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You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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Is there a tutorial or something?
Replies: >>412 >>447

Easiest way to be happy is to go nuts. Luckily that's pretty easy too, just spend enough time contemplating Eris.
Replies: >>551
>How to be happy?
>Is there a tutorial or something?
Yes, there are many "tutorials" if you want to call them that, on how to be happy. Just search teh interwebz
why do you wanna be happy? who cares
Replies: >>415
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This Cabbage gets it. It's as much about the why as it is the how…

In general, I think I've managed to sidestep the how to be happy question by shifting my focus from being happy to not being unhappy. Works for me anyway.
Because not being happy does not feel good.
Replies: >>417
unhappy =/= sad
Hello all my viewers and welcome to my happiness tutorial!

So you think happiness is unreachable fantasy only rich people enjoy?

*pulls out a drill*

Think again, even YOU can have fun at other peoples expense.

*proceeds to drill holes to the table*

It is now 02:56, and all my neighbors were sleeping a moment ago.

*drilling noises*

In couple minutes they should be streaming up and down the stairway to complain about the noise.

*pulls out an empty bottle of detergent, while drill keeps running on the table*

I was smart and prepared for this exact situation by drinking a bottle of…

*looks at the bottle*

…oh fuck!

*falls onto the drill, angry people noises outside the door*

*camera keeps running throughout the gruesome scene, noises of door being broken down*

"Oh fuck the fucker managed to off himself with the drill, I'm so happy right now."

"Oh my god Steve you are such a sociopath, we should call an ambulance"

"See the fucker even videotaped himself doing it, this gonna be internet gold"

*Steve comes into the picture with a widest grin you've ever seen, picks up the camera and the recording ends*
Stop thinking about stuff all the time and learn to love yourself, then you'll never ask yourself if you're happy.
quit judging yourself
give yourself permission to persue whatever sparks joy
Replies: >>468
one must imagine sisyphus happy
Replies: >>545

It says here https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/eris/ that Eris would be a deity for Internet Trolls if they had one. Wouldn't that be any Chthonic Deity? 

How do I pursue that as a career?
Replies: >>552 >>553
Trolling as a career? Become a politician I guess.
I mean, are you familiar with eris.berkeley.edu and the IRC history of efnet?
Replies: >>554 >>959
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I read the Wikipedia page on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFnet, but I never used it. I used Freenode, Discord, and Element.
Replies: >>959
Mistakes are just happy accidents 
then you can just sit back and laugh when you realize every genetic mutation, and every marvel of engineering was due to a fuck up, error, or mistake.
This is magnificent, thank you
Just smile or something, happines isn't a state of mind, but a hat you can wear to get to places.
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