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Popes I can feel the existential crisis approaching, what do I do??
Replies: >>700 >>711
Embrace the absurd and create your own purpose, since there isn't one engraved into the universe.
There's one thing Camus was wrong about, which is the nullification of your efforts in death.
Your ideas will live on long after death. Otherwise I wouldn't be refuting Camus right now.
Yeah I can feel the heat too Pope.
>I can feel the existential crisis approaching, what do I do??
Experience it, learn from it and move to another crisis (unless you have found a solid existential foundation)
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This image is retarded. Calling Taoism "life denying" is one of the dumbest fucking things ive ever heard.
Replies: >>703
Yeah, definitely not made by someone who knows Taoism well
Absurdly enough I have read at least one of the listed books from each category except for absurdism.
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Turns out my hip flexor muscles were just sore. Now that they recovered, I feel wonderful!
the real answer is chaos of bumper car tea cup roller coaster log rides, but only with the correct answers for order
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If you see an existential crisis approaching you can either.
treat it as a guest in your home. 
cat call it and try to pick it up for a one night stand. 
or avoid it like the homeless man in the street begging for change.
Replies: >>713
Once an existential crisis has noticed you and is paying attention to you, additional strategies can help prevent the situation from escalating.
- Identify yourself by talking calmly. Remain still; stand your ground but slowly wave your arms.
- Pick up small children immediately.
- Travel in groups. Groups of people are usually noisier and smellier than a single person.
- Make yourselves look as large as possible (for example, move to higher ground).
- Do NOT allow the existential crisis access to your food. Getting your food will only encourage the existential crisis and make the problem worse for others.
- If the existential crisis is stationary, move away slowly and sideways; this allows you to keep an eye on the existential crisis and avoid tripping. Do NOT climb a tree.
Replies: >>714
Bullshit advice, when i tried to pick up small children their parents tried to call police soo i had to run. The worst part is existantial crisis still followed. Now i have a kidnapped child in the basement and i want to KMS because nothing ever matters.
Replies: >>715
oh gode dammit you're suppose to put them down before the parents seohfor fucks sake cabbage this is why we dont let cabbage in
Replies: >>716 >>719
You know this shit happens if you don't make the instructions excruciatingly detailed. Then we could at least shame the cabbage for skipping over the important part.
Replies: >>718
Never feed an existential crisis after midnight, but if you've got someone trapped in your basement you should feed them often. There is no need to be rude and rules of hospitality should still apply.
Replies: >>719
I bet this cabbage forgot to slowly wave the arms and tried climbing a tree.
Replies: >>719

OFC i feed my –perisoner– guest. I am a erisian, not a barbarian.

I waved my hands slowly and i didn't climb a tree, i had a child on me that actively tried to escape and police on my back, how could i climb a tree?
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