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as if you were old enough to have any.jpg
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What is your philosophy of life?
I'm not even sure what philosophy I'll try tomorrow.
>What is your philosophy of life?
Imma fuck up my life
Replies: >>466
the two certainties of life
1. mistakes
2. cycles
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>What is your philosophy of life?
ha ha ho ho hee hee
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The trick is to enjoy the suffering too.
Replies: >>1286
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It's actually a typo. Buddha said life is buffering.
>>462 (OP) 
>What is your philosophy of life?
Basically stoicism
Replies: >>1364
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Replies: >>1403
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>What is your philosophy of life?
Don't have one.
Replies: >>1373
>>462 (OP) 
virginia tobacco
get away.webp
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Ceci n'est pas une bifteck
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>you're dumped
Ah yes, classic breakup line.
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>>462 (OP) 
Panta rhei. Our choices creates our destiny.
>>462 (OP)  462462 462462
my friend of 20 hours walked up to me nd say
"you're dumped"

my whiskey was sad for a minute
Monsieur Verdoux.webp
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One should prepare for everything. Practice makes perfect.
And so why not give up on life while we're still alive? It will make for a wonderful ending.
Replies: >>1450
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Im a unicellular supremicist. 
Unicellular life takes natural priority over more complex life. 
They are the first to adapt and evolve to the changing environment. 
Replies: >>1438
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Multicellular organisms are bigger and smarter and better ARRGH
I will buy a vaccine and get rid of you once and for all.
you cannot escape us we are all around you. 
even now the bacteria from your gut is sending messages to your brain.
Replies: >>1443 >>1448
Bastardos! I shall hunger strike!
Replies: >>1444
we are all over your skin. Whereever you go we will be there. you depend on us for your beer, you medications, and the fertility of your soil. single cell life has gone on for millions of years compared to complex life. you need us. we dont need you.
I'm a voluntary cooperative between unicellular lifeforms
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Dear friend, you have confused bacteria and protists with helminths. Bacteria communicate only in the Assembler version with fungi. 
But worms connect directly to the central nervous system and transmit various nonsense to the bald monkey's brain - about god, angels, demons, heaven, planets, stars, sins and virtues. It's their way of having fun.
Replies: >>1449
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As for philosophy as such, it is literally sex with wisdom [the Goddess] and it is better to do this in a state of meditation, trip, lying on the floor. In ordinary life, thanks to the thick-headed Freemasons who turned the world into a gulag with bureaucracy and survival, philosophy is no longer applicable. And all your talk about stoicism and other nonsense is not worth a damn!
Replies: >>1451
Well, suicide is for brave people. Ending things on your own terms is not for the matrix dolls.
Replies: >>1452
So your philosophy is essentially self aware intellectual masturbation?
Suicide alone is for cowards.
Suicide for others is brave.
And it's funny how it switches like that.
Replies: >>1454
>>Common Good
~Masonic nonsense for herds of debils proles. Freemasons started a Covid Circus, the Russo-Ukrainian War, for the sake of this slogan, in order to destroy Ukrainians who are defiant to their pocket proxy empire of Mordor and their ideal proletarians, Russians and Chinese.
~All those who talk about the common good are Masonic agents and scum! Patriarchs are faggots, religions are for imbeciles who do not understand the allegories and metaphors of alchemy and believe in schizophrenia with the extraction of the <Golden Sphere/Apple/Fish/Brain Stone> [Thalamus and adjacent glands and parts of the hormonal and limbic systems] of an enlightened philosopher from the brain! With the preservation of his skills and memory in a new medium that will swallow this "philosopher's stone" or inject the brain lymph of a noble mason into the bloodstream. This nonsense is everywhere in culture and religions. When this nonsense about eating other people's brains and pumping brain lymph didn't work, the Masonic motherfuckers started taking lymph and blood from children under the guise of stem cells. And anyway, the whole Elite looks like shit on the road in the spring, and you're broadcasting all this elite nonsense about <Benefit> to me. I saw this whole civilization in a coffin!
~The Cult of Eris is the same crap created by the patriarchs and based on the Lunar Cult of Virgo, AVA. 23, 33, 13, 42 and so on. I know that this is just the anatomy of the body, the Alembic, and the lunar month with its nodes._
~All your philosophers, scientists, and Nobel laureates are just Masonic cretins who have sold themselves for achievements, lies, statuses, and money. Anyone who is not burdened with the nonsense of the Masons and is able to think freely is orders of magnitude above this civilization!
Replies: >>1456
~Any philosophy is intellectual masturbation if it is not related to the study of one's own body. your own nervous system and the world around you.  That's why I said that all the philosophers who don't touch on the topic of neurochemistry, physiology, alchemy are Freemasons who fuck your brain even after their death! That's why I attached a meme that says there are only 3 ways - you fight this system [and it ends in death, suicide! You accept the patriarchs' Belief System, you come up with a new philosophy and spread it to the masses. But due to the long-term work of the Freemasons, all the proles have become imbeciles infected with parasites, so no philosophy with the study of their bodies and ignoring current religions and fictitious institutions of society will work! 
~If someone still doesn't understand, then <Jesus>, <Saint> is an illuminated person [illuminati, Kabbalist, mason] with the old personality erased, with the help of surgery techniques, psychoactive poisons and psychological techniques [that's where all these skulls with holes come from! Fleur de Lis is a fountain of cerebrospinal lymph in the ventricular system of the brain when the skull is opened. <God> is the Central Brain. Etc.
_~Because the patriarchs, after the destruction of the matriarchy, quickly realized that they were morons who had lost the most important thing from the teachings of the priestesses of light, and distorted what remained. Among other things, they could not give a vocation to a young man according to his body code and lunar positions. 
~And the only way out for them was to create a new doctrine - about erasing a person's identity and turning everyone into proles, ants, that's why there's so much attention to bees, beehives, and all the old killer Masons retire to beekeeping. And here, too, they have gone a long way to infect the masses of people with parasites - fungi, bacteria, protists, worms, inorganic poisons, chemical weapons, genocidal wars to erase entire peoples and cultures. To make all people mentally and mentally disabled! But still nothing burns out.
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oOoOoOoh i make buildings out of bricks and stone!
Replies: >>1457 >>1458
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The full moon, the hormonal system is open to new things. I hope you will have your own Horo Wise, Shinobu or Senko and you will become smarter. Stop being dumb robots, you have access to any information, music - go ahead!
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>>462 (OP) 
I cant get a philosophy
I just do thing and enjoy and other times just do nothing.
I dont want to boring with talk or harm others.
Im tired of suffering and boringness.
I dont like technobabble religions or logistic methodical philosophies with a lot of "hard lenguage" to memorize like crypto-estoic-roman-etruscan-christianism, sand-desert-sufistic-gnostic-Islamism and Jew-neoplatonic-Helenistic-Monotheism and Greeko-Jain-Buddhism.
I dont get the tao, i get the tao, maybe im the tao or im in the tao or into the flow of tao.
Or maybe confucius stealed the tao and go away and now we have monkey crank shitesse of the chinese everywhere.

