/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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Capital driven economies and politics driven economies put pressure on me to care about what other people think about me, or I would be punished with resource deprivation. But Oscar Wilde says 
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” like he did a census on everyone who did and did not exist. 

The incumbency uses this platitude to cover for the real reason, which is so they can deprive people who are not the right fit of resources, and that is harder to do if there are impostors among us. What are people who are not the right fit anywhere like me supposed to do?
The economy of the self is prone to hyperinflation. Maybe become a census taker? Pro-state jobs are said to have wonderful pension plans and mass adoption of the blockchain-gang is right around the corner. proof of work (POW) or proof of stake (POS), pick your poison.
you know what they say, "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit"

Which is just a roundabout way of saying that you should go to judge school and become a judge.
Replies: >>453
That's not what they say though. They say all toasters toast toast.
Replies: >>454 >>455
well, you know what they say, "shut the fuck up Barry I'm trying to say something here"
Replies: >>456
stick a fork in it
It really makes you think.
Draw your daggers.
Replies: >>458
(40.4KB, 600x450)
Replies: >>459
Congratulations, you have won your freedom.
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