/abs/ - Absurdism

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Reality is obsolete!
Present me your most pristine lies!
Replies: >>54
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This is a lemon
This is a lemon
This is a lemon
This is a lemon
This is a lemon
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I love buying groceries from this 24/7 supermarket
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All military-age males in a strike zone are combatants.
Replies: >>41
how is this a pristine lie? I'm constantly in combat with everyone in eyesight.
Replies: >>44
wombat Bonney 003.jpg
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I'm wonstantly in wombat
probably my weirdest fap
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The Year is 2019. The USA did not fight the Vietnam War, and instead invested money into high speed railways, teletext, and 10-storey modernist carpark-trainstation-airport-mall megaplexes. There's one in every town.

Everybody is an urbanite, all farming is done by agricultural robots with their solar panels glistening under the haze of high-power irrigators. 

You can vacation in the countryside, but residing there is illegal. However, penalties being as light as they are (a public spanking during the now-revived festival of Lupercalia), it has become an adolescent rite of passage to play-act as Thoreau.

It is likewise illegal to dress poorly in public. The punishment is a state-funded visit to a public fashion consultant. They have also taken over the role of therapists, with mental illness having been declared  radicated a year after polio.

Prisons have been turned into love hotels for the young. The Japanese interior decorator Marie Kondo made millions doing so. People constantly criticize the decoration-industrial complex, voicing their complaints in haikus and sonnets.

The President of the United States is Sebastian Shakur, the son of Tupac and Madonna.
Replies: >>62 >>63 >>67
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Soap Operas are considered a competitive high-art. In the same vein as the Eurovision song contest, every state in the USA produces a soap opera about life there. Each season is judged and ranked by the ratings. South Dakota's entry "Pierre, My Love" has been the consecutive winner for the last decade. 

Psychedelics were successfully weaponized (finally!) Turns out, it's a lack of access to them that is more dangerous. As a part of the new Cold War, shipments of psychoactive substances to China is subject to a government embargo.

Most of Canada has been annexed by the United States. Most of Mexico, too. The three states of the North American Union are  The United States of America, The Republic of Quebec, and The Free Territory of Yucatan.
Replies: >>63
this sounds like absolute hell
Replies: >>64
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ok doomer
Replies: >>65 >>68
Could you elaborate why you would want to live in this nightmare?
Replies: >>66
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It's just the kind of thing I like to imagine whenever I'm walking downtown. I don't subscribe to the idea of counterfactuals as political manifesti… We must treat them lightly, like much of life.
Replies: >>68
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>You can vacation in the countryside, but residing there is illegal… a public spanking…
I've always gotten secretly butt-hurt in regards to eminent domain laws and now everybody knows it.
I might be a doomer, I'm just very confused why you would want such a life devoid of any fucking purpose or meaning beyond consuming and partaking in artificially created hypeculture.
Unless that big wall of text is a big piece of sarcasm I can't imagine anyone becoming truly happy from constantly having meaningless fun.
The social punishment of dressing poorly? You'll be murdering people mentally.
Why is everyone an urbanite? The countryside is literally my only recluse from this nightmare of an urban world, At least I recognize things there.
Replies: >>69
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>life devoid of any fucking purpose
you can always imagine a purpose. If you feel like your life is purposeless, it's a failure of imagination.

>partaking in artificially created hypeculture.
all culture is "artificially created"

>Why is everyone an urbanite?
Like I said, it wasn't meant to be taken too seriously, at least not as a prescriptive program. I like taking strolls through urban spaces and observing well-dressed people. It's beautiful in a way the suburbs aren't. During a hike in the woods, I might come up with a different set of lies, hinting at a different parallel world. 

>The social punishment of dressing poorly? You'll be murdering people mentally.
If you will notice, almost all punishments I have mentioned are anything but. Prisons don't exists, for one thing… what is so bad about free fashion consultancy?
Replies: >>70
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>what is so bad about free fashion consultancy?
Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value judgments… Don't be a moocher.
Replies: >>71 >>72 >>73
That kind of vulgar individualism falls apart when one begins to consider the externalities of being ugly in public.
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>that picture
Replies: >>73 >>74 >>75 >>81
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Is this supposed to be modern day stand up comedy!???
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so hot
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GF of Thesius
>small scars remain from heart transplant
>"Nightclubs? Haha, I'm not that girl anymore!"
>qualified prosthetist
>"I've been thinking about getting implants, would you still be my boyfriend if I got chest implants?"
>registered blood donor
>no longer feels like the girl you once loved but better
>"You've never slept with another girl since we started dating, right Anon?"
Replies: >>114 >>115
I swear I spelt Theseus properly when posting.
Now that's some good shit. Thank you, pope. For your contribution I bless you with a nice day tomorrow.
Replies: >>116
It was a very nice day, thank you for the blessing, Pope.
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