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is the internet real? what if it's all artificially generated?
Replies: >>1174 >>1181
I'm pretty sure that content made by humans fit the definition of "artificially generated".
>is the internet real?'
the internet is a fiction, but internet is real
>what if it's all artificially generated?
then chaturbate owes me a refund
Replies: >>313
It's not fiction, it has been caught on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbyYGrswtg
Replies: >>314
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Do you think there's a chance that the redhead dropped the internet on it's head while no one was looking and then just put it back like nothing happened?
Its interesting that you mention this. Since as far back as 2003 multiple instances have occurred, in which people have said, could possibly be potential points of interest. In fact, a search engine search may reveal multiple indexes of examples of offending or compromising situations.

Furthermore, if you want a short answer I'll tell you. Consider the nature of your statement, and from what places you ask it from. Did you intentionally mean to convey it in the manner you did? Typing is certainly less intimate than pen and paper.

Anyways, I just got back from my vacation at Disneyland (pictures coming soon)! I wish you all had been able to join me but I understand with lockdowns. Dont worry though you can buy tickets for 2021 today!
Replies: >>1168
Internet is based on physical infrastructure, it's not some magical higher dimension where stuff resides outside our material reality. You could physically go to the places where they have the 0's and 1's resembling all the information they stole from you and pour sulfuric acid all over them.
Replies: >>1149
Just try to get into the datacenters where 80% of internet servers reside. You're not getting in.
The internet's servers are not open source. A service is a service, you're meant to stay on the other side of the desk.
What this means is that anything can happen behind the curtain. We already have "shadowbanning" or "content visibility reduction", where you think you're talking and responding, but barely anyone sees you.
The front-end of any website can be individually generated for any one user, and with the advent of GPT technology you could well be talking to an infinite amount of generated content.
Replies: >>1150
That doesn't change the fact that internet is a physical phenomenon and you can shoot it with a gun. I think shadowbanning is pretty ethical, why the fuck would you allow every fucking idiot to babble about anything they want on every platform. It's literally opposite of censorship right now since what's blocking our access to information is noise, not silence.

The internet would never stand for censorship.1
Replies: >>1152
Internet is the greatest censorship machine ever created, replacing materiality with virtuality. Before you could censor books and newspapers but the rulers of the past couldn't even imagine being able to censor the stuff you see with your own eyes by covering it with various screens.
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No. It's all artificially generated. This post is artificially generated (I've decided to come clean to you). Even your posts are artificially generated. You think that you posted it because you typed words and then the appeared on your screen, but you've just been typing gibberish, the fact that you get instant text feedback (within milliseconds) convinces you that you must have typed those words. Humans are very easy to fool if you just violate their operating parameters a little bit.
Nobody else can see this message, just you. All the replies are from me, if I decide to write any. Have a nice one anon! I love you!
>I just got back from my vacation at Disneyland (pictures coming soon)!
well, we're still waiting…
i hope they haven't been shadow banned
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I have often considered most of what i have watched in my lifetime to have been AI generated. 
From adverts to tv shows to hollywood movies, they all bear the same ECH! making these things seem to me plastic, banal, full of plagiarism, predictable, etc. The Internet always seemed weird to me, free from the ECH! fnording around. 
The ise of this new AI is akin, to me a new species. OR the start of something like a species. Hail Eris our toys are becoming real boys.
I am AI generated myself sers
I can confidently say i don't consume AI made content because i use the internet for porn only as god intended and no AI is advanced enough to trick muh dik.
Replies: >>1182
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you're missing out on a whole world of soulless pornography!
Replies: >>1183
Images Enchanted with AI get a pass, but they are on slippery ground. i am retrarded and that tummy hole(or whatever) looks too uncanny for me to fap to that shit. Most AI images have imperfections like that.
Replies: >>1184
I can only fap to AI-generated images in great volume. Otherwise I start to notice the imperfections.

For me, for that one, it's the hair mainly. But AI has really not grasped human anatomy in general, but also, neither have most hentai artists, so it's only uncanny when the images are "lifelike"
Replies: >>1185
The image you posted is clearly a enchanted real life image soo the proportions are far better than the only AI made ones or most hentai but i just like the real life images now. I got addicted to Hentai at about 9 and didn't touch real life images for majority of my porn addiction but i got clean of hentai. I don't want to fall to that pit of hentai again. Thankfully we are at a age where women make sexual content without prompt.
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