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Why do people need freedom?
Why do people find enjoyment in annoyingly loud parties? In drinking until they embarrass themselves? In taking drugs until they're stupid?
Not partaking in these activities shouldn't even be considered abstaining, as there's little to nothing to be gained from partaking in the first place.
How does someone work themselves up over a social interaction? Aspects like body language and proper communication are more like rituals or protocols reserved for mating and standing ground than anything else.
Why did we evolve to have such a dependency on such trivial things?
Replies: >>643
Are you bothered by such things often? Socialization doesn't come to all people naturally and there's nothing to be ashamed about. For some partying is just a respomse to the fucked up world we live in. Like why not fuck up your brain with drugs if the alternative is constantly brooding about dumb shit. Then again, more stable happiness is more easily obtained while sober, but that's not in any way an easy task.

Question isn't what is the normal way to be, seek happiness or whatever. People finding their way here are all in their own ways weirdos, misfits and crazy people. More than often that means that the one size fits all deluxe package life isn't the right way for us. Stop worrying about people, they'll be fine.
Replies: >>573
I don't worry about people, but they still worry me.
Even misfits need other people to a certain extent. I'd need an erisian people to be able to be appropriately normal/strange.
Replies: >>574
Ah, I see. Is there any local stuff happening nearby?
Replies: >>575
what do you mean?
Replies: >>576
If you aren't living alone in an island in the middle of the sea, there is surely humans weird enough reasonably close by.
Replies: >>577
Oh no I didn't mean it like that. I don't care to come close to humans, it's just that i still require civilization. Preferably I'd have that civilization made up of erisians, is what i mean. It's not about humans, it's about the culture and habits you have to live amongst.
Replies: >>578
Ah, so a different culture wouldn' make humans any more bearable, but would make aquiring the necessary stuff from them less annoying because all the hellothankyoubye feels empty?
Replies: >>579
It's not even that, I just want to live in an interesting culture where people hold various fervent beliefs rather than antipathy.
I'd go to town square if there was a statue of Eris watching over it, that sort of thing.
Replies: >>580
In my experience people tend to be weird and believe in weird things. Yea, there are culturally transmitted social situations which are boring and repetitive (for a reason), but outside of those, like in parties, people get much less one dimensional. Tbh many parties also are just a culturally transmitted social situation, so it all depends on the percentage of cabbages present. True gift is the ability to transmutate such routine situations into something genuine, and discordianism gives us powerful tools to achieve that. There won't be a statue of Eris if nobody makes it happen.
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>statue of Eris
If the Jesuits could get away with the statue in this picture, you'd think it wouldn't be that hard to convince some school somewhere to put up a statue of Eris.
Replies: >>582
>some school somewhere
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Wow, really? 

You dont even assume that we're like God experience ourselves in all possible differences and oppositions orways of conflict in order to make ourselves stronger through manifesting as individual beings who have different preferences, wow, what a neophyte, heh, heh, heh, sorry kiddo
Replies: >>677
You sound like a gorilla ooh ooh ahh ahh go touch some grass and get sum bitches
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If you knock on the car with a sledgehammer and burn down the house, they won't get better! The human body also does not recover from serious damage!
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