/abs/ - Absurdism

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let us make a list of scientific facs which would make a person an absurdist. stuff like:
>atoms are mostly empty space
>bacterial humanity
>hedonic treadmill
>models of the universe such as poincare recurrence(eternal return)
>abiogenesis(we all exist by an infinitely small chance)
>You could in theory have any number of toes

What happens if you add discordian as prefix to scientific disciplines as in discordian chemistry, discordian economics, or discordian gender studies?
So basically a sort of induced depersonalization? That sounds interesting.
Explaining sociological phenomenon usually gets me.
Like how our entire structure of social life would crumble if sex didn't feel good.
>oxygen kills you(but not breathing kills you quicker)
>dry fasting makes you live longer(but dehydration kills you in 3 days)
Replies: >>720
>there is no absolute frame of reference, everything is relative
Replies: >>688
>life existed before humans and will exist after
Not really true in the time axis, universe is very shit at being homogenous in that regard.
Replies: >>689 >>692
>some infinities are bigger than others, and there is no biggest infinity

>>we all exist by an infinitely small chance
all events are infinitely unlikely, yet events happen. Ponder that one why don't ya.
it doesn't have anything to do with homogeneity, the point of reference frame stuff is that physics is consistent regardless of where you take measurements.
>yet events happen
Bullshit. Name one.
imagine thinking time is linear
>Math skills of women are directly related to the women's right index, the skill gap between genders vanishing in more equal countries, or even reversing in iceland which scores the best on the women's right index.
Replies: >>709
Is that index finger length, thickness, or what?
Replies: >>710
Hmm I don't really know. The numbers don't make sense if it isn't some combination sum of different attributes. I'd imagine the middle would have much more correlation.
>>dry fasting makes you live longer(but dehydration kills you in 3 days)
Is this real or are you just trying to trick me into not drinking water?
Replies: >>721
just dehydrate for 2 days and drink water.
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food goes in the mouth 
and poop comes out the butt

water goes into dirt to make soup
root slup soup
leaves take sunlight
which is green
yet the sky is blue
and its bigger than any leaf
Replies: >>723
That tiny guy running over ATP synthase is named Jeff. He's the reason your cell know how to transport stuff between the organelles. Isn't nature amazing?
Replies: >>777
>the universe is a self-created,un-escapable causal loop
>sleep is needed because our brain is dumb enough to produce toxins all the waking time
>dollars are just colored papers
Replies: >>758 >>780
>dollars are just colored papers
jeff is a good guy and deserves more credit for all the overtime he puts in
>dollars are just colored papers
Live in a better place where they are just colored polymers. They're the modern day gem stones.
But most of my dollars are just bits  on computers I don't own, and those computers think I have negative 400•000 dollars. How do I put that on a piece of colored paper?
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There's a tiny guy on a treadmill in your stomach who runs and makes you move.

No but actually, the fact that humans are the only species out of tens of thousands on earth to develop complex language. Me not being able to talk to my cat seems like some kinda sick joke.
Replies: >>1263
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>there's people in the world
oh shit
you can fuck your own hand if you want to
Replies: >>1269
We can leave your friends behind, 'cause your friends don't fuck their own hands and if they don't fuck their own hands, well, they're no friends of mine!
Replies: >>1270
men with hats.jpg
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Replies: >>1276
what you can also do is take a plastic bag and some hair conditioner and you can just slide the plastic bag into whatever hole you feel like…..
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