/abs/ - Absurdism

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(7.7KB, 935x91)
What if we eventually rediscover that your existence as we know it is a simulated world, and you only chose to create it to escape from the real world which is a bit shittier than this one.
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With the way I defined universe and multiverse, all worlds are equally real. That way, I don't have to use metaphysics.

universe : a set of objects that have physical presence with each other

multiverse : a set of objects that conditionally have physical presence with each other.

I have to define a few other things to make these definitions make sense.

definition : a set of criteria that limits the extent or usage
of a word
object : that which has shape
concept : a word that invokes or embodies two objects or
more objects
distance : separation between two objects
location : the set of distances from one object to all others
motion : two or more locations of an object; to move
exist : an object that has location; physical presence
science : the process for detecting invariance of a universe
religion : the process of manipulating variance of a universe
pseudoscience : the misapplication of processes used to manipulate variance of a universe on invariant parts of a universe

The right questions are how do I ship stuff back and forth between between the two universes and what stuff can I ship?
Replies: >>385
(20.4KB, 167x82)
>The right questions are how do I ship stuff back and forth between between the two universes and what stuff can I ship?
How much memory are we working with? If we let you go all Y2K on us then it may erase my existence henceforth.
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of course my existence is simulated, I'm simulating it in my brainhole 24/7. How else would I be able to perceive the shimmering of tiny crystals in an array as carrying letters and numbers and so forth?
Replies: >>387
Map may be the territory and you'll never know
Replies: >>388
this sounds heretical, mate. I'll let you off with a warning but next time I see you spreading lies, you're excommunicated.
Replies: >>389
Fookin disprove me then m8, I'm w8ing
Replies: >>390
The proof is ample and incontrovertible. Every optical illusion, pareidolia, ingrained psychological tendencies like the gambler's fallacy, the ease of inception of false memory, and that's all just off the top of my head. Every single thing that is known about the human sensory and conceptual system agrees and confirms that not only are we not working with complete data from the beginning, our brain actually discards data and just makes shit up before it even reaches the point of generating the map.
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