become permanently bored.
I feel there are better ways to have a lasting legacy than making a child and not raising it. Hell, you want a real easy legacy? Shoot Zuck3rbvrg for us. In Minecraft.
Replies: >>300
ah things like ambitions.
It's not that I don't have them, it's just that i think not a lot of people would care a whole lot. laziness is also a factor, why do something when you could just not?
>ou want a real easy legacy? Shoot Zuck3rbvrg for us.
I've considered things like killing politicians before, but I can't think of one in my country that i could kill that would actually be worth spending my life on. within 30 years he'd have retired anyway, and I'd be stuck in jail for longer.
Replies: >>308
I never really understood boredom. More things I'd like to do in this lifetime then I'll have time for. Sometimes I don't want to do anything in particular, so I'll not do anything in particular and I think that's fine. But is that boredom? I think relaxation is engaging in it's own way. Only have the vaguest notion about boredom because I encountered the word and others seem comfortable using it. Are monks bored when they're meditating? Cats bored when they're cat napping? For me, boredom is a map that doesn't correspond to any territory. Wouldn't say that I'm particularly ambitious either. Does boredom involve guilt about not wanting to do anything in particular or guilt about not having an ambition? Is that how it works? Now I'm curious to see how universal a concept boredom is. Are there languages where boredom is not conceptualized as it is in English? Cultures that lack boredom because they haven't the concept to fall back on?
Replies: >>326
You realize this sounds like incel bullshit right? Social interaction isn't really about learning the patterns. If you always say what people want, how much personality does that leave to you? Fucking none. Also talking to people for purely sexual purposes is stupid, vain, and missing the point. They have lot more to give you than their sexual organs if you are receptive and not an edgy piece of shit. To make your world more entertaining maybe quit being such a tube brained grayface baldie rapist. Like no, you cannot reproduce your mental side physically you idiot, and you shouldn't even try cuz your thoughts suck.
Replies: >>423
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For someone who claims to despise people you seem to care a lot about what they think about your ambitions. How come that you have unlocked the secret to social interactions but can't make people care about you? If you have so much free time, why not use it to actually use your brain for once and think things through before boring us with your inconsistent whining?
I think a lot of people misunderstand the concept of boredom.  I don't think boredom is what happens when you have nothing to do, or even when you have nothing you want to do, per se.  Rather, boredom is what happens when none of your options for stuff to do are interesting or enjoyable, and generally you're actually obligated to engage in stuff that is tedious or mildly unpleasant.  Human minds like novelty and enrichment, and if you have a lot of creative projects you want to do but you have to work a day-job turning paperwork into more paperwork just so you can eat, you're probably going to be bored and unhappy.
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>if you have a lot of creative projects you want to do but you have to work a day-job turning paperwork into more paperwork just so you can eat, you're probably going to be bored and unhappy.
point taken
>work a day-job turning paperwork into more paperwork
do prisoners who are subject to torture become bored of the torture at some point?
>work a day-job turning paperwork into more paperwork
would write more about this but i've got my hands full reformatting these coversheets for a pile of backdated TPS reports that i was supposed to have handed in yesterday
I dont understand why this is on /abs/. OP do you feel your predicament is particularly "absurd"? Is this some "absurdist" trolling effort? If it is congratulations because you got me to reply.

To be honest your sociopathic misanthropy is pretty common and grey-faced. This whole thing felt kind of like a blog post, do you keep a dairy?
Replies: >>329
>I dont understand why this is on /abs/. OP do you feel your predicament is particularly "absurd"? Is this some "absurdist" trolling effort? If it is congratulations because you got me to reply.
it's because of my schizoid tendencies that i do not enjoy being in the company of others, nor do i get too much joy out of most things in general. Without enjoying life, there's really nothing keeping me here, and thus that leads me to my reason for being. If I don't care for others, what should I live for?
It's a self-centered mess of a question. It's existentialist in nature, which is why it fits on this board.

>your sociopathic misanthropy is pretty common and grey-faced.
I don't see it that way. Society has been very humanist since the 50s. I don't see a reason why I shouldn't introduce a little "strife" into society, it's very boring otherwise.

>This whole thing felt kind of like a blog post, do you keep a dairy?
i do not.
Replies: >>330
You are either pretending to care about our input, or pretending not to.

How's that for strife?
Replies: >>331
can't  i do both?
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"Only boring people get bored" is true enough. If you're bored, it's because you expect the world to hand you something interesting to do. Even if you don't like socializing, there are a million things you could do with your time that hardly involve speaking with another human being at all, most of them more stimulating than posting about your ennui on imageboards.

>How else could I spend years of my life behind a pc casually browsing forums if i didn't despise people?
I can think of a lot of reasons

>You know what to say to get a girl's skirt off. There's no reason to work on yourself because you know how to make yourself feel better, and a hand feels better than a pussy.
Getting a girl's skirt off is easy, sure, and mediocre sex doesn't feel as good as a decent jerk sesh, sure. Good sex is something only the Goddess can bestow upon us, and it is a pleasure so fine that you'll never forget it, even if you bungled and "did things wrong".

Most peoples' first time isn't that good, and most one night stands aren't that good. Some people never have good sex in their entire life. Just sayin.

>I don't aspire to be happy or to be sad, to be alive or dead, because i'm content.
If you were content, you would not be bored. A content man doesn't feel boredom from having nothing to do, instead, he savors it.
Post art you've made.
Replies: >>335
i'm not as good at holy numbers as you, but i sent all the best secret art works to your email address, which was confusing because we have the same email address… how does that even happen?
"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom?"
>They have lot more to give you than their sexual organs if you are receptive and not an edgy piece of shit.
I mean, like what? Some common thoughts their boomers parents learned from the telly? Physical Labor? Jokes I've heard before?
Replies: >>424 >>425
It wouldn't be interesting if I could tell you an example what you would find by not being an asshole. Your thought of all the other people are boring is common and learned from the telly. People watch different channels you know.
>>423 >>424
I don't even watch telly! Much better ways to make discussion that bland entertainment rations.
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