/abs/ - Absurdism

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How to perform right actions when you can't see past your reality grid?
SHould this farmer have been shot for shoving a beer bottle up his ass?
Idk its not like accidents dont happen. Doing what you think is right works most of the time, it's not like we can aim for 100% anyway.
Morality is more of a risk management system. There is no reason to hold onto some scripture to decide evil for you.
You can be like the wild animals, amoral.
Amorality is my preferred way of dealing with situations. It is the realpolitik of ethics. You don't bite the hand that feeds you and you don't lick the boot that kicks you.
historians are the ultimate judge of morality. 
they connect cause and effect so freely without considering the complexities of the existenial dynamic. 
like all authority. 
it is their job to spin a believable story to maintain their standing amonst the "learned" community. 
you cannot understand your life and live it at the same time
unless you dig on reflecting on all the should haves or could haves or the only ifs or what ifs. 
decide and develop your values
even though they will invariably lead to your death.
but thats okay
we are all creatures of habits
habits that end up killing us in the end.
What is right if not the symbol of a constructed world? Do you want to live in a constructed world erisanon? Do you like geometry that much?
Replies: >>537
(194KB, 760x788)
>Do you like geometry that much?
Yes I do
My only rule that continues to hold is "Don't fuck with free will"
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