/abs/ - Absurdism

You are Sisyphus, this board is your boulder.

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We are composed of dead organisms, and when we die we will decompose and recompose as parts of newer organisms.

We basically survive through the consumption of other organisms. We absorb nutrients from them: carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, vitamins and so on. These are the building blocks of their existence, and now these become the building blocks of our existence, embedded in our bodies for the continuation of our survival.

When we die, we become nutrients to other organisms, we are decomposed, mainly by bacteria if we are buried underground. These bacteria will be eaten by bigger bacteria, then moving up the food chain, from protozoans up to birds and reptiles and mammals of any kind. 

If we are cremated, the carbon atoms of our bodies fuse with oxygen atoms and are released as CO or CO2. They will be absorbed by plants or photosynthetic microorganisms, which converts CO2 to carbohydrates. They will be eaten by other organisms, moving up the food chain.

Hence, after we die, we go back to the food web, and every little part of us becomes a part of another living organism. Therefore, after we die, we somehow go back to many newer life forms in such a way, consisting a small part of each newer life form.
Replies: >>1291
I'm gonna shoot my corpse into the sun. No fucker is gonna get my HARD EARNED molecules, that's for sure.
Replies: >>607 >>611
>shoot corpse into sun
>get atomized
>various light atoms get nuclear fusionated and emit photons that feed plants
>10 billion years later when the sun is just a cold lump of heavy metals some spacefaring race comes and mines ur body for iron
so it goes.
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>You're a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust, what do you have to be scared of?
>And the rest is rust and stardust
we are more like a SCOBY 
consider that theres something like 2 lbs of bacteria in your gut.
the same bacteria in your gut.
is also in your brain.
your gut also produces serotonin an important neurotransmitter
theres alot of research in your guts biome and how its affect on mental illness like depressionm anxiety and even autism
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i thought i felt dead inside
>richfag pretends they earned their inheritance
every time
Replies: >>631
seethe more and keep toiling, working class grunt
Replies: >>632
Come on man, slack ain't gonna give itself.
>We are composed of dead organisms
Speak for yourself.
Replies: >>639
Tbh yea how about all the living organism we consist of? Overemphasizing the contributions dead folks put in and forgetting the living ignores the present pain and suffering you could actually do something about.
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All the water you've ever drank was once dinosaur piss.

>Enter from stage right, the old disgruntled pharaoh, who still believes in eternity, is arguing with his holy high priests over the matter of death
Hey ho! Nay I say!
For my bod will not rot!
For down in the round ground, my bod,
Wrapped in fairest taffeta and silk,
Canoptics of gold to hold the organs,
A sarcophagus a twix with crystal,
Shall be the basin of me and shroud.
A form held static in sacred honey.
Sugar to preserve, which bars entry,
And keeps the pestilence away.
Entombed herein the walls of granite
Neath these halls of stone.
Buried and forgotten, until…
Rediscovered again millennia hence
To be dug up from above, 
My soul in holy office then descends
And I will arise, resurrected
By the extra-terrestrial hand.
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