>That's why we lost the west, maybe

Socialist are to much antisocial to me and capitalist are to much socialist.
Ima tired of that, i just live like a monkey in the perpetual state of post-modern truth of critical aproach of science on all the topics.
I try not to indulge on identity politics bacause i know these homo-erectus-capitalist-supersocial are trying to burn my humanity turning me like a tag or a astrological personality of the stars in the space with no fug sense of critical thinking to threat me like a fuckin human and not a member of the private secret  freemason tribal community of the "personality test" and "tribal thinking" and "sun sign on virgin, ascendent on libra, moon on capricorn and house on XII and..." and "Radical Right-Left libertarian mid-center pro grill something"
Im not into that
I noy that.

Im and individual between the A.A.A:A (Alcoholic Astrum Anonymous Argentum)
The method of the drunkmaster, the approach of the mix of alchaloid and evading opioids and Lsd filtred by the CIA Glowies on vanilla ice cream just to watch UFO/UAPS abduct me and mindfuck me.
Say no to drugs.

The Illuminati are my friends, they are shy but tghey do the same as me. Watch the world burn by itself without do anything to that to happen.
Maybe the industrial revolution was error... fug Marx, Ford and Stalin... and yes maybe fug (Insert any supposed Villain here)
I eat food and do something like work and care of my cats and i enjoy that behaviour. I dont consume drugs, i like mi state of awareness. Except sugar and Chocolatium.
I dont like the "i"
I like academical research on religion with critical-historical method bacause sometimes give laugh to me, like
>if jesus was jew, why he have a puerto rican name?
>What's the lost dialog between prothagoras and phrostata in the mount theta?
>Why the CIA want to know your porn historial? Is for furter research?
>Why pray is like doing spells?
>Why playboy playmates astrological sign is generally libra and the boob size like 35-23-35
>Why the pope can'nt have big boobies but the pope have the virgins?
Very hardcore topic, you can'nt talk this with catholics bacause they ass probably hurt or turn hot of these heresy listening.

Except Raymond Edward Brown, maybe you can talk with him very high on drugs.
I dont like the revolution, the revolution is boring now. I dont trust on the party, el partido aburre ahora.
Well, i trust the healers and tanks sometimes.
Relax, this world is on the verge of rebooting.
W is 23, 666, 13-13, 32 and so on.
At the beginning of next week, the centaur, the archer will release an arrow in Capricorn, the lunar twins will open the western gates 404, the lunar autumn will end and spring will begin.
In the ass this world, I go home to Avalon.
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Although nonsensical to most I'll say it anyway: I find my life's purpose to be something that's been divinely bestowed on me. It was something of a revelation that I am not a human, but rather more similar to an object. However, because of this I have the ability to see what the true definition of humanity is, which is something that lies within the boundaries of conviction. The opposite of humanity is both the nature of the beast and the world; that being the natural flow. My outlook is simple: humanity is a good thing and the way of the beast/natural flow is a bad thing, so I will fight to create a world that orientates itself around true conviction, sacrifice and intent. These principles will become the seed for the setting populated near exclusively by true humans rather than psuedo-humans. Attempting and achieving this is the only way I can atone for the sin of being born with the trappings of a human shape with the innards of only an object. Though if all goes well God will not forgive me no matter what I do, for I am forever underserving.
1. There are two certain things:
1.1. Something exists.
1.2. Something experiences something.
2. I assume that I have free will. 
The reasoning for this is as follows:
If I don't have free will - I have no control over anything, including assumptions that I make.
If I have free will I would be wrong to assume otherwise.
3. I care enough about epistemology to make sure I understand reality as much as I can.
4. I do what I want.
Replies: >>1481
Agreed, except for the free will. I pretend we have free will, but I know we don't.
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>>462 (OP) 
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!
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