/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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> clip my nails
> they grow back
Replies: >>561 >>644
to jefferson at four
shave my head
less and less grows back with each passing year
>clip your nails
>have a tasty snack
>keep having a good time
> pulled my teeth out
> they don't grow back
Replies: >>565 >>569
sisyphus trolley problem.png
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You are doing it wrong, I did it as a kid and it grew back.
Replies: >>570
I did it to a kid and they made me pay a fine :c
Exactly, we should just accept who we are as human beings and grow really really long nails.

Let me ask you something. Why are we ashamed of being "human"? Like this board has a point with poo. Under the right circumstances, I should be extruding the equivalent of cookie dough, why cant I shit out cookie dough and make cookies, that would be nice, but unfortunately we dont view it like that yet
Replies: >>645
Scientists haven't discovered the right ingredients to eat for your digestive tract to output cookie dough. I've heard they've made progress but it's more like gnocchi.
Replies: >>647 >>649 >>650
>they've made progress
I never saw the final sequence of The Human Centipede trilogy, but this is a perfect example of why you shouldn't eat raw cookie dough or raw gnocchi.
Replies: >>649
You know what your problem is, youre actually against chaos, and for order, this is your problem, and you see, you ruin it, oh look, you want things to be fake and organized, fine, this is your choice, but then what happens you fucking faggot, you just create more bullshit, and its not even real, youre the problem with society, always remember that, and youre even against key foundational values of chaos and discordianism to begin with, not a great sale Maury
and you know what I fucking hate about you especially, you might as well be google you fucking faggot, this is what you are, nothing more, just another dick sucking big data faggot, you know what you are
Replies: >>652
Stay mad, nerd.
Replies: >>653
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Why are you so stupid, is that it, is that your almighty response to my claims, wow, youre still a faggot! Love ya!
Replies: >>654
Unless you are a man but then I don't know why you would use that picture. If that' sthe case I lub u 2.
Replies: >>655 >>674
Gender identification tests for people posting anime-girls is what the trans agenda wants to happen.
Replies: >>663
new rule: all anime girls must come with a picture of the genitalia of the poster
>but what if it's a feminine penis or a masculine vagine?
then the penis will be wearing a dress and the vagine will be driving a truck. CHrist people get with the times.
Replies: >>666
I will put my penis in a kilt.

And you know what the best part of this plan is?
No-one can stop me.
Replies: >>667 >>671 >>676
Best GET is wasted on this gay post. At least post your penis(wearing a kilt) now that you wasted this perfect GET.
Replies: >>669
Discussing about dressing dicks in cute clothes is never a waste, grow up nudedick.
Replies: >>671
it has been SEVERAL MINUTES since this get and still no kilt dick.
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me gusta mucho
We are the future, this is it, Michael Jackson is a prophet, we are black and white, its quite fantastic, we have vision, and there is no escape from our love for humanity, you must play our game
>Number of The Beast trips
>posted on exactly 10 o'clock p.m. on Mungday (server time I guess)
>still didn't post pics of kilt wearing pp
I think Satan himself posted this
Replies: >>678 >>680
Erischan is set to GMT time for some reaSon
Replies: >>681
Or no-one successfully stopped that entity from putting its penis in a kilt
Replies: >>705
I think it's reverse psychology.
Replies: >>706
Was is Satan though?
nah it's literally the fact that i'd have to implement the DDate conversion in Javascript to be able to translate it to local time.
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>drink water
>have to pee it out
>thirsty again
Replies: >>786 >>789 >>790
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I tried to solve this problem but everyone assumed I was being sexual in public.
Replies: >>787
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trying your best to solve the riddles of life and end up getting put on a watch list, a tale as old as time
Replies: >>789
my precious....jpeg
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The most devious commie plot of all.
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