/abs/ - Absurdism

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Have you seen this man?
Probably not.
Replies: >>128
His left ear lobe looks strikingly familiar
that is physically impossible because his earlobes do not align.
this person isn't real.
Dang I was hoping that was the key. Do we perhaps have an image of the back of their head?
That's not a man. Men have faces.
Replies: >>9 >>30
what is this then
Replies: >>10
a farce
Replies: >>13
No face but a farce, he's got an R too much.
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The flesh is the cover of the unknown.
Replies: >>31 >>48
suits remarkably well.
Masks are neat.
Replies: >>32
Jacket's Jacket.png
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Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face.
Give a man a mask, and he will conceal his thoughts for a day. Teach a man to lie, and he will conceal his thoughts for a lifetime.
Replies: >>123
What is he laughing at me for?
Replies: >>49
Because you're a faggot, anon.
No really, why do masks have smiles in them? Surely early theater couldn't be so one-toned that characters could only ever display one emotion.
Perhaps the Romans and Greeks really were that simple.
Replies: >>50 >>124 >>126
The masks allowed actors to portray different characters. The expressions were exaggerated so even spectators sitting way in the back could see.
I wish someone would teach me to lie.  Job interviews are hard.
Replies: >>128
>why do masks have smiles in them? Surely early theater couldn't be so one-toned that characters could only ever display one emotion.
That's easy.  They had more than one mask.
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>Surely early theater couldn't be so one-toned that characters could only ever display one emotion.
"No-one cared who I was 'til I put on the mask." - Dark Vader
Job interviews are usually easy.
Invent a lie.
Make it true.
Repeat until you are qualified for the job.

Nice try, it's the lead singer of Blur.
